住宅完全由彩色混凝土建造,门窗以及女儿墙的边框均采用了氧化黄铜,暴露的材质为建筑增添了一丝质朴的气息。独特的多边形体量为建筑赋予了强大的存在感,同时使建筑与周边环境形成对话。 Built entirely in pigmented deactivated exposed concrete, and with oxidized brass frames, the volume rests on the ground with a specific geometry, committed to the multiple environments that gravitate around it.
住宅坐落在花园平台上,the house is located on a platform
多边形的体量使建筑与周围环境形成对话,The polygonal volume creates a dialogue between the building and its surroundings
彩色混凝土立面与黄铜门窗边框,pigmented deactivated exposed concrete, and with oxidized brass frames
客厅部分的玻璃幕墙外观细部, exterior details of the opening glass door of the living space
花园位于室外平台之上,放眼望去,花岗岩砌筑的游泳池仿佛消隐于花园平台之中。 The flat garden consists on a platform from where the granitic swimming pool was subtracted.
花园平台与室外泳池,Garden platform with outdoor pool
泳池细部,detail of the pool
宽敞通透的冬季花房构成了2号住宅的主要公共生活空间,二层通高的体量确保了室内外空间之间的紧密联系。 Its communal space is a generous double-height winter garden, which ensures the transition between the intimacy of the rooms and the outdoor space.
主要公共空间概览,overview of the communal space
客厅,living room
客厅细部,detail of the living room
厨房与书房体量较小并与室内交通流线直接相连。木制的橱柜与米白的墙面以及混凝土地面形成鲜明的对比,这些橱柜不仅是空间中的亮点,同时也增强了墙面的保温性能。 The kitchen and the library are small spaces directly related to the circulation and characterized by their thermally modif
书房 -木制书架与墙面以及地面形成鲜明对比,the library – thermally modified wooden cabinets that contrasts with the tadelakt finished walls and the concrete pavement
厨房,the kitchen
卧室的平面呈现出向外扩张的梯形,温暖的地毯、柔和的tadadelakt防水墙面,以及浴室中的定制威尼斯水磨石元素营造出和谐的室内氛围,在最大程度上保证了居住者的舒适度。 The bedrooms, with a trapezoidal floor plan, expand to the outside and guarantee maximum comfort though the carpeted floor, walls covered in tadelakt and custom-made venetian terrazzo elements which make up the bathroom spaces.
卧室入口空间,entrance of the bedroom
卧室入口细部,detail of the bedroom’s door
由卧室看步入式衣帽间与水磨石材质的浴室,viewing the walk-in closet and the terrazzo bathroom
楼梯与二层入口平台,the staircase and the entrance of upper floor
门把手细部,detail of the handrail
总平面图,master plan