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2020-08-27 发布
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Wan Chai Connect
连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

Making something outof nothing Wan Chai Connect is a progressive idea conceptualised to deliver trueworld class placemaking, a significant new public space, maximising societalvalue, connecting the fragmented, making it safe, enjoyable and smart to walkeasily around Wan Chai and would act as a catalyst for Wan Chai and Hong Kong’sstatus in the future.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

政府正计划将湾仔告士打道的三座政府办公大楼和一座消防站全部拆卸,并于 2021 年出售该用地作重新发展,扩展会议中心,并提供新的商业空间;由于三座政府办公大楼位处湾仔区内最具策略意义的地段,毗邻区内一条拥八条行车线并将区内连接性的告士打道主干道一分为二。因此,这项发展计划值得政府考虑另类崭新的发展模式。
The Hong KongGovernment is selling its Wan Chai government complex site in 2021 thatcurrently houses three office towers and a fire station. This will be then beredeveloped to extend the conference center and provide new commercial space.This site is the largest and most strategically located in Wan Chai, it sitsfront and center to the most significant challenge to Wan Chai - the eightlanes of Gloucester road that scars and cuts Wan Chai connectivity in half. Ittherefore merits special consideration now.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

湾仔连接设计小组(Design Group)是一支由多学科组成的团队,组员皆为来自不同背景(涵盖专业包括工程、建筑、城市规划、可持续发展等)的专业人士,以香港为家,并心系本地发展。他们认为,这是在社会,经济和环境上振兴湾仔的独特机会,积极促成香港成为亚洲国际都会这一重要愿景。
The Wan Chai ConnectDesign Group (Design Group) is a multi-disciplinary team of urban professionalswho care passionately about the city. They view this as a unique opportunity torevitalize Wan Chai socially, economically and environmentally as a significantpositive vision for Hong Kong’s status as Asia World City.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

团队建议以崭新概念取代政府一贯规划蓝图,将湾仔海旁用地「连系」至旧城区,进而延伸至中环及铜锣湾,连成「金三角」。整个项目将为湾仔居民、上班族及国际商务旅客提供约 5 万 5 千平方米,世界一流的休憩用地,并连接香港会议展览中心及毗邻办公大楼,令老湾仔蜕变成商业中心区(CBD)——它将改变该区和香港的未来发展轨迹。
The independent DesignGroup proposes to significantly enhance the redevelopment of the site by creatingan innovative “Golden Triangle”. This triangle will reconnect north- south WanChai from the mountains to the harbour and build an east-west promenade over GloucesterRoad from the Arsenal Street Flyover to the China Resources Building via anelevated park. This will provide 55,000sqm of state-of-the-art outdoor public space for Wan Chai,creating a new Central Business District that will transform the futuretrajectory of the district and Hong Kong.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

The visionary planwill bring Hong Kong waterfront back to old Wan Chai by connecting the newconvention hall to existing office buildings and linking adjacent areas,including Admiralty, Wan Chai, Exhibition MTR Stations, Wan Chai Ferry andTramlines via a landscaped elevated promenade – A precious people centric sanctuaryto rest, relax and enjoy the city, cities are about people not cars.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

Buro Happold亚洲设计集团的首席顾问兼市场和关系总监彼得·丹皮尔(Peter Dampier)说:“作为活化老社区的催化剂,湾仔互联中心提供了一个以人为中心的连接解决方案,提供了重要的新公共空间。我们希望这构思能引发有关公共空间质素、供应和管有的严肃讨论。我们认为私人发展商应与社区合作,在发展用地时预留具功能及标志性的公共空间,从而发挥该用地的最大价值。”
“Serving as a catalyst for regeneration, WanChai Connect provides a people-centric connectivity solution, that deliverssignificant new public space. We hope this sparks serious debate around theprovision and ownership of quality public space. Private developers haven’talways historically worked with local communities to create functional but iconicpublic spaces or looked beyond the site to maximize value.” Peter Dampier, LeadConsultant of the Design Group and Marketing and Relationships Director at BuroHappold, Asia.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

The Design Group believesthat the provision of public space should be considered now in conjunction withthe needs and desires of the Wan Chai community. The estimated cost of Wan ChaiConnect’s social infrastructure (excluding the extension to the conventioncentre and new commercial tower) is $1.65 Billion HKD.
连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

Taking inspirationfrom innovative projects such as New York High Line (an abandoned railwayredeveloped into a green walkway and now the No.1 tourist attraction in NewYork), Seoul’s Seoullo (a former highway transformed to a sky garden) and HongKong Mid-Levels escalators (that has catalysed commercial opportunities whilstsustainably assisting mid-levels commuting to central).

