As gadgets get updatedfaster and cheaper, we're starting to get rid of our old ones. These seeminglyoutdated electronics are called e-waste. After recycling, e-waste can obtaingreat economic value, such as reusable components, precious metals andrecyclable plastics. However, due to the lack of adequate governmentsupervision and regulations, e-waste has been gradually imported from westerndeveloped countries to China in large quantities after the reform and openingup. In the late 1980s and early1990s, Guiyu, a town in Guangdong province, has started the business ofdismantling e-waste, and the number of people participating in the business isgrowing because it is so profitable. At the same time, e-waste from abroadbegan to enter Guiyu in large quantities through transshipment points inShenzhen, Guangzhou and Nanhai. The traditional industry of collecting andprofiting waste has really developed into the main business of Guiyu people: alarge area of land has been abandoned, and 80% of families in Guiyu town haveparticipated in this industry and accumulated wealth rapidly through thisindustry. However, in order to savecosts, the family workshops in Guiyu often adopt the most direct and primitiveway to dismantle electronic waste. While bringing huge profits to the residentsof Guiyu town, the electronic dismantling industry has inevitably causedserious environmental pollution, especially to the soil, groundwater and air:guiyu's water resources have been completely contaminated with heavy metals andthe food grown is inedible. How to use landscapearchitecture to repair local pollution and create a sustainable town? Thisproject analyzes the disposal process of e-waste in Guiyu Town, the harm ofe-waste to landscape and community, and the future development trend of GuiyuTown. Three different land types, farmland, river and urban area, are selectedto plan restoration and development into three stages to show the designstrategy of each stage.