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2020-08-25 发布
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Triodos Bank

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

2019年9月12日到9月6日,地点,阿姆斯特丹,特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)完全可持续的新环形办公室项目正式交付——它是由RAUArchitects和Ex Interiors两大设计工作室,受到特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)和开发商EDGE的委托所设计出的一个具有可重建性的通体木质“大教堂”。它以循环性的设计理念和可持续的构筑方式在世界范围内,确定了其优秀的环保建筑基调。总而言之,这一建筑是第一个大规模的、100%由木材打造的、可重建的办公楼。同时该建筑还作为第一个临时材料银行,实现了最少的二氧化碳排放。
Amsterdam,12 September 2019 – Friday 6 September, Triodos Bank's new, fully sustainableand circular office was officially delivered to the bank. RAU Architects and ExInteriors have been commissioned by Triodos Bank and developer EDGE to design afully, re-constructive, wooden "cathedral" that sets the tonein a circular and sustainable manner worldwide. The office is the firstlarge-scale, 100% wood, re-constructible office building. Thisbuilding also serves as the first temporary material bank, and the CO2footprint is minimal.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

从地产到美好的土地From estate to good land
该银行项目是德·里霍斯特(De Reehorst)的新成员——特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)的新办事处,位于泽斯特(Zeist)的德·里霍斯特地产区(De Reehorst Estate)。德·里霍斯特是泽斯特和德伯珍(Driebergen)农村地区的一部分,被称为斯蒂奇·卢斯瓦朗德(Stichtse Lustwarande),是国家生态网络(EHS)的重要纽带。 2011年,特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)决定与Ex Interiors合作,在德·里霍斯特(De Reehorst)建立一座新的办公大楼。继1999年和2006年早期备受瞩目的(总部)办公大楼之后,RAU Architects 也参加了对于新办公大楼的设计项目。从第一天起,它就与所有其他顾问,譬如Aronsohn constructionDeerns consultants,DGMR,BBN,景观建筑师Arcadis和建筑公司J.P. van Eesteren及其分包商等保持最佳合作;通过赋予设计最大的循环潜力,以此在自然,文化和经济三者之间建立一种动态平衡——毫无疑问的是,特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)的建立,为21世纪的房产领域带来了全新的动力。
Thebank as new resident of De Reehorst – The new office of Triodos Bank is locatedon De Reehorst Estate in Zeist. De Reehorst is part of a series of rural areasin Zeist and Driebergen, known as the Stichtse Lustwarande, and is an importantlink within the National Ecological Network (EHS). In 2011, Triodos Bankdecided to build a new office in De Reehorst in collaboration with ExInteriors. Following earlier high-profile (head) offices from 1999 and 2006,RAU Architects also designed this new office. Theaim was to achieve a "gesamtkunstwerk" in which, from day one, therewas optimal cooperation with all other advisers such as Aronsohn construction,Deerns consultants, DGMR, BBN, landscape architects Arcadis and constructioncompany J.P. van Eesteren and its subcontractors. By giving the design maximumcircular potential, a dynamic balance is created between nature, culture andeconomy. The arrival of Triodos Bank has led to new momentum to bring theestate into the 21st century.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

木制“大教堂” The wooden 'cathedral'
The wooden 'cathedral' – The building has no clear front orback. The nature-friendly footpaths lead the passersby and employees to the twoentrances. Once inside, the transparency of the building and the special woodenconstruction becomes clear. The fully glazed façade extends from floor tofloor, allowing natural light to penetrate deep into the building. Afloor-to-ceiling window can be opened for each 3.60-metre facade pattern. Thismakes the connection with the surrounding landscape even sharper, without itdisrupting the indoor climate adjustment.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

Voids create visual connections between the different floors. The spiral staircases in the voids connect the floors and form short openings that stimulate the use of the staircase in a natural way. Both the design and the use of materials and colors within the building derive their direct inspiration from the landscape. From the nuanced choice of materials, the wooden structural components stand out visually from the rest.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

The woodenconstruction is immediately visible in the form of laminated rafters and woodenCLT (Cross Laminated Timber) cores. The woodenCLT story floors are partially camouflaged by the wooden tracks and the climateceiling elements located above them. The ground floor has a large story height,creating the impression of a "cathedral" when observing the woodenrafters that are placed around the completely wooden cores. In order tomaximize the transparency of the work floors and the relationship with the landscape,special workspaces have been separated by means of transparent partitions thatmeet very high noise requirements. However, where visual privacy must beguaranteed, transparent walls have been replaced by solid walls. These areoften provided with a linen finish for optimum acoustics.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

