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2020-08-21 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-8-21 10:47 编辑


Paysage de Feu

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

2020年国际花园节(InternationalGarden Festival)于去年5月在卢瓦尔河畔肖蒙城堡(Chaumont-sur-le-Loire)正式开幕。而其中令人惊艳的作品之一,便属瓦齐奥·S/A(Vazio S/A’)用塞拉多木(Carrado)制作的环境艺术装置作品“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)。
The 2020 edition of theInternational Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-le-Loire was opened last May, andamong the gardens of the exhibition is Paysage de Feu, Vazio S/A’s installationmade with trees from the Cerrado.

With an internationalreputation, Chaumont is “the world laboratory in the field of gardens andcontemporary landscape creation”, and takes place on the premises of a castlebuilt 500 years ago in the Loire Valley, the region in the interior of Francelisted by UNESCO and known for its splendid Renaissance castles.

In February, and aftera long Brazil-France trip of more than 9,000 kilometres, the branches of theCerrado arrived in Chaumont, where they were assembled tip down.

塞拉多The Cerrado
The second-largestecological formation in Brazil, the Cerrado is a tropical savanna that spreadsover the hinterlands of Brazil and has an area of approximately 1.5 million km²(more than twice the area of France). It has about a third of the Brazilian biodiversity,5% of the world's flora and fauna and is the source of waters that form thecountry's three major hydrographic basins (Araguaia/Tocantins, São Franciscoand Paraná /Paraguay).

Unfortunately, becauseit is a tropical savannah seen only as of the poor vegetation biome and as anexpansion reserve for agricultural areas, the Cerrado is helpless in terms oflegal protection. Unlike the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest, the Cerrado is notclassified as a Heritage in the Federal Constitution, despite its biodiversitybeing considered one of the 25 richest on the planet and, in terms of savanna,being the richest.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

“火之景观”(Paysagede Feu)是设计师为肖蒙国际花园节所提出的倡导和建议——因为今年花园节的主题是“回归大地”,将“塞拉多的摧毁”作为项目的座右铭。在过去的几个月中,全世界的目光转向了亚马逊森林大火的燃烧,而塞拉多草原(Cerrado)则继续遭到破坏,成为种植大豆的农作场和牛羊的牧场,却没有任何国家为它发声以及听到来自国际的任何反响。
Paysage de Feu, our proposal for the Chaumont Festival whose theme this year is“Return to Mother Earth”, takes the destruction of the Cerrado as a projectmotto. In the last few months, the eyes of the world have turned to the burningof the Amazon, while the Cerrado continues to be destroyed to become soy a
ndpasture without any national or international repercussion.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

国际花园节评审团授奖给“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)并称其为在西拉达莫埃达(Sierra da Moeda)脚下的保护区,通过收集修剪的树枝和烧过的原木,并进行美学设计和整合之后的艺术装置;值得一提的是,西拉达莫埃达(Sierra da Moeda)山靠近另一个也由瓦齐奥·S/A(Vazio S/A’)设计的建筑作品,塞拉多之家(Cerrado House)。
Awarded by theFestival’s jury, Paysage de Feu is an arrangement of pruned branches and burnedlogs collected in a protected area at the foot of Sierra da Moeda, a mountainrange close to the Cerrado House (also designed by Vazio S/A).

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

火之景观(Paysagede Feu)的装置内容,是通过对来自塞拉多的树枝,进行一系列的组合和排列,就如同将被屠宰的动物挂在冰箱里一般,隐喻出一种残忍和荒凉,同时作为从米纳斯吉拉斯州,戈亚斯州和巴伊亚州所发现的植物的“死后植物园”。原则上而言,“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)是一个由倒置植物组成的“死”花园。
The project showcases the branches in line, like slaughtered animals hanging ina refrigerator, and functions as a “posthumous botanical garden” of speciesfound in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás and Bahia. In principle, it is adead garden made up of plants exposed upside down.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

