






Studio Toggle | 边沿公寓

2020-09-01 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-9-2 10:35 编辑


Edges Apartment

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)拥有铰接形砖砌立面,成为萨利米耶(Salmiya)街道的最大亮点——这里是科威特一个主要外籍居民区。通过将有限轴两侧的顶点进行移置,实现了简单却有韵律的扭曲效果,使立面更具动感和戏剧效果。由当地采购的天然砖和露石混凝土饰面拼接而成的多元调色盘,进一步强调了建筑物料的纯净度,赋予了建筑以独特的个性。
TheEdges Apartment, with its articulated brick cladding façade, lights up thestreets of Salmiya, a predominantly ex-pat neighborhoodin Kuwait. A simple rhythmic twist, achieved by transposition of thevertices on either side of a finite axis, imparts dynamism and drama to thefaçade. A very restrained palette of locally sourced natural brick and exposed concrete finish further emphasizes the purity of the mass and gives the building its unique personality.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

The facade's irregularform was also influenced by practical considerations including the disruptionof strong prevailing winds, and the provision of shade and privacy. A verticalstrip of aluminum louvres splits the building's frontage into two halves,denoting the divide between homes on the north and south sides of the property.The louvres protect the central staircase from direct sunlight, but alsorestrict views into this glass-lined circulation space.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

On theground floor, an exposed lobby adjacent to the parking area provides access to the staircase, lifts and a communal gym, which faces the street and ispartially shielded behind more metal louvres. The lobby's glass-reinforce dconcrete ceiling incorporates recessed lighting in an annular channel thatdirects residents and visitors towards the various entrances and continues thesharp lines of the facade. Patinated concrete floor tiles coated with clearepoxy resin form a hardy surface that complements the brick. A patio to therear of the building accommodates a small open-air swimming pool. The buildingis 10 stories high, housing 20 two-bed apartments.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

客户委托Studio Toggle设计一栋公寓作为投资物业,主要用于租给外国住户,同时要求该建筑包括必须有高度实用性、低维护成本以及能够适合外国人在科威特的生活方式。选择一处独特街道,是建造的前提——以此才能区分这座公寓与周围的一般性建筑群。除此之外,客户对于室内功能空间的要求是,需要提供一个大型厨房,以及能够适用于所有卧室的起居空间——不得不说,这与科威特外籍人士的住宅风格截然相反;对于建筑的上层生活区的要求是,需要能够提供给住户美丽的海景并将其纳入建筑整体设计考量;公寓的整体预算非常严格,客户也始终坚持使用免维护和高耐用的本地材料。
The client commissioned us to design an apartment building as an investment property that will berented out to mainly ex-pats. The design had to be practical, low maintenanceand suited to the ex-pat lifestyle in Kuwait. A distinct street presence was an important requirement to distinguish it from the generic buildings that surround it. The client also wanted a large kitchen and living space for allthe bedrooms, which goes against the grain in ex-pat housing in Kuwait. Seaview for living areas for the upper floors was possible and had to beincorporated. The budget was extremely restrictive and the client insisted onthe usage of maintenance-free and hard-wearing locally sourced materials.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

Thesite is located along with one of Salmiya’s congested roads. About 400 metersaway from the sea, it is also flanked by the American University of Kuwait anda secondary school. The multispecialty hospital is also in the near vicinity.All these along with a dense cluster of apartment buildings of similar sizemake it a relatively busy area. Noise and traffic was a real concern and so wasparking. Pedestrian access and car parking spaces are barely considered ofimportance as part of the urban area, creating a sense of disorder. The urbanfabric consisted of dense generic clusters of apartment blocks without anystreet presence.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

该地区的极端气候条件加剧了边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)所面临的困难和挑战;偶尔出现的沙尘暴和炎热的沙漠风,会严重影响到建筑物及其周围环境。
The region’s extreme climatic conditions contribute to the existing difficulties and challenges the site has to offer, with the occasional dust storms and hot desert winds which affect the building and its surroundings.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