形态-身体-塑造 Form - Body - Build
特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)实现了对于自然,文化和经济的整合。这座五层楼高的建筑(12,994平方米)的结构和形式受自然、周围房产中景观型房间的设计节奏,以及蝙蝠的飞行轨迹启发。三座透明的、统一的塔楼从南向北延伸,在地面、一楼和二楼彼此交替联结;这座浪漫的构筑物可以每日为其使用者提供壮丽优美的风景和开阔辽远的视野。由于其形状,三个新的“景观室”被建造于森林的边缘与建筑物之间,并在其周围创造了多种具有新的景观品质的多样性。由Ex Interiors设计的室内内饰则进一步反映了其周围风景的优美和纯粹。可以说此处自然景观的调色盘,启发了设计师对有机形式的选择,更精致的材料和醒目的色调的使用,以确保人们在进入时能感受到自然的宁静感,并加强了建筑与环境的融合。
Abuilding for nature, culture and economy – The composition and form of thefive-storey building (12,994 m2) is inspired by nature, the rhythm of thelandscaped rooms in the surrounding estate and the flight paths of bats. Thethree transparent, uniform towers run from south to north and are alternatelyconnected on the ground, first and second floors. This physical body provides abeautiful view for all employees daily. Because of its shape, three new"landscape rooms" are created between the edge of the forest and thebuilding and create a diversity of new landscape qualities around it. Theinterior designed by Ex Interiors further reflects the beauty of thesurrounding landscape. The choice of organic forms, refined materials and soberuse of color inspired by the estate's pallet ensure a natural stillness uponentering and reinforce the merging of the building with the environment.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

用于家具和地板的木材大部分来自此处的房产。通过选择真实的材料,特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)的建筑本体被增添了一个额外的维度体,从而创造了一个集成设计,有助于打造建筑物内外空间平和宁静的使用氛围和美学气质。而在这个具有宏伟的开放性和高度的透明性的建筑内,通过各种多元性和功能性的设备和服务实施,人们体验到前所未有的安全感。员工与访客之间自发聚集和社交,并同自然实现互动的“会议大楼”,自然而然地诞生。它的底楼是公共区域,同时在二楼设有一个协作楼层,其中有多个工作场所,专注为银行员工的内部会议提供所需空间。特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)员工的其他工作场所被安置于在三座塔楼中,人们可以拥有更辽阔的视野饱览风景。
Thewood, that's used in both the furniture and the floors, mostly comes from theestate. By selecting materials for their authenticity, an extra dimension hasbeen added to the building, creating an integrated design that contributes tothe peace and serenity of the building. Within this grandiose openness andtransparency in the building, you experience a sense of security and safetythrough the implementation of the various functions. A"meeting building" where the interaction with nature and aspontaneous meeting between employees and visitors takes place naturally. Forthis, the ground floor is the publicly accessible area. On the first floorthere is a collaborative floor with a diversity of workplaces focused on aninternal meeting for employees of the bank. The other workplaces for theTriodos Bank employees are in the three towers with a breathtaking view of thelandscape.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

木质筑体 Wood Stance
特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)作为第一座大型木制办公大楼,它的整个建筑,包括下部空间和塔楼空间,均由独特的木制结构组成:其各类构筑元素包括木地板,木轴和木柱共同构成了如同“大教堂”一般的壮观建筑。其建筑的主体组成和玻璃幕墙,则确保了自然光线能最大限度地由外而内穿透空间,并同时提供给人们由内而外观赏到其毗邻的壮丽景色;这样一来,所有的员工不仅在这里“工作”,更重要的是他们可以在这里享受“工作”。该建筑一共包含1615立方米的层压木材,超过1008立方米的交叉层压木材(CLT)和5座原始树干。由于为了便于水系统管理,只有地下室采用混凝土结构——也一切都造就了这座迄今为止二氧化碳排放量最低的建筑物。
Thefirst large-scale wooden office building – The entire building, both the lowerparts and the towers, consist of a unique wooden construction. Wooden floors, wooden shafts and wooden columns together form aspectacular construction like that of a "cathedral". The compositionof the building and its glass facades ensure maximum natural light penetrationand a magnificent view of the estate so that allemployees work not only on but also in the estate. The building contains 1,615 cubic meter of laminated wood, more than 1,008 cubicmeter ofcross-laminated timber (CLT) and 5 original tree trunks. Only the basement hasa concrete structure because of water management. This has created a buildingwith the lowest CO2 footprint to date.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

