






Fausto Terán | JapoNeza 度假寓所

2020-09-04 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-9-4 18:22 编辑


-JapoNeza 度假寓所-

JapoNeza 度假寓所环境图

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所的概念、名称、内部设计和整体建筑均由福斯托·泰兰(Fausto Terán)设计。作为毕业于纽约大学的电影制片人,曾任巴西柔术的指导教师,同时也是国家冠军以及两次获得世界冠军的国家队教练,福斯托·泰兰(FaustoTerán)刚刚完成了他的第一部长片《vivir》,该片将于今年晚些时候上映。
The concept, name, interior and architecture are designed by Fausto Terán. A filmmaker whograduated from New York University, former teacher of Brazilian Jiujitsu,national champ and two times world champion as a coach of the national team.Just finished his first features film ¨vivir ¨that will be shown later thisyear.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

Fausto will introduce you to this amazingexperience. The house is a beautiful setting where you can appreciate hisformidable point of view.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

就在距离墨西哥城仅两小时路程处,一片半沙漠化的自然环境中,人们在这里找到它——JapoNeza 度假寓所
Just two hours awayfrom Mexico City surrounded by nature in a semi desertic environment, you willfind in Japoneza a unique and harmonically architectural piece.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

从这里,人们可以欣赏令人叹为观止的阿特兰加特佩克湖(Atlangatepec Lake),以及其周围环绕着的、墨西哥最重要的三座火山。
Looking at the amazing Atlangatepec Lake and surrounded by 3 ofthe most important volcanos in México.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所
JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza retreat is a thesis of the parallelism between Japanand Mexican cultures, inspired in both architectural and spiritual traditions(Zen philosophy inside Mexican craziness).

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

From the architectural POV, it has a soul of concrete andregional pine wood treated with the Japanese technique of “Shou-Sugi-Ban”,burned and curated wood protecting it from the abrasive mountain exteriorconditions.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

Very cold at night, very warm during the day …We built twolayers of wood (inside and out) to fight the bipolar weather, also a thirdlayer of heavy wood sliding doors for extra protection as a fortress.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza度假寓所的“Japa Neza”,是将前墨西哥最重要的建筑师之一Japo(Japanese)Neza(Nezahualcoyotl)的名字进行拆解得来的。
The name of JAPO NEZA is dissected by Japo (japanese) Neza Nezahualcoyotlthe most importantarchitect in prehispanic Mexico.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

You will find a “Shinrin Yoku” complete immersion inthe natural habitat sharing the space with horses, donkeys, dogs, and a wildfauna such as falcons, eagles, ducks, owls, coyotes, rabbits, roadrunners andraddle snakes.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

The view of a lake offers tranquility contemplation andappreciation with top butler and Chef service.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

You can enjoy the hot water in the outdoors wood jacuzzi andrelax in the hammocks reminding you of the ludic importance of a home.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

Fausto believes in an architecture that has a soul, history,mythology so when you experience your stay, it will flourish inside of you andcatapult your senses.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza it´s such a juxtaposition, both cultures are thecomplete opposite in the surface, yet extremely related in the inside. Hisdesign has a need to explore several layers of understanding not only for theobvious first impression statement, but to explore a thesis to make theobserver understand and question human being and his complexity by admiring,sitting and let the intellect merge with your feelings.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

One of the most important aspects is the social impact bypushing the community to get involved in the process.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza has been built entirely with local hands, localmaterials and by entire families and we teach them how to procure the wood, thefield, the animals, the gastronomy and growing by taking care of thehospitality.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

Thinking in the business side it is a better prognostic for thelong-term relationship because the locals and the closest communities they willprotect the project like a member of the family.

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

JapoNeza 度假寓所

I relate with broken life…Broken people,broken furniture, broken nature, and the gold line to help us glue it like theJapanese art form Kintsugi it is design,architecture, film, music sports, love and compassion … I love the fact that weare still broke but there is beauty in it for those souls who wants to see it.

JapoNeza 度假寓所地点

JapoNeza 度假寓所轴视图

JapoNeza 度假寓所屋顶平面图

JapoNeza 度假寓所底楼平面图

JapoNeza 度假寓所顶楼平面图

JapoNeza 度假寓所东立面侧视图

JapoNeza 度假寓所北立面侧视图

JapoNeza 度假寓所纵切面

JapoNeza 度假寓所横切面
项目名称:JapoNeza 度假寓所
公司名称:Toro films
建筑负责: Fausto Terán IG @faustoteran
设计团队:JapoNeza retreat @japonezaretreat
工程团队:Ricardo Libreros
景观设计:Nombre Constantino Saenus
项目咨询:Michel Rojkind, Yoshi Fukumori @yoshi_fukumori
项目合作: (Samantha Su) Gimena Lara @openpraxis
摄影支持: Jaime Navarro @jaimenavarros

Project nameJapoNeza retreat
Company name:Toro films
Project location:Atlangatepec Lagoon,Tlaxcala Mexico.
Completion Year:October 2019
Other participants:
Architects in Charge: Fausto Terán
Design team:JapoNeza retreat@japonezaretreat
Engineering:Ricardo Libreros
Landscape:Nombre ConstantinoSaenus
Consultants:Michel Rojkind, YoshiFukumori @yoshi_fukumori
Collaborators: (Samantha Su) Gimena Lara @openpraxis
Photo credits: Jaime Navarro @jaimenavarros

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