迄今为止最大的永久艺术 424英尺高的曲弧雕塑
-炫彩曲弧- Bending Arc
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 它透明而轻盈的质地,同背后的蔚蓝天空融于一体
随着圣彼得堡新的26英亩海滨码头的正式开放,艺术家珍妮特·埃切尔曼(Janet Echelman)也于此为她的最新作品揭幕:炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc),这一悬于高空之中的永久性雕塑由1,662,528关节点和总长为180英里的麻线组成,总跨度为424英尺,最高点距离地面达72英尺。 With the opening of St. Petersburg’s new26-acre waterfront Pier, Janet Echelman unveils her newest permanent work, BendingArc. Composed of 1,662,528 knots and 180 miles of twine, the aerial sculpturespans 424 feet and measures 72 feet at its tallest point.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 俯瞰这座艺术装置的全景,犹如璀璨的水晶形成的层列沟壑和山谷
珍妮特·埃切尔曼(Janet Echelman)的艺术作品旨在对于“变化”的呈现,正如这座巨大的纪念性雕塑所表现出得那样:它坐落于码头区的上空,随风起伏摆动,恍若来自四面八方的无形的手指,在它的柔软的表面上跳跃舞动,亦或是牵抚轻掠,从而塑造出灵巧轻盈,充满动感的姿态。
Echelman's art embraces change. Themonumental sculpture gently billows above the Pier District, allowing the windto create a choreography of constantly changing shape in the sculpture's softsurface.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 夜晚的它,在绚烂的灯光映衬下呈现出美轮美奂的光影变换 似真似幻,飘逸如风
当雕塑表面与自然光和投射光交叉互融、彼此作用时,这座曲弧雕塑的整体色彩也会随时呈现出惊人的变化——白天,雕塑在公园和下面的人身上投下能够遮阳的阴影,到了晚上,它则在各种灯光的作映射下,化身成为梦幻般洋红和紫罗兰的绚丽“灯塔”。 The sculpture’s color also transforms atevery moment while its surface interplays with natural and projected light. Inthe daytime the sculpture casts shadow drawings on the park and people below,and at night it transforms into a glowing beacon of magenta and violet light.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 紫罗兰和洋红色交织而成的色彩 如水袖轻盈浪漫
这位国际知名的艺术家在坦帕湾海岸(Tampa Bay)出生长大,她对于这一雕塑的创作灵感来自那些极具年代感的历史明信片:譬如复古的色彩和笔触描绘着蓝白相间的条纹图案的沙滩遮阳伞,以及藏在码头潮湿角落里暗自生长的藤壶菌群所形成的神奇而有趣的几何形状;这两个主要元素的应用能从炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)的鸟瞰图设计中看出来:它就如同三个藤壶状的遮阳伞连环相套的结构。 The internationally-renowned artist, bornand raised along the shores of Tampa Bay, was inspired by historical postcardsdepicting blue and white striped beach parasols together with the geometricforms made by colonies of barnacles growing on the underside of the pieritself. The sculpture’s design in aerial view can be read as threebarnacle-like parasols nestled together.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 从这种梦幻一般的材质留白的缝隙中 隐约窥见那天光
而在继续设计的过程中,珍妮特·埃切尔曼(JanetEchelman)也对这一公共场所的民权运动的重要意义有了更深层的理解和尊重——当地公民曾经以和平的方式对本地种族歧视壁垒发出挑战,这一举动进一步导致1957年美国最高法院一案的最终判决:保证所有公民都能享有如《宪法》中所述的,平等地使用市政海滩和游泳池等公共区域的权利。 As she continued her design process, shelearned of the site’s important Civil Rights Movement significance, as theplace where local citizens began peacefully challenging racial barriers,leading to the 1957 US Supreme Court case ruling which upheld the rights of allcitizens to enjoy use of the municipal beach and swimming pool withoutdiscrimination.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 绚烂的色彩令人叹为观止
于是,珍妮特在自己的作品中用艺术手法呈现出了她对于这一历史事件的敬意:通过由数条弧线完成雕塑几何形状的基本构成,这位艺术家以MLK的话为标题对它进行命名“曲弧”, “弯曲的弧线”,意喻“道德宇宙的弧线很长,但终将会向正义倾斜。” The sculpture’s geometry in section iscomposed of multiple arcs, which gently billow in the wind. The artist titledthe sculpture Bending Arc in reference to MLK’s words: “The arc of the moraluniverse is long, but it bends toward justice.”
