







2020-08-18 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-8-19 10:57 编辑


Lahofer Winery

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)远景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)远景

坐落在捷克共和国摩拉维亚乡村(Moravian)的拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery),其设计融合了本地悠久的葡萄酒传统和现代葡萄酒酿造工艺。它的主要结构包含游客中心、品酒室和各类葡萄酒生产设施,使建筑本身充分沉浸在自然景观之中,并与周围的葡萄树形成一种微妙的共生关系。
Nestled in theMoravian countryside, the design of the Lahofer Winery brings together a longstandingwine tradition and contemporary wine-making processes. Housing a visitorcenter, tasting room and production facilities, the structure immerses itselfin the landscape, achieving a subtle symbiosis with the surrounding vines.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

2020年8月5日,捷克共和国的多布采,由 CHYBIK + KRISTOF建筑事务所和城市设计师共同完成的捷克共和国拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)正式完工。它坐落于摩拉维亚(Moravian)乡村,将历史悠久的葡萄酒传统与当代技艺完美结合的同时,实现了和其周围自由生长的葡萄树们的生态对话。可以笃定的说,这一座建筑用它的构筑美学,通过将三个截然不同却又彼此联系的结构组合在一起:葡萄酒酿造设施,酿酒厂的行政基地,游客中心及毗邻的品酒室,真实而浪漫地呈现了现代葡萄酒酿造过程。
August 5, 2020(Dobšice, Czech Republic) – CHYBIK + KRISTOF ARCHITECTS & URBAN DESIGNERShave completed construction of the Lahofer Winery in the Czech Republic. Nestledin the Moravian countryside, the Lahofer Winery fuses the region’s longstandingwine tradition with a contemporary design in constant dialogue with thesurrounding vines. Reflective of modern wine-making processes, the buildingbrings together three distinct interconnected structures – a wine-makingfacility, the winery’s administrative base, and a visitor center and adjoiningtasting room.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)为了模仿该地区典型的酒窖,将拱顶建立在拱形梁的网格上;于是起伏连绵的屋顶,同时也作为向本地人以及来自世界各地的游客开放的,能够开展各类文化活动的露天剧场的巨大遮篷,不仅充当了能映射出古老的拱顶形态的镜子,亦是将酒庄更深层融入它所赖以生存的土壤和文化之中。
Emulating archetypalwine cellars of the region, the vault of the winery rests on a grid of archedbeams. Acting as a mirror of this shape, an undulant roof serves as an amphitheaterfor cultural events open to both locals and visitors, merging the winery intothe ground – and the culture – on which it rests.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

CHYBIK + KRISTOF对于打造这座建筑的灵感,其实起源于最初的拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)于漫漫历史长河中留存下来的“根本属性”——它是一座以其悠久的文化底蕴和对自然环境的深刻尊重作为核心价值的酒庄。于是为响应摩拉维亚的地形和植根于葡萄酒文化的建筑传统,建筑师构思了一种能与该地区景观共生的设计。
CHYBIK + KRISTOF’sproject finds its roots in the legacy of the Lahofer Winery – one grounded in astoried cultural heritage and profound respect for the natural environment.Responding to Moravia’s topography and architectural tradition, rooted in theculture of wine, the architects conceived a design in symbiosis with theregion’s landscape.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)远景

Reminiscent of theregion’s characteristic arched wine cellars, a colonnade of vaulted beamsframes the interior space into its storied curve. On its exterior side, drapingthe winery, an undulant roof acts as an inclined open-air amphitheater andcultural venue. Lightening the volume of the building as it rests on thefertile soil, below lie three separate spaces – each attributed with a distinctfunction, they share a constant concern for the adjoining nature.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景 - 活动现场

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景 - 活动现场

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景 - 活动现场

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景 - 活动现场

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景 - 活动现场

Towered by theconcave roof of the amphitheater, the space unfolds into a vast cellar,embracing the design of archetypal Czech wineries defined by the exposed rib constructionof the arches.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)近景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)俯瞰

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)俯瞰

Each reinforcedconcrete arch is individually designed to fit a specific angle of the ceiling,while the distance between the arches is determined by that between the vinerows. Each module rises from a vine row and runs through space, achievingperfect visual symmetry and guiding the viewer’s gaze across the grapevines.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)葡萄藤行

