墨西哥冲浪者小镇的沿海别墅 Villas Escondida by Francisco Pardo Arquitecto nestles into the coastal landscape of a Mexican surfers’ town
由墨西哥公司弗朗西斯科·帕多建筑室(Francisco Pardo Arquitecto)设计的埃斯孔迪达别墅酒店距太平洋海岸线仅有50米,位于高耸的悬崖峰顶,从此处能够俯瞰墨西哥的埃斯孔迪多港湾(“隐蔽港口”)——这处地区以其充满自然野性,浩渺无尽的海滩世界闻名,作为瓦哈卡海岸最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,它迎接着来自世界各地的冲浪者,并吸引着越来越多的偏好低调和折衷主义的观光客。 Designed by Mexican firm Francisco Pardo Arquitecto, the VillasEscondida are located 50 meters from the Pacific Ocean, on a cliff-topoverlooking the bay of Puerto Escondido ("Hidden Port"), in Mexico.Renowned for its wild and endless beaches, the area is one of the most revered touristattractions on the Oaxacan Coast, welcoming surfers from all over the world,and attracting a more low-key and eclectic clientele.
该项目的位置坐落于葱郁草木之中,通过以能够反映出该地点的坡度的,从20°至40°的倾斜度作为地形基底而设计的连续阶梯,回旋结构和置中露台,呈现出对周遭环境的尊重美学;同时并以此作为标准建立起可复制性模型,使每个居住单元都能拥有180度的全景视野,充足的自然光线和交叉通风——这一切都要得益于设计师刻意安置的略显复杂的交替布局,住户才能够拥有如此独特的空间体验。 Nestled in the vegetation, the project respects the environmentby mirroring the slope of the site with its 20° to 40° incline, through asequence of stepping, rotation and intermediate patios. A standard replicablepattern is established, enabling 180° views and plenty of natural light andventilation in each unit, thanks to a complex and alternating layout thatoffers residents a unique experience.
“这种住房的空间安排能够自然而然地适应现有的地形。”该工作室的创始人弗朗西斯科·帕多(Francisco Pardo)断言,“埃斯孔迪达别墅试图在人为建筑,太平洋海域以及居民三方之间,营造一种和谐的共生态,并通过周遭壮丽的自然风光增强这种互动感和共存感。 “This housing arrangement naturally adapts to the existingtopography. The villas seek to generate a harmonic symbiosis betweenarchitecture, the Pacific Ocean and the inhabitants, enhanced by extraordinarypanoramic views of the surroundings”, asserts Francisco Pardo, founder of thestudio.
该建筑群包括上下两层;下层总面积为70平方米,上层150平方米,一共囊括16间包括附带露台在内的住宅公寓;尽管实地使用的空间密度很高,但因为这些公寓嵌入山坡的方式,使得它们看上去更像是一体别墅。 The complex comprises of 16 residencies of 150 sqm plus theterrace, measuring 70 sqm on the lower level. Despite the high-density on site,the apartments, embedded into the hillside in various ways, feel more likevillas than apartments.
每个住宅单元包括两到三间卧室、一个开放式客厅,餐厅,以及私人露台——后者勾勒出田园诗般的自然风景和海天相接处的地平线,同时通过对周边绿植进行战略性的大范围和高密度的种植设计,来最大限度保护住户隐私。 Each unit consists of two or three bedrooms, an open-planliving and dining room, and a private terrace – which frames the idyllic sceneryand the sea-horizon, while guaranteeing maximum privacy through the extensiveplants strategically placed around its perimeters.
每间公寓均设有一个小型私人游泳池;而在建筑的最高屋顶上则分别设有三种不同类型的公共区域:东侧、同时也是最高处是酒吧和休息区;中心区是附加日光浴平台的主泳池;西处则设置有一个小型儿童泳池。 Each apartment has a small private swimming pool, and threetypes of common areas feature on the uppermost rooftops: to the East (thehighest), a bar and rest area; in the center, the main swimming pool with asundeck; and to the West, a smaller pool for children.
人们可通过自然风的路径连通系统,或穿过两座花园的两种方式进入公寓——在花园的设计中,复制了当地地形的自然坡度,并以一种自然的形态延伸至海洋。海风与悬臂式屋顶能够提供高效能遮阳的阴影面积,露台以及侧壁的构筑体则能通过协同作用实现建筑的横向通风,满足人们在使用室内外空间时的被动冷却需求。 The apartments are accessed through a system of naturalpathways and two gardens that replicate the natural slope of the terrain andstretch down to the sea. The ocean breeze, in synergy with the shade providedby cantilevered roofs and the cross ventilation generated by the terrace andthe lateral walls, provides passive cooling options.
在建筑内部的每个单元都为人们提供了一处极其舒适的使用空间——放松身心并避开强烈的阳光;天然色调的木材包裹着量身定制的精美内饰,增加了温暖视感的同时,亦增强了人类与自然环境之间的联系。 Inside, the units offer a comfortable place to relax and takerefuge from the sun. Natural-toned wood wraps the exquisitely tailored-made interiors,adding visual warmth and reinforcing the connection to the natural context.
埃斯孔迪达斯别墅完全由钢筋混凝土,砌块墙,水泥,沙土和肋板组合建造而成;而这一套建造系统因具有灵活的构成和坚固的结构,因此可抵抗对该地区影响较大的地震灾害;外墙和内墙的主要饰面细节均由“Chukun”制成,并用细砂水泥和当地传统木料“ Macuil”压平。 Villas Escondida are entirely built with a simple structure ofreinforced concrete, block walls, cement, sand and ribbed slabs. This systemhas permitted flexible construction and a solid structure, resistant to thecharacteristic earthquakes that affect the area. The main finishing details ofthe external facades and the interiors are made with Chukun, flattened withfine sand cement and the suggestive local “Macuil” wood.
这个项目最初的愿景便是如此:不是以某种人工干预,入侵自然景观,而是向海滩倾斜的姿态,捕捉海风,沐浴阳光,旨在以更温和的方式融于这一片被浓郁草木所覆盖的土地,同时强调建筑与其自然环境在不同维度的紧密维系。 Rather than trespassing on the landscape, this original projectthat slopes down toward the beach to catch the ocean’s breeze, is intended to integrateinto the site blanketed with vegetation, emphasizing the architecture'sconnection to its natural setting.
项目信息 PROJECT CREDITS 项目名称:埃斯孔迪达别墅 建筑设计:Francisco Pardo Arquitecto 项目开发:Gumaro Lizárraga, Grupo GLM 设计团队:Wilfrido Estrada (project leader), RosaMedrano, Karen Burkart, Víctor Cruz, Iván Saucedo, Vania Torres, TiberioWallentin 完成年份:2020 项目位置:墨西哥,瓦哈卡,埃斯孔迪多港 项目面积:8,310 sqm 室内设计:La Metropolitana, Década Muebles 工程建造和家具装修:Alfonso Suarez, Factotum Arquitectura 摄影支持:©Onnis Luque, ©Mauricio Guerrero
Project:Villas Escondida Architect:Francisco PardoArquitecto Developer:Gumaro Lizárraga,Grupo GLM Design team:Wilfrido Estrada(project leader), Rosa Medrano, Karen Burkart, Víctor Cruz, Iván Saucedo, VaniaTorres, Tiberio Wallentin Completion:2020 Location:Puerto Escondido,Oaxaca, México GFA:8,310 sqm Interior design:La Metropolitana,Década Muebles Construction and fixed furniture:AlfonsoSuarez, Factotum Arquitectura Photography:©Onnis Luque,©Mauricio Guerrero