本帖最后由 王牟涵 于 2017-7-11 14:29 编辑
设计描述 Design description
展示性装置空间:灵感来源于镜像空间以及现代人在使用空间时所需的私密性和共享性,通过两种不同材质切割长方形场地,形成对称空间。改变分割空间材质的透明程度将空间分为私密空间,半私密空间以及开放空间。使空间利用更合理有效。同时几何形状的拼接配合纯色和透明材质,富有现代感。 Design topic is the enantiomorphous interspace, embodied by symmetry with diagonal line as the axis made by two kinds of materials. What we have created is a geometric installation space full of modern sense, separated by transparent and non-transparent spaces and divided into three sections: open exhibition space, semi-open sight-view space and private rest space, for the purpose of reasonable application of space for better life.
用户体验User experience
装置空间中每个被分割的空间都有各自的功能,人们可以根据自己的需求选择所处的位置,并且透明材质的使用和穿插交错的空间构造,形成动态的空间感受,身在其中会感到轻松,明快。 In our installation space, we hope functions vary in different areas where people can choose their location at their own request. Application of transparent materials, intersected and interlaced spatial structure, and dynamic spatial form bring users easy and lively feeling.
人流疏散 人流方面,利用旋转门的圆柱形框架结构 ,将框架结构至于空间节点上来实现空间的相通。同时为了避免不同空间的人同时使用旋转门发生不便,旋转门处的材质选择采用透明。
After crowd evacuating, we use a cylindrical frame structure similar o revolving door to be placed in space joint for the realization of a flowing space.
迁移策略 Transfer strategy
材料方面使用白色和透明PVC板。廉价且移动方便。 Material: white and transparent PVC board
安装:外部PVC板之间的连接利用榫卯结构,使用硅胶材质圆柱形状胶塞,通过材料间摩擦力连接板与板,在场地进行安装。 Installation: silica gel material cylindrical rubber plug used in exterior, plates connected through friction between materials for installation at site.
预算:材料约2000人民币 Budget: material fee: RMB 2000;
图a为半封闭休息空间 ,通过透明PVC墙面可观看其他地区的展品。一杯咖啡或、一次洽谈或是一本杂志都可以实现。图b是一个私密性较强的休息区,图a区域相比 ,我们在透明的材质的一面贴了反光膜 。利用空间的亮度差异让人们在b区可以看见a区的人在做什么,而a区的人则因为反光看不见b区 ,从而让空间富有层次感,私密的同时增添了趣味性。也是设计的亮点所在。
Picture a shows a semi-open space where people can view exhibits in other areas through transparent PVC walls here, as well as a resting area where people can read, chat and rest. Picture b shows a private rest area where we have added tapetum lucidum to transparent materials compared with the first area. By using luminance differences in spaces, people in area b can see what people in area a are doing but cannot be seen reversely due to reflection of light so as to bring a sense of layering to the space.
装置中的两个半开放性的空间,其中摆放了座椅作为点缀调节整体色彩同时提高空间利用率。图c、f都设有两层透明PVC板作为墙壁,可以将要展示的海报和或作品放置在两块透明板之间,来让大家观赏。这两个区域内人们可以休息,观赏展览和洽谈。 These are two semi-open spaces where seats are equipped at the side of installation materials so as to improve space utilization and strengthen the clear and neat appearance of the space. Two layers of transparent PVC plates are equipped in areas shown in picture c and f, were posters and artworks to be exhibited can be put inside for people’s view. So viewers can rest, chat and enjoy the exhibition in these two areas. Also, we can put exhibits inside to attract more people to watch.
这是两个开放性入口空间,并没有过多的设置,有助于人流的疏散。狭长的空间配置很大的一面展示墙,类似于画廊的性质,人们在走进装置的同时,观赏展板的内容,作为外部空间与装置内的过渡空间,同时展板的设计使装置空间更具有吸引力。 These are two open spaces where no seats are equipped for the convenience of crowd evacuation. We have set a huge display wall in this narrow space for exhibition so that the space looks like an art gallery.