-马萨广场- Marsa Plaza
ACME已经完成了阿曼一代最大的新城市广场马萨广场(Marsa Plaza)。该广场位于马斯喀特(Muscat)西边缘的阿尔·穆伊(AlMouj)地区中心,在码头边缘创建出了一隅全新的城市空间。该广场通向水面,并由台阶和遮阳篷所界定,为水景和观景人提供了许多非正式空间,供观众观赏和歇息的露台和用于表演的露天剧场。 ACMEhas completed Marsa Plaza, Oman’s largest new urban square in a generation. Situated in the centre of AlMouj Quarter, on the western edge of Muscat, Marsa Plaza creates a new urbanspace at the edge of the Marina. Opening out into the water and defined bysteps and shading canopies, the square creates a number of informal spaces forwater features and people-watching, seating terraces and an amphitheater forperformances.
广场的地平面,建筑的墙壁和遮篷三者被设计成为一个整体,通过创造一种统一的视觉空间标识的同时,模糊各个元素之间的边界。可以说,新马萨广场中新构筑物的物质属性和图案形式皆是根据本地情况和背景而开发的——设计师选取的材质是当地的阿曼石,以及从传统几何形状和当地文化经典类型演变而来的图案。 Theground plane of the square, the walls of the buildings and the shading canopieshave all been designed as one to create a unified visual spatial identity andto blur the boundaries between the separate elements. The materiality andpatterns have been developed from the local context, using local Omani stoneand patterns developed from traditional geometries and vernacular types.
阿曼的港口首都马斯喀特,紧紧地扎根于阿曼湾和阿哈吉尔山脉之间。因受城市发展的限制,这座城市继续沿海岸向西扩展,有几个新城市区域还处于建设之中。阿尔·穆伊(Al Mouj)是这些新开发项目中最大的一个——毫无疑问的是,它为马斯喀特定义了一个崭新的城市区。 Muscat,Oman’s port capital, is tightly wedged between the Gulf of Oman and the AlHajar mountain range at its back. Constrained in its urban development, thecity continues to expand west along the shore, with several new city quartersunder construction. Al Mouj is the largest of these new developments, defininga new urban quarter for Muscat.
马萨广场(Marsa Plaza)被认为是滨海区的中心——将城市的核心林荫大道同海滨长廊紧密相连;它的设计愿景,不止旨在为当地社区提供便利,而是能够满足马斯喀特整个社区的公共目的地。 MarsaPlaza has been conceived as the heart of the Marina district, linking the mainboulevard to the seafront promenade. It is intended to be not just an amenityfor the local community, but a destination for the wider public of Muscat.
新马萨广场的景观设计大量种植树木,同时结合重叠的檐篷,以此免受了强烈的阳光照射,在无论是白天还是夜晚,都营造出一处凉爽舒适的环境,因而吸引了各个年龄段的人们使用空间。 Protectedfrom the intense sunlight by trees and overlapping canopies, the plaza invitespeople of all ages and creates a shaded environment for use during the heat ofthe day and in the evening.
遮幕图案的设计目的旨在根据遮幕角度和曝光程度实现阴影提供的最大化面积,并通过其中的网格变化,来平衡不同位置的明暗度。 Thescreen patterns have been designed to maximize shading depending on screenangle and exposure, with variations in the grid to balance light and shade foreach position.
新马萨广场的台阶呈倾斜阶梯状,从而使得当地的城市更靠近水边,并在中央的水景周围形成一座天然的圆形剧场。通路,檐篷和马什拉比亚(mashrabiya)墙的几何形状与传统阿曼建筑的构造和图形以一种和谐的方式融为一体。 Thelevels of the square are stepped and ramped to bring the local city closer tothe water’s edge and to form a natural amphitheater around the central waterfeature. The geometry of the paving, canopies and mashrabiyawall plays with the tectonics and graphics of traditional Omaniarchitecture.
新马萨广场项目主要由在阿曼开采的当地坚固石材——沙漠玫瑰的大理石建造而成。正方台阶和接缝处均用黑色花岗岩对地板上的图案进行勾勒,当地生产的轻质铝制顶篷和屏幕覆盖住广场外部的游客座位区。 Theproject is constructed from solid local stone- Desert Rose marble quarried inOman. Steps in the square and joints are outlined in black granite to createthe floor pattern, and locally-produced lightweight aluminum canopies andscreens cover the outside seating areas.
两家餐厅占据了遮光屏后面的部分空间,并在视觉上对空间进行了分割,以三个独立空间的方式呈现:双层玻璃窗空间,附带有屋顶露台的单层空间和石砌厨房空间。 Tworestaurants occupy the space behind some of the shading screens, and have beenvisually divided into three separate volumes: a double height glazedvolume, a single story volume with roof terrace and a stone-clad kitchensvolume.