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 在晴空下,它仿佛巨大的透明状悬空浮萍 为使用此处空间的人们提供遮蔽
这一纤维雕塑是公私合营的项目,它完全由私人捐助者出资建设,而 相关的基础设施和公园场地费则由该市高达9200万美元的码头区政府项目(Pier District)承担。 A public-private partnership, the fibersculpture was funded entirely by private donors, and the cost of its relatedinfrastructure and park was covered within the city’s $92 million Pier Districtproject.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 创造出别具一格的公共空间和特色路标
这座巨大的雕塑完全由轻质纤维制成,可承受150 mph的风速,施加至桅杆的最大力度为65吨。该绳索由重量比钢强15倍的纤维制成,并且曾被美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)用来束缚火星探测器;其平面图上网覆盖面积为47,500平方英尺,网和绳索共重5,330磅。 Made entirely of lightweight fiber, the monumental sculpture isengineered to withstand 150 mph winds, and the maximum force applied to itsmasts is 65 tons. The rope is made of a fiber 15 times stronger than steel byweight and was used by NASA to tether the Mars Rover. The net in plan covers47,500 square feet. The net and ropes weigh a total of 5,330 pounds.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 穿过装置的遮篷结构向上仰视
珍妮特·埃切尔曼(Janet Echelman)的艺术品为游客提供了一片城市绿洲,在这里他们可以寻到片刻的,极致宁静的感官体验,同时也增强了观赏者对自然和人类自己在自然界中的地位的认识。 Echelman’s artwork offers visitors an oasiswhere they can seek a moment of calm sensory experience and heightenedawareness of nature and our place within it.
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc) 夜色迷离中 它是最不可错过的光彩
埃切尔曼说:“大自然的天空是我艺术品的画布,因为我的艺术品就是生于并存在于室外,和我们一样呼吸着新鲜的空气;特别是在今年的‘大流行’期间,它为人们提供了一个在保持安全的同时,还能同彼此分享真实体验的地方。” “The sky is the canvas for myartwork,” says Echelman, “and because this art is outside in the fresh air.During this pandemic, it offers a place for people to share an authenticexperience while staying safe.”
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)手稿
炫彩曲弧(Bending Arc)手稿
ABOUT ARTIST JANET ECHELMAN 珍妮特·埃切尔曼是能通过自己的双手,来雕刻出建筑艺术的规模的艺术家。她的作品打破了常规的艺术装置类型,随着风和光的变化而变化,并从一种简单的视觉艺术,转变成会让人迷失其中的,真实世界的体验。而作为古根海姆奖学金的获得者,埃切尔曼因“改变了城市空间的本质”而被评为建筑文摘创新者。同时她在TED上的演讲“认真思考”已被翻译成35种语言,总浏览量超过一百万。奥普拉(Oprah)将埃舍曼(Echelman)的作品列为“让你说哇!50件事情”中的第一名,就在近日,她获得了视觉艺术史密森尼美国发明奖,以表彰“当今美国最伟大的创新者”。你能从新加坡,悉尼,上海和圣地亚哥,北京,波士顿,纽约和伦敦,世界各地看到她的作品;毫无疑问的是,她的雕塑已成为遍布五大洲城市的人们日常生活的焦点和路标。 Echelman sculpts at the scale of buildings. Herart defies categorization. It transforms with wind and light, and shifts frombeing “an object you look at, into an experience you can get lost in”.Recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, Echelman was named an ArchitecturalDigest Innovator for "changing the very essence of urban spaces." HerTED talk "Taking Imagination Seriously" has been translated into 35languages with more than one million views. Oprah ranked Echelman’s work #1 onher List of 50 Things That Make You Say Wow!, and she recently received theSmithsonian American Ingenuity Award in Visual Arts, honoring “the greatestinnovators in America today.” Her sculpture has become focal points for urbanlife on five continents, from Singapore, Sydney, Shanghai, and Santiago, toBeijing, Boston, New York and London.
项目名称:炫彩曲弧 项目类型:雕塑 项目位置:佛罗里达州新圣皮特码头公园 艺术家:珍妮特·埃切尔曼 工作室: Studio Echelman 跨度总长:424英尺 节点总数:1,662,528 缠线总长:180 米 风速荷载:150英里每小时 杆顶承受力:65吨 绳索结构长度:424英尺 网段总长:280英尺 最高点:72英尺 总平面净面积:47,500平方英尺
Project name:BendingArc Project type:Sculpture Porject location:New St.Pete, FL Pier Park Artist: JANET ECHELMAN Studio: Studio Echelman Knots:1,662,528 Twine in netting:180 miles Design wind load:150 mph Weight of net and ropes:5,330 lbs Force at top of masts:65 tons Length of rope structure:424 ft Length of net:280 ft Highest point:72 ft Area of net in plan:47,500 sf