The design of the edges apartment takes into consideration the challenges posed by the brief and the context and uses it to inform the design. Apart from developing a maintenance-free architectural layout, we decided that the façade design was of paramount importance and that it had to be aesthetically pleasing while being functional and conforming to the restrictive budget. Hence, we developed a simple articulated scheme in which the edges of the building are transposed ina rhythmic order.  This gave the massinga decidedly edgy character, which was further enhanced by the decision to usebrick as a cladding. This articulation on the façade not only creates a senseof dynamism but also achieves more directional view points and acts as awindbreaker to the strong winds arriving from the sea on the northwest. These elements help the building to stand out in a very narrow streetscape.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)内部

On the ground floor, an exposed lobby adjacent to the parking area provides access to the staircase,lifts and a communal gym, which faces the street and is partially shielded behind aluminum louvres. The lobby's glass-reinforced concrete ceiling incorporates recessed lighting in an annular channel that directs residents and visitors towards the various entrances and continues the sharp lines of the facade.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)内部

The choice of local brick and exposed concrete is also responding to budgetary constraints and the need to employ simple construction methods.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)内部

设计师所面临的挑战是,在需要遵守极为严格的预算的同时,为边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)创造一个具有高度识别性的标志或身份,同时保证其高功能性和可维护性。除此之外,这座公寓也必须能够承受科威特令人难以忍受的酷暑以及偶尔发生的沙尘暴等严格的气候环境考验。
The challenge was togive the building an instantly recognizable identity at the same time respecting an extremely restrictive budget. Functionality and serviceability were also as important. The building had to withstand the unforgiving summer heat of Kuwait made unbearable also by the occasional dust/sand storm.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)内部

The ventilated brickcladding with a weatherproof coating acts as effective thermal protection aswell as being hardy enough, along with the exposed concrete finishes, towithstand the harsh desert climate. The major windows are recessed to block outthe direct sun and Aluminum louvres are employed wherever possible to reduce the heat gain and the glare. Through itsalternation and transposition on the vertices, shade is achieved for floors below during all times of the day, reducing direct sunlight into the living areas.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)内部

The materials used comprises of a very restrained palette of locally sourced fired brick and fair-faced concrete.  Respecting the budgetary constrained a low-tech approach was used considering sustainable material choices and energy consumption.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)

尽管结构简单且预算有限,但边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)在其周围密集的城市环境中仍保持着其独特的个性,以至于它已毫无疑问地成为某种地标建筑。通过选择简单的砖石和混凝土外墙,从而满足了客户偏爱耐用耐磨的本地材质的心理,这也使整座建筑免于过度的后期维护,同时避免从灰尘和光照处可能受到的负面影响。该项目还在尊重其最大化可出租空间的同时,亦需提高租户生活质量的要求。边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)实际对于既存的城市结构方面进行了稍许的冲击,同时以此鼓励未来的项目也像它这般,挑战传统的市区组织肌理,实现未来建筑群类型的改革。
The edges apartment maintains its unique personality amongst the surrounding dense urbanity despiteits extremely simple program and restrictive budget, to the point it has become some sort of a landmark. The client’s preferences for local, hardwearing honest material was met through thechoice of simple brick and concrete facades which also makes it maintenance free and shields it from the dust and the heat. The project also respects its requirement to maximize the rentable space whileenhancing the quality of life for the tenants.  The edges apartment practically disrupted the urbanfabric in hopes of instigating future projects to do so similarly, in an attempt to organize and transform the typology.

边沿公寓(Edges Apartment)


建筑层数:11 (G+10)
建筑设计:Studio Toggle
项目状态: 2015年1月完成

Project name:Edges Apartments
Number of storeys:11(G+10)
Project Location:Salmiya, Kuwait
Developer:Private Client
Architect:Studio Toggle
Project status:Completed January 2015

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