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 概念图

设计小组的总体概念设计Studio B的总经理彼得·布兰南(Peter Brannan)则说:“湾仔连接提供了一个难得的,富有远见和不可错过的机会,巩固香港国际大都会的地位。我们的愿景包括全面、无缝地将消失的海滨与湾仔社区重新连接,建设健康的‘15 分钟步行城市’生活模式;连系湾仔的设计以人为本地融合公共交通网络,我们有信心它会成为香港新地标, 擦亮香港‘创新城市’的招牌。”设计团队的城市设计顾问,兼DCMSTUDIOS Architect总经理詹姆斯·吉布森(James Gibson)说道:“这是千载难逢的机会。我们受到鼓舞,设计团队有责任提出一个更宏大的想法,以解决现时湾仔区内连接性等的问题,今次也许这是最后机会。 因此我们希望跨出这一步,带领湾仔迎向崭新、充满活力的未来。”
“Wan Chai Connect presents a rare, visionary and unmissable opportunityto restore Hong Kong’s position as a leading World City. Our vision involves seamlessly andholistically re-connecting Wan Chai with its lost waterfront; cross-pollinatescommunity, encourages a healthier, walkable, “15-Minute-City” lifestyle;integrates with the city's enviable public transport network; re-prioritisesthe needs of people before vehicles; and creates a landmark icon capable ofre-establishing Hong Kong as a global leader in urban innovation.” Peter Brannan,Conceptual Master Planning of the Design Group and the Managing Director ofStudio B. “This is a golden chance. We are inspired to present a grander idea, to address perhaps one of the last opportunities to rectify this connectivity chasm that still remains. So we present a step forward with a new and dynamic vision for the future of Wanchai” James Gibson,  urban  design  consultant  of  the Design  Group  and  Managing  Director   of DCMSTUDIOS Architect.

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

连系湾仔Wan Chai Connect 分析图

• 提供穿越告士打道的行人通道,减低湾仔区内的交通限制;
• 增加湾仔政府大楼重新发展后的土地价值;
• 改善湾仔区内可行度、畅达度和连贯性;
• 重塑公共空间,建立更健康的城市;
• 使湾仔成为港岛北岸一个生活,工作和娱乐新地标;
• 重新定义港岛的天际线;
• 更新香港其中一个最老旧地区的城市结构;
• 为香港提供 20 多年来最大的崭新公共空间;
Wan Chai Connectwill also:
Resolve pedestrianaccess across Gloucester Road and alleviate the numerous transport constraintsin Wan Chai
Increase the landvalue of the WCGOC site
Enhanceaccessibility and connectivity for Wan Chai residents’
Create a healthiercity by reinventing public spaces
Future-proof Wan Chaias the place to live, work and play on the north shore of Hong Kong Island
Redefine Hong KongIsland’s skyline
Regenerating theurban fabric of one of Hong Kong’s oldest districts
Provide the largestnew public space in Hong Kong for over 20 years.
Wan Chai ConnectDesign Group
牵头顾问:Buro Happold
规划构思:Buro Happold
跨领域工程项目:Buro Happold
可持续发展策略:Buro Happold
成本管理顾问服务:Currie and Brown
概念设计:DCMSTUDIOS Architects
城市规划顾问服务:DCMSTUDIOS Architects
总体概念设计顾问服务:Studio B

Project name: WanChai Connect
Lead Consultant:Buro Happold
Ideation:Buro Happold
Multi-disciplinary:Buro Happold
Sustainability Strategy:Buro Happold
Cost Management:Currie and Brown
ConceptualArchitects:DCMSTUDIOS Architects
Urban Design:DCMSTUDIOS Architects
Conceptual Master Planning:StudioB
Public Relations:Executive Counsel
StakeholderEngagement:Executive Counsel
Media Relations:Executive Counsel
Real Estate Advisory:Knight Frank(Hongkong)

• 湾仔社区
• 香港会议展览中心
• 湾仔区议员
• 湾仔上班族
• 海滨事务委员会
• 邻近商业大厦业主
• 发展业界的专业人士
• 有关政府部门及委员会
Currently, Wan ChaiConnect is at the conceptual stage of design and seeks further contributionsfrom the public and stakeholders including:
The Wan Chai community
Hong Kong Conventionand Exhibition Centre
District councilors
Office workers
Harbourfront Commission
Commercial building owners
Development professionals
Government andassociated bodies.

Wan Chai Connecthopes to provoke a lively discussion with the above stakeholders and thecommunity. Starting the debate on the strategic importance, optimisation andwider consideration of this unique site as the fulcrum to Wan Chai’s future andthe creation of a world class placemaking solution, befitting the citizens ofHong Kong living in Asia’s World city.

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