不断变化的聚集化体量从某种程度上破坏了建筑的整体规模,同时却也为广场打造出各种各样的户外座位区,并引导凉爽的海风流入广场。玻璃立面通过屏风和悬挑的檐篷保护,从而能够免受太阳光的直射,为室内创造出了更为宜人的微气候,减少了对气候控制的需求。 Theshifting masses break up the scale of the buildings and create a variety ofoutdoor seating areas as well as allowing the cool sea breeze to flow into thesquare. The glazed facades are protected from the sun by screens andcanopy overhangs that allow for a pleasant micro-climate inside and reduce theneed for climate control.
屋顶檐篷在广场的所有侧面位置,都提供了十分充足的遮荫。檐篷在距离大海最远处的位置海拔较低,在朝最南端的拐角处延伸的同时高度在逐渐上升,在最大拐角处以一种完全覆盖的姿态为表演区提供了最大化荫蔽,人们同时亦能够享受饱览这一片水景的绝佳视野。 Roofcanopies provide shading on all sides of the plaza. The canopies are lowestaway from the sea, rising up towards the south-most corner where the largestone covers a performance area and frames views towards the water.
ACME设计主管弗里德里希·路德维希表示:“马萨广场(Marsa Plaza)被设想为阿尔·穆伊社区的新心脏,提供给人们绿色,阴凉的空间,让人们可以闲坐,交谈,用餐,娱乐和享受海风。该空间采用阿曼的当地材料和图案进行设计,并由当地承包商建造,在保有现代形式的同时,依旧具有深深植根于当地环境的特质。 FriedrichLudewig, Director at ACME said: “Marsa Plaza was envisioned as the new heart ofthe Al Mouj community, providing green, shade, spaces to sit, talk, eat, playand enjoy the breeze from the sea. Designed with local Omani materials andpatterns and built with local contractors, the space is contemporary in formbut deeply rooted in the local context.
由结构化地板、墙壁和檐篷共同组成而创造出的区域,更易于打造并结合,共同为本地的社区建造出一处构成复杂,令人难忘的空间和基调。在这里的第一个夏天,很多人们流连于广场上观看飞机从旁经过的景象;光临餐厅的客人们坐在露台上在天空的巨大幕布下用餐,成群的孩子在喷泉水池中尽情地嬉戏玩耍,抑或是在面向大海的舞台上观看表演——这一切的一切,都说明马萨广场正在迅速地成为社区的新心脏”。 Thespaces created by the structured floor, walls and canopies are simple toconstruct yet jointly create a complex and memorable space and identity for thecommunity. Over the first summer, we have greatly enjoyed watching flaneurspass by, restaurant guests eating out on the terraces, crowds of children playin the fountains, and to see performances on the stage facing the sea. We aredelighted that Marsa Plaza has so quickly become the new heart of thecommunity”.
马斯喀特城的阿尔·穆伊地区(Al Mouj Muscat)首席执行官纳赛尔·沙巴尼表示:“新马萨广场的设计方案,既具有传统目的,又具有非常现代的眼光,它进一步巩固了我们致力提供与本地文化相关的设计和出色的生活方式的承诺;它已经成为马斯喀特阿尔·穆伊的标志性地标,这一空间将人们聚集于一处,共享时光的同时,也重塑了人们与阿曼历史遗产和自然景观的更亲密的联系感。在将这种“生活气息”带入马萨广场时,通过关注细节成功地满足了关于多元化社区的,核心的多重休闲和文化需求。” NasserAl Sheibani, CEO of Al Mouj Muscat: “Marsa Plaza is a space that is both verytraditional in its purpose and very contemporary in its vision, furtherreinforcing our commitment to offer locally relevant design and outstandinglifestyle experiences. It is already an iconic landmark for Al Mouj Muscat, aspace that brings people together for shared moments, while also opening asense of connection to the heritage and landscape of Oman. In bringing life toMarsa Plaza, we have paid careful attention to the smallest of details,successfully fulfilling the diverse leisure and cultural needs at the heart ofour diverse community.”
项目名称:马斯喀特的新马萨广场 Muscat’s new Marsa Plaza 项目位置:马斯喀特,阿曼苏丹国 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 项目施工:2014-2019 项目状态:完成 Completed 项目面积:5,500m² (3,500m² 公共广场,1050 m² 餐厅和咖啡厅,包括露台在内) 项目预算:7.2£M 建筑团队:ACME(reiner Beelitz, João Brás, Molly hibberd, Duarte Lobo Antunes, FriedrichLudewig, Borja Madrazo.)
咨询团队- 景观和公用事业:Parsons MEP: T20 Engineers 土木工程结构:Muamir Design &Engineering Consultancy 承包商:Dubai Metal 项目客户:AlMouj, Sultanate of Oman 摄影支持:Francisco Nogueira