






三文建筑 | 809兵工厂遗址改造——酒店

2020-08-12 发布
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本帖最后由 赵立娇 于 2020-8-12 16:41 编辑

从篮球场看新建大堂、环形展厅和橙色酒廊©此间建筑/New-built lobby, circular exhibition gallery and orange passage to breakfast field©arch-inbetween

1.Background and original appearance:abandoned for a long time, but with great potential

The 809 factory is located in Xialao Creek,the suburb of Yichang City, Hubei Province, China, which is about 30 minutes’drive from downtown. Once a military factory, it was gradually shut down andabandoned in the 1990s. The project covers an area of about 3 hectares and aconstruction area of about 13000 square meters. The new function is a resorthotel and parent-child activity center. The purpose of the project is toprotect and show the original appearance of the buildings and form a new usefunction through the transformation and reuse of the abandoned factory, so asto revive the abandoned industrial facilities and help those enter the contemporarylife.

▽809厂区鸟瞰©宋金戈/Bird's-eye view of 809 factory area©Jinge Song

The 809 factory is located in a canyon withkarst landform, large site height difference and complex geological conditions.The canyon is named Xialao Creek, with beautiful and comfortable environment.It is one of the best summer resorts for Yichang citizens. There are streams inthe canyon, with water flowing all year round, and the water quality isexcellent, suitable for swimming and leisure. Before the renovation, there hadbeen a large number of farmhouses and small resorts in the area. The 809factory is located in the middle part of Xialao Creek, which is closely relatedto the stream and has a good natural environment and industrial foundation.

场地原貌/Original appearance of site

The 809 factory used to be an importantmilitary factory in the western region, mainly producing gas masks. Before thetransformation, the factory had been shut down for a long time, during which itwas also rented to private enterprises. All the machinery in the plant has beenremoved, leaving only the building itself. In the survey, architects found thatthe existing buildings are mainly divided into three categories: workshops withlarge space span, equipment rooms with medium scale, such as boiler house, anddormitories and office buildings with small space scale. The original buildingconstruction period is from 1950s to 1970s, mainly in the form of brickconcrete precast floor structure. The construction technology includes rubblemasonry, brick wall, precast concrete floor. Most of them are not in line withthe current building laws and regulations, and need to be strengthened andreprocessed. But on the other hand, it is these construction traces indifferent periods that produce great cultural value, reflecting the historicalmemory and architectural cultural value of the old third line factory in thatperiod. The design needs to retain most of the facade of the original building,but also to meet the new use and regulatory requirements, which brings greatdifficulties to the design.

2.Design principles and ideas

Through the reconstruction of the oldthird-front factory site, the design hopes to give new life to the space andrevive it from the abandoned state. Under the dual function of new businessform and new space, the owners and architects hope to reconstruct a new 809factory. After reconstruction, it will become the first choice of Yichangcitizens for short-term vacation, and provide a delicate living place withtaste and tonality for the city.

新建大堂©此间建筑/New-built lobby©arch-inbetween

The design starts from the site planning,considers the integration of architecture, interior, landscape and lighting,retains the industrial characteristics and historical information of theoriginal building to the maximum extent, and carries out transformation andreuse. First of all, the design protected the industrial heritages andpreserved the original appearance of the buildings through structuralreinforcement and other measures. After that, the original building spaces wereselectively used to implant new functions, incl. changing the originaldormitory into hotel rooms, the original boiler-house into auditorium, theoriginal office building and equipment rooms into restaurant, reception center,etc. On this basis, new public buildings are set up at important nodes of thesite to form space and visual anchor points, such as hotel lobby, book bar atthe entrance of the area, tea bar at the top of the cliff, and so on. The newbuilding and the old building are deliberately distinguished in form andmaterial, forming a dramatic dialogue relationship, and clearly indicating thespatial characteristics and architectural language of the two differenthistorical stages.

▽新建大堂插入老建筑和环境中©此间建筑/New-built lobby embedded into environment and old buildings©arch-inbetween

▽客房保留了原始的红砖立面©此间建筑/The guest room retains the original red brick facade©arch-inbetween

The main trees in the site are reserved,and the construction of new buildings avoided the trees, forming a symbioticrelationship with the trees. The lighting treatment at night continues thethinking of architectural design, which, based on the overall tranquility,focuses on the treatment of building nodes. 3000K warm white light is used inguest room area while 4000K neutral white light in public area.

