






SMAQ | Agnes-Hundoegger-Weg

2020-04-01 发布
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The Apartment building Agnes-Hundoegger-Wegis a project of densification in the context of inner urban periphery. It issituated within a heterogeneous city block on a plot formerly used by a plantnursery, south of the city centre of Hanover (Germany). The block is locatedbetween the 19th century urban fabric of Hanover’s South, a large brewery, acemetery and a lake. It consists of a school area, one and two-storysingle-family houses as well as apartment buildings from the 1970s and 1990sand remaining structures of the nursery.

The new building ensemble asserts aspace-forming gravity with the capacity to bind together its disperseenvironment. Four cubic volumes are playfully placed in the space among theheterogeneous building stock of the surrounding area and moved as close aspossible together, such that three volumes partially merge with one another andone stands somewhat apart.
In spite of the high urban density andlimited site, the four compact building volumes formulate exciting and wellusable open spaces with different qualities: an entry plaza as a welcome area,three open garden courtyards, a playground and a footpath between the clusterof three and the standalone building. These spaces allow the sun to penetratedeep into the interior of the buildings and create ever-changing perspectivesand views.

Each of the volumes has a spacious, centralinterior circulation. Arranged around this core is a zone with the servingrooms of the apartments as well as installation and elevator shafts. Betweenthis serving ring and the façade the ceiling spans freely enabling flexiblefloor plans. Where the building volumes overlap, large 3-bedroom apartmentswith special spatial qualities are situated. The living room is a kind of "bridgespace" that is opens up to two of the garden courtyards.

All openings are designed floor-to-ceilingand open mostly onto balconies, terraces or exits, so that each apartment isprovided with spacious open spaces.
Covered outdoor spaces adjoin theentrances. An open hall and a colonnade raised from the ground connect the circulations.For the residents they are spaces of informal encounter.
A basement connects all four the buildingsand cores. It contains an underground car park, bicycle parking and storageboxes.

In terms of material, the building ensembleblends into the surroundings characterized by red brick, but emphasizes itsindependence through clear cubic shapes. The facades created of bricks areconceived as space frames with panels that seemingly slide within, conveying aglimpse of lightness that contrasts the heaviness of the brick materiality. Allfacades are composed of similar elements but without duplicating identicalelevations. The entire ensemble stops short above the ground, so that it seemsto hover over the ground and only be docked on to the firmly grounded entranceplateau. The brick-red grout enhances the monolithic expression of thebuildings. It emphasizes the texture of the facades that are composed ofrecessed areas with pattern of sticking-out header bricks inside the evenspace-frame structure. That creates a play of shadows moving with ever-changinglight conditions and renders the facades alive. The facade design intentionallymakes no distinction between privately owned condominiums and social housing.

这四栋建筑组成了13至18个住宅单元的社区,共有63套公寓,分布在四个楼层中,全部符合德国 kfw 55能源效率标准。 除了南部建筑中的12套独立公寓外,在其他3栋建筑中还有出租公寓,其中40% 由政府出资,60% 为中等收入群体出资。 公寓面积从一居室到三居室不等,面积在45到115平方米之间。它们形成了一个包容性的居住社区。
The four buildings form communities withthirteen to eighteen residential units with a total of 63 apartments on fourfloors, all of which meet German energy efficiency standards KfW 55. Inaddition to twelve condominiums in the separately placed southern building,there are rental apartments in the three-part building, 40% of which arepublicly funded and 60% for middle income groups. The apartment sizes rangefrom one- to three-bedroom apartments between 45 and 115 square meters. One ofthe four structures is fully inhabited by an inclusive living group.


客户:Theo Gerlach Wohnungsbau-Unternehmen
团队:Andreas Quednau, Sabine Müller, Daniel Gross, Desislav Drenski, Lisa Thrainer, Lorenzo Ciccu, Niccolò Cozzi, Silke Heydasch, Aryn Machell, Jorge Valiente Oriol
景观设计:lad+ landschaftsarchitektur diekmann
结构工程设计:Furche Geiger Zimmermann

Plot Area: 5.333 m²
Floor Area: 5.835 m²
Location:Hannover, Germany
Client:Theo Gerlach Wohnungsbau-Unternehmen
Team:Andreas Quednau, Sabine Müller, Daniel Gross, Desislav Drenski, Lisa Thrainer, Lorenzo Ciccu, Niccolò Cozzi, Silke Heydasch, Aryn Machell, Jorge Valiente Oriol
Landscape architecture:lad+ landschaftsarchitektur diekmann
Structural engineer:Furche Geiger Zimmermann

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