另一方面,除了对于“屠宰场”的明显引用,花园的另一个含义,是强调塞拉多是一个其根比枝要大得多的生物群落。赛拉多的植被是能够适应干旱的物种,它们的根会伸到非常深的地下去顽强地存活,也正因此,它们被叫做“陆生植物”,而非“空中植物”——即便没有眼睛和耳朵等器官,它们依旧可以探索黑暗的,静态的地下世界,其强大的根部,使这些树木成为两栖生物,将地球与空气联系在一起,在地下神秘的世界之中持续滋养着自身寻求光的叶子(Emanuele Coccia,2016)。正是在塞拉多的极酸和无用的土壤深处,他们拥有了其他生物无法生存的生命,并将自己所接触的一切转化为能量和养分。
In addition to theobvious reference to slaughterhouses, another connotation of the garden is thatthe Cerrado is a biome of trees with roots much larger than the branches. Theyare plants adapted to drier regions, capable of reaching very low water tablesand, therefore, plants that are more terrestrial thanaerial. Organs without eyes and ears that explore an underground worldwithout sun and movement, the roots make trees into amphibious beings, linkingearth to air, living in a cryptic world and nourishing the leaves that seek thelight (Emanuele Coccia, 2016). It is precisely in the depths of the acid anduseless soil of the Cerrado that they find life where no other organism does,transforming everything they touch into energy and food.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

“火”之景观Landscapeof Fire
Technically, thetwisted aspect of the branches is explained by the "burning of the apicalmeristem." All plants have an apical meristem (growth zone) and secondarymeristems that are inactive, only working if the apical meristem die. With theperiodic fires that occur in the Cerrado, the apical meristem would be burnedand, with that, the secondary meristem would be activated and a growth inanother direction would begin. The explanation of occasional fire for naturalreasons gains ground when analysing some seeds that only germinate after beingburned - which can be considered a protection against fire - or even when analysingthe extremely thick bark, which is another protection against fire.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)

If the convolutedshapes of the trees here are like this because of natural fires, then we havethe plant composition of this biome as a consequence of its ability to adapt todestruction by fire. A pyro-landscape consisting of a pyro-vegetation of twotypes: passive pyrophytes, of species that resist fire (convoluted trees); andactive pyrophytes, made up of species that regenerate thanks to fire (grasses).

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)装置环境

总结而言,“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)所象征的是“漂浮”在卢瓦尔河谷地的寒冷多沙的土地上的一片热带稀树草原,这里依旧有很多活着的存在,远远多于那些于火灾之中死去的。其通过上下倒置的树枝矩阵,为塞拉多,其树木和大火赋予了更深远的意义。
Muchmore alive than dead, Paysage de Feu is a tropical savanna that floats over(and does not touch) the cold, sandy soils of the Loire River valley; a matrixof inverted branch-roots that proposes other meanings for the Cerrado, thetrees, the fires.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)装置环境

火之景观装置的材料是在米纳斯吉莱斯州莫埃达(Moeda)镇收集的,并的在生物学家芭芭拉·帕切科(Barbara Pacheco)的协助下完成了物种鉴定。在整个过程中,没有任何一棵树木被移动或清除,所有树枝都是在该地区工人的帮助下,通过简单的修剪而得到——他们知道能够按照草原所有植被的,最广为人知的名称而收集。这些植物包括:
The pieces werecollected in the municipality of Moeda, in the state of Minas Gerais. Speciesidentification was carried out with the advice of biologist Barbara Pacheco. Notrees were removed, all of the branches came from pruning. The service was donewith the help of workers from the region who know all the trees collected bythe popular name. The collected and exposed species are:

佛手柑Byrsonima verbascifolia (L.)DC. (yellow-flowered murici)
球孢白粉菌Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth (pink-floweredmurici)
“塞拉多安康鱼”Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. (Cerrado monkfish)
汉果角菌Hancornia speciosa Gomez (mangaba)
花丝瓜Qualeaparviflora Mart. (pau terrinha)
巴巴蒂芒Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville(barbatimão)
鹅掌柴Schefflera macrocarpa (Cham.& Schltdl.) Frodin (field manioc)
戈梅拉Vochysia thyrsoidea Pohl (gomeira)

all of them typicalplants of the Cerrado of Minas Gerais.

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)平面图

“火之景观”(Paysage de Feu)侧视图

项目面积:200 sqm
占地面积:200 sqm

Project name:Paysage de Feu
Designer:Vazio S/A’
Project size:200 sqm
Site size:200 sqm
Completion date:2020
Building Level:1

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