从中餐厅入口位置看大堂和展厅©此间建筑/ Lobby and circular exhibition hall viewed from entrance of Chinese restaurant©arch-inbetween

3.Guest rooms: traffic arrangement andspace reorganization

The guest room is transformed from thedormitory of the original factory. There are 4 original dormitories, which arearranged in parallel from north to south. Their construction dates are notcompletely the same, which brings great uncertainty to the reconstruction.First of all, the four buildings are not the same in structure. There are twenty-fourbrick walls, hollow brick walls and gravel filled walls, and the floor slab isprefabricated trough slab. In addition, there are as many as ten kinds of roomlayout. Based on making full use of the original physical space, how to meetthe needs of hotel rooms, to meet the current norms, and to meet the safetyrequirements, are the difficulty and pain of this part of the design work.

完整保留原有山墙,中间增加新的交通©此间建筑/The historic exterior walls of the original building well-preserved with new traffic construction added©arch-inbetween

For the two dormitories close to thehillside in the East, the original traffic organization mode is retained in thedesign, that is, the vertical traffic in the middle of the building and theexternal corridor in the west of the building; then, in the connection part ofthe two buildings, some dormitory rooms are removed, vertical stairs andelectric ladders are added, and public space is removed. The dormitory buildingon the south side was transformed into a Youth Hostel, while the dormitorybuilding on the north side was transformed into standard guest rooms. On theone hand, such treatment is based on the number of rooms, on the other hand,because these two buildings do not have a broad vision, they are positioned asaffordable rooms.

▽青年旅社外观©此间建筑/Exterior of youth hostel©arch-inbetween

▽青年旅舍室内©此间建筑/Interior ofyouth hostel©arch-inbetween

The two dormitories on the west side have awide view to the West and can see the peaks opposite the streams and canyons,which have a high market value. However, the horizontal traffic of the originalbuilding is located on the west side, which is in conflict with the viewsurface of the future guest rooms. Therefore, the architect adjusted the newtraffic to the east side of the building, and set up new stairs, elevators andexternal corridors. The original corridors have been demolished and newbalconies have been built to increase the indoor area and provide customerswith a more comfortable viewing experience. The rooms on the north side arestandard rooms, and the balconies are asymmetric trapezoid, in groups of two,forming a rhythmic facade; the rooms on the south side are suites, withbalconies alternately distributed, changing the original dormitory building'srigid facade. The white part of the new building, in contrast to the red brickand rubble of the original building, shows the characteristics of differentperiods.

客房与大堂的新旧对比©此间建筑/New and old contrast between guest rooms and lobby©arch-inbetween

First of all, the structure of the guestrooms has been strengthened, and toilets are added, to meet the safety andbasic functional requirements of the hotel. In order to reflect the historicalinformation of the old third line factory, the roofs of some rooms retain theoriginal slot boards, and the wall surfaces also expose part of the originalwall surfaces at specific locations. Because the overall positioning of thehotel does not belong to luxury hotel, it is simple in decoration and furnitureselection, and industrial style products deliberately are chosen, echoing thetheme of the whole region.

▽西侧客房,新加的阳台和小院©此间建筑/Guest rooms on the western side, with new-added balconies and yards©arch-inbetween

▽客房室内©此间建筑/Interior ofguest room©arch-inbetween

4.Lobby: using body blocks to createregional signs

The lobby of the hotel is newly built. Itis located between the four guest buildings and the western restaurant, whichacts as a barrier and transformation between public areas and private areas.The building is divided into two layers, which are composed of four buildingblocks interpenetrating with each other. The first floor is the lobby of thehotel, including the functions of front desk, waiting area and so on. Throughthe orange lounge, the lobby space is connected with the third floor of thewestern restaurant. On the second floor is the circular exhibition hall, whereactivities and exhibitions can be held. From the first floor to the secondfloor, you can not only take the indoor stairs, but also use the outdoor largestairs.

环形展厅与窗外绵延的山景©此间建筑/Circular exhibition hall and the continuous mountain scenery outside the window©arch-inbetween

▽建筑体块穿插形成奇特空间感受©此间建筑/Building blocks interspersed to form a unique space experience©arch-inbetween

According to architects, the new lobbyshould be the landmark of the new 809. It needs to be clearly captured from adistance and attract guests into the new 809 area. In order to achieve thisgoal, the architecture is deliberately designed with visual tension: superscale geometric blocks interpenetrate with each other, different materials andstrong colors collide, forming a visual and sensory experience different fromdaily life. The irregular form of the first floor lobby is not only related tothe site topography, but also avoids the original trees in the space. Thecircular exhibition hall on the second floor adopts the full glass curtainwall, which is "flying" over the first floor, providing users with a360 degree view. The crooked lounge is inserted into the building block of thewestern restaurant in the south, and lifted from the concrete steep ridge inthe north, forming a strong momentum. Its elevation is the same as that of thewestern restaurant on the third floor, which plays the traffic function ofconnecting the lobby and the early restaurant. The outer skin of the lounge iscovered with orange metal mesh, and the interior is also covered with orange,which emphasizes the building block and subverts the user's senses. Theslanting outdoor staircase is wrapped by dark brown metal skin, which becomes asquare tube leading into the sky. The round holes on the skin endow theinterior with rich light and shadow effects, creating a sense of"unreality". All these are different from the old third-front styleof the original 809 factory. The new and old buildings form a strong visualhedge, but it is precisely because of this hedge that the old ones are olderand the new ones are newer.