Enclosed in a glassfaçade and facing south, the visitor center draws abundant light as the windowsact as concealed separation from the exterior vine rows.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

Informed by theambient nature, the visitor center invites visitors to fully experience itsproduce in the barrique cellar, made of wood, concrete and glass, and adjoiningtasting room. A large-scale mural painting by Czech contemporary artist PatrikHábl covers the entire ceiling area. Its tampered, irregular and sparsestrokes, ranging from earthy reds and blacks to terroir-reminiscent browns andbeiges, echo the variations of the soil and its weightlessness as it seeminglylifts from the ground, leaving its timeless markings on the walls.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

在这种物质浪潮的连续性中,拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)将其葡萄酒生产工序和阶段,分存于两个不同高度的大厅中——每一座大厅都反映了生产过程中的特定过程。首先,第一个下层大厅中配置制酒设备以及员工设施;第二个下层大厅是负责处理低温操作的区域,如榨酒室,酒窖和葡萄酒商店。
In the continuity ofthis material wave, the structure houses its production in two halls ofdistinct heights, each mirroring a specific process. Thefirst lower hall centralizes the operations, including wine-making productionand employee facilities, while the second allows for operations that requirelower temperatures, such as the winepress, the cellar, and the wine store.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

The varying heightsof the interior spaces, emulating the terrain, allow for the alignment ofcorresponding functional exterior courtyards. While one courtyard serves as theoperational area, centralizing logistic and production presses, the other holdsthe amphitheater, extending sweeping views of the landscape.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

An open spaceemerging from the rhythmic vines, the amphitheater invests the boundless roof,overlooking a horizon nourished by its history.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)内景

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)的功能从香醇葡萄酒的生产者,扩展成为当地文化的见证者;如今它作为一个社区文化空间,专门支持各类文化,娱乐和社会活动的举行和开展,譬如当地葡萄收获庆祝节日和相关的戏剧表演——它亦是一个枢纽,加强了这座历史悠久的社区和世界范围内的不同地区的联系,吸引愈来愈多的游客和葡萄酒鉴赏家的到来。
Expanding on theLahofer Winery’s function from a production site into a witness to the localculture, it acts as a community space dedicated to cultural events, includinglocal grape harvest celebrations and theatre performances – a hub for itslasting community to connect with visitors of the region and wide-ranging wineconnoisseurs.

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)细节材质

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)细节材质

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)细节材质

主创建筑师,昂德里奇·希比克(Ondřej Chybík)和米哈尔·克里斯托夫(MichalKrištof)对拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)的设计概念进行了解释:“L拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)的设计深深植根于自然,并尊重自然。在文化与自然似乎是以一种对抗力量存在的时候,我们设想了一个空间,去反映本地二者之间长期以来的共生关系——更深刻地去表达对它所处的环境的尊重和热爱;它的建造结构是基于原始地形,并以浸入的方式,融合于周围葡萄藤行中,从而保留土壤和文化的质朴性和完整性。除了纯粹的生产性观点之外,我们还优先考虑了访客的体验,譬如说将屋顶的空间,分配作为本地居民和国际访客均能参观使用的,开放的公共空间——而这对于理解和欣赏葡萄酒也是至关重要的方面。
Describing theconcept, founding architects Ondřej Chybík and Michal Krištof explain, “Thedesign of the Lahofer Winery is deeply rooted in nature, and in the respectthereof. At a time when culture and nature appear to be antagonistic forces, weenvision a space reflective of the longstanding symbiosis between the two inthe region – one that profoundly respects the environment on which it rests.The structure unfolds into the native terrain, immerses itself into thesurrounding vine rows, thereby preserving the essence and integrity of bothsoil and culture. Additionally, moving beyond a purely productive viewpoint, weprioritize the visitor experience, notably by allocating the roof as a publicspace open to local and international visitors – an experience essential to theunderstanding and appreciation of the wine.”
拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)概念图
拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)平面图A
拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)平面图B
拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)侧视图

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)轴视图

拉霍夫酿酒厂(Lahofer Winery)轴视图

项目面积:3842 sqm
摄影支持:Alex shoots buildings, LaurianGhinitoiu

Project name:Lahofer Winery
Area:3842 sqm
Completed year: 2020
Country: CZECH REPUBLIC Dobšice
Photographs:Alex shoots buildings, LaurianGhinitoiu

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