可持续发展优化当下 Sustainability optimizes the present
“珍贵的”不一定是“昂贵的”——新办公室不仅整合了可持续发展的最高目标,并获得了BREEAM杰出认证(编者注* BuildingResearch Establishment Environmental Assessment Method的简称,英国建筑研究院环境评估方法);与此同时它还是秉持“节能中立设计”(energy-neutral design)的住房,建造所需的加工材料均满足最严格的健康要求,譬如木材在主要支撑结构中的份额几乎达到100%,内部仅使用天然纺织品。气候岛在微观层面上完成对建筑室内外的温湿度调节。如此来看,综合的可持续性理念和相关方法,构成了这种对社会和环境负责的(建筑)发展的坚固基础。
Valuabledoes not have to be expensive – In addition to integrating the very highestsustainability goals and obtaining the BREEAM Outstanding certification, thenew office is also an energy-neutral housing that meetsthe highest health requirements of processed materials. For example, the shareof wood in the main supporting structure reaches almost 100%, and only naturaltextile is used in the interior. Climate islands regulate the climate at themicro-level. Therefore, integrated sustainability forms the basis for thissocially responsible (building) development.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Ossip van Duivenbode

循环性促进未来 Circularity facilitates future
建筑物是未来的选择——RAU Architects认为循环性建筑是具有书面证明的产品,组件和材料的临时组合。三者的原产地和再利用计划都经过详细的记录,以便未来能够为它们提供新的用途。更重要的是,在设计建筑物时,应尽可能地预见那些由于用户需求的变化,不同建筑成分的使用寿命的差异,或诸如法规或气候变化等外部影响可能引发地变化。因此,促进非永久性的永久结果,便成为设计的一大特征。
Abuilding as an option for the future - RAU Architects sees a circular buildingas a temporary combination of products, components and materials with adocumented identity. The origin and planned re-use of all products, componentsand materials are carefully documented in order to be able to easily offer themnew usage in the future. It is important to anticipate possible changes as faras possible when designing buildings due to changes in userrequirements, differences in the useful life of building components or externalinfluences such as changing regulations or climate change. Facilitating thepermanent consequences of impermanence is, therefore, characteristic of thedesign.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Alexander van Berge

Byconverting real estate into 'loose goods', a building with maximum circularpotential has been realized: rebuilding without loss of value. The building isliterally screwed together with 165,312 screws. This means that wheneverdismantling the building, the circular potential can be activated 100% withoutloss of value of materials, components and products.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Alexander van Berge

银行中的银行 The bank in a bank
特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)作为世界上第一个被设想为物料库的建筑物,其物料价值也通过马达斯特(Madaster)(物料土地注册平台)进行在线监控。这一事实意味着该建筑物不仅是用作材料仓库,而且还是材料银行;如此一来,物料的未来价值就可以实现一种技术流动性同时激活税收。
Thefirst building in the world to be conceived as a materials bank – The fact thatthe material values are also monitored online via the Madaster platform (theland registry for materials) means that the building is not only a materialwarehouse but also a material bank. With this, the value of materials in thefuture balance can be made technically liquid and/or tax-activated.

特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)-Alexander van Berge

设计团队代表特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)开始工作。EDGE团队对整个建造工程起到了重要的加速和促进作用。项目的承包商是J.P. van Eesteren,安装团队是Bosman Bedrijven。最后的最后Arcadis和Copijn作为花园和景观设计师,以及树木专家参与其中。特里多斯银行(Triodos Bank)的员工将于11月25日正式搬入大楼。
Thedesign team started work on behalf of Triodos Bank. EDGE facilitated the entireprocess. The contractor is J.P. van Eesteren and the installer isBosman Bedrijven. Finally, Arcadis and Copijn are involved as garden andlandscape architects and tree specialists. The employees of Triodos Bank willmove into the building on 25 November.

摄影支持:Bert Rietberg, Ossip van Duivenbode

Project name:Triodos Bank
Photographs:Bert Rietberg, Ossip van Duivenbode
Location:Amsterdam, Netherlands

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