▽通向屋顶的大楼梯,表皮上的开孔形成丰富的光影效果©此间建筑/ Major steps leading from the lobby to the roof©arch-inbetween

▽斜向楼梯体块如同堆积木一般穿过圆环©此间建筑/Slanting staircase block passes through the ring like building blocks©arch-inbetween

In order to realize the special form oflobby architecture, architects and structural engineers have made greatefforts. The whole building is of steel structure. In order to get atransparent circular exhibition gallery as much as possible and ensure theindoor comfort of the first floor building, the circular exhibition hall issupported by three groups of giant steel columns, which are arranged at 120degrees, hidden in the service-oriented space and the lounge space of the lobbyrespectively, and cannot be detected from the outside. The circular exhibitionhall is supported by 9 sets of steel columns, which is placed on the firstfloor like a circular "box". The oblique large ladder and the tubesurrounding it are like a huge square column which is inserted in the ringobliquely, playing a traffic connection of different elevations. The fourbuilding blocks seem to rely on each other for stacking, but in fact, thestructure is independent and self-contained, which ensures the safety of thebuilding structure. The complex height difference, uncertain geologicalconditions (karst landform), the avoidance of the adjacent old buildingfoundation and the reservation of the original trees in the site all broughtgreat challenges to the project implementation process. Architects, structuralengineers and construction units faced and overcome these problems one by one,and finally completed the construction and expression of the complex buildingshape.

▽大堂室内©此间建筑/Interior of lobby©arch-inbetween

▽从环形展厅看斜向的大阶梯方筒©此间建筑/Squaretube of slanting big staircase viewed from circular exhibition hall©arch-inbetween

▽大堂剖透视/Profile perspective of lobby


The 809 factory is a miniature of thehistoric Third-Front arsenals in Western China. In 1950-60's, a large number ofmilitary factories were built in Western China, most of them are brick andstone structures, reflecting the characteristics of industrial buildings inWestern China in a specific era. With the development of China's economy andindustrial transformation in the 1990s, most of these arsenals have been shutdown and abandoned, but as a historical record, the architecture still hascultural value. This case is an attempt to maximize the activation of suchindustrial remains on the basis of protecting historical information.

After the transformation of China's formerindustrial relics, the main functions are cultural industrial parks and artparks. However, such functions are not applicable to the Industrial Relics innon-urban areas of China’s western regions. The new function of this case is aresort hotel, which is a special one in the transformation of Chinese factoriesin recent years, which is of great innovative significance for the reuse ofIndustrial relics in Western China.

▽鸟瞰©曹金军/Bird's-eye view of site©JinjunCao

▽轴测图/Axonometric drawing

▽总平面图/General site layout
大堂+西餐厅平面/lobby and western restaurant plan

东侧客房平面图/Eastern side guest room plan

西侧客房平面图/Western side guest room plan


Project data
Project name: Renovation of the 809 ArsenalRelics
Project type: A leisure park
Project address: Yichang City, HubeiProvince, China
Client: Yichang Traffic Tourism IndustryDevelopment Group Co., Ltd.
Architectural and interior design: 3andwichDesign / He Wei Studio
Landscape conception design: 3andwichDesign / He Wei Studio
Principal architects: He Wei, Chen Long
Design team: Zhao Zhuoran, Li Qiang, SongKe, Zhang Tianyan, Li Xinglu, Sang Wanchen, Wu Qiancheng(intern), HuangShilin(intern), Zhou Qi(intern), Li Wan(intern)
Structural consultant: Pan Congjian
Lighting design: Zhang Xin Studio at theArchitecture School of Tsinghua Universtiy
Lighting design team: Zhang Xin, HanXiaowei, Zhao Xiaobo, Wang Dan, Song Boyi, Tao Longjun
Design time: 2017
Completion time: April 2020
Site area: 30000㎡
Construction area: 12900㎡ (in total), 8300 ㎡ (hotel)
Architectural working drawings: BeijingVAGE Institute of Architectural Design & Planning Co., Ltd
Interior working drawings: BeijingHongshang International Design Co., Ltd

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