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2020-08-20 发布
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‘MÀI’ Apartment



‘MÀI’ 公寓(‘MÀI’ Apartment)是一项将现代主义建筑的美学记忆带入现代公寓的室内设计的实验。公寓主人对于现代主义建筑的构筑形式,以及从西方文化语言到越南本地的热带生活环境和本地方言之间所实现的语境转换相关的建筑概念很感兴趣;如果将这些想法应用到设计中,它们将以何种方式与当代公寓构筑形式——作为中产阶级化城市发展中的,典型的单一性模板——产生对立,亦或是共存?
‘MÀI’ is anexperiment that brings aesthetic remembrance of modernist architecture into theinterior design of a contemporary apartment. Its owner is interested in ideasof modernist architecture about the form and its contextual transition fromWestern discourse to Vietnamese tropical living environment and materialvernacular. If these thoughts are applied to the design, how will they conflictand harmonize with the apartment format today – a typical monotonous templatefound in gentrified urban development?




‘MÀI’ 公寓会让人联想到建筑师路易斯·卡恩(Louis Kahn)应用了几何学元素的建筑美学,以及20世纪五、六十年代,于西贡地区盛行的水磨石材料的物质印象。
MÀI reminisces aboutarchitect Louis Kahn’s aesthetics in the way he used geometry and about thematerial sensation of terrazzo that was prevalent in Saigon in the 1950s and60s.



如果现代主义建筑在彻底改变了功能性的结构规则的同时,在受规限的立面上保留其固有的美学价值,那么如何在乏味和古板的四居室公寓中重建它们?很大可能,它将永远处于无穷尽的模仿和靠近,却永远不可能真正实现的临界点上。然而,正如路易·卡恩(Louis Kahn)在寻找纯粹建筑形式时所言:“我觉得这是对室内设计潜在需求和欲望的探索——一座房屋,本质上而言是对它的内部空间需求极为敏感的建筑。而在这种追求室内空间满足感的过程中存在着某种更深刻的意愿;对于这所房子来说,这种存在的意愿是不以几何形状约束。”
If modernistarchitecture revolutionized the structural discipline for functionality andspared the aesthetic value on the regulated façade, how to recreate them in aboring four-bedroom condo apartment? Perhaps it will always be on the thresholdof simulation to the impossible. Yet, as Louis Kahn said of his search for apure form in architecture: “I felt this was rather a discovery in the desiresof the interiors - interior spaces... a house is a building which is extremelysensitive to internal need. In this satisfaction there was an existence will ofsome kind... but there was an existence will for this house not to be disciplinedwithin a geometric shape.”





‘MÀI’ 公寓在主体结构方面是固定的,不允许进行调整;而根据当今公寓建筑中应用的强制重复原则,‘MÀI’ 公寓尝试在内部范围内利用图形对居住空间进行重新分配——它摒弃了传统的装饰细节元素,转而强调几何图案的美学观感,例如大型圆孔,弧形拐角,具有分隔房间功能的曲形拱门,以及将与墙壁呈同一平面的平光设计——所有的设计元素都试图在整个公寓中创造出一种系列性的几何语言系统,而与此同时,它们的集合也产生了一种张力——这些颇具趣味的形状,叠加配合打造出了能够偏离精确的点线面的现代主义的秩序。
Unable to adjust themain structure, the forced repetitive principle in today's apartment buildings,MÀI tries within the confines of the interior, using shapes to reallocateliving space. MÀI excludes decorative details to emphasize the geometricpatterns such as the large round hole, curved corners, curved arches dividingrooms, or flattened light lines into the same plane with the wall. All elementsof the design attempt to create a discipline of geometric shapes throughout theapartment. At the same time, there is a tension here, when the playful order ofthese shapes inclines to slip away from the precise point – line – planemodernist discipline.





现代主义建筑在20世纪中叶被引入越南南部(RVN);而现在,则是时候在全国范围内构建一种新的美学话语,从而使法国新古典主义去殖民化了。美国现代建筑流行的建筑材料,譬如说光裸的聚合型表面,水磨石以及水泥,在西贡变得很流行。在“‘MÀI’ 公寓”中便有所体现:设计师使用水磨石作为它的主要材料语言,让人回想起不加垫圈的那种凉爽,光滑的平整感;不同于20世纪五、六十年代砾石,卵石或碎石的使用,从厨房一直延伸到楼梯末端的水磨石的使用区域同时使用大型白色大理石,斜角元素并且精心布置了抽象的拼贴图案。
Modernistarchitecture was introduced into the South of Vietnam (RVN) in the mid-20thcentury. It was time for the nation-wide process of constructing a newaesthetic discourse to decolonize the French neoclassicism. The popularconstruction materials of modern buildings in the United States such asexposed-aggregate surface, terrazzo and cement became trendy in Saigon. MÀIuses terrazzo as the main material language, recalling the feeling of cool andsmooth flatness without gaskets. Instead of gravel, pebble, or debris like the1950s and 60s, the terrazzo section extending from thekitchen to the end of the stairs uses large white marble pieces, beveledcorners, and carefully arranged as a collage of abstract pattern.




‘MÀI’ 公寓”的名字原意便是打磨和剖光。该项目在室内装修上花费将近3年的时间,连同业主和整个建筑师以及施工团队,共同完成了建筑的珩磨过程。“‘MÀI’ 公寓”的名字,在构造方法上,物理技艺方面,其寓意是暗指在打磨和剖光后才能展现出材料真正的美感,就想饰漆。而从制造过程中来解读,则是暗指石匠像工匠一样一刀切地切割和排列石头的过程——在某种程度上,这与现代主义工业化背道而驰。最重要的是,半个多世纪前,“磨面公寓”在她的现代氛围中隐藏着对西贡现代主义建筑的微妙的怀旧感。
MÀI means to hone /to polish. Nearly 3 years spent for interior finishing, this project has ledthe owners and the entire team of architects and construction through a honingprocess. MÀI, in the physical aspect of the construction method, is how thematerial beauty is only revealed after rubbing/ shining, just like lacquer.MÀI, in the making, is when the masons meticulously cut and arrayed stones oneby one like craftsmen – to a certain extent this is contrary to the modernistindustrialization. And most importantly, MÀI hides inside her contemporaryatmosphere a subtle nostalgia about Saigon modernist architecture more thanhalf a century ago.


项目名称:‘MÀI’ 公寓
建筑团队:Whale Design Lab
占地总面积:200 sqm
主创设计师:Le Nguyen Nguyen Hanh
摄影支持:Trieu Chien            
设计团队Whale Design Lab Team
项目客户Arlette Quynh Anh Tran, Nguyen Tang Minh

Project Name:‘MÀI’Apartment
Architecture Firm:Whale Design Lab
Completion Year:2019
Gross Built Area:200 sqm
Project location:Dist02, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Lead Architects:Le Nguyen Nguyen Hanh
Photo creditsTrieu Chien            
Design TeamWhaleDesign Lab Team
ClientsArletteQuynh Anh Tran, Nguyen Tang Minh

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