






KWY.studio | 沙漠X阿尔乌拉游客中心

2020-06-09 发布
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"Some of the most prevalent structuresfound everywhere around Al Ula are walled date plantations, usually rectangularin shape with large, centrally aligned gates. With palm tree crowns peakingabove the sand coloured walls, we can imagine the refreshing shade within, aplace where one could rest from the surrounding arid desert.

Not far from Al Ula is Hegra, SaudiArabia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site for its rock-cut monumental tombs.The most significant of these are decorated in an eclectic weave ofarchitectural styles in precisely cut sandstone columns, arches and cornices:fine examples of delicate design and incredible craftsmanship.

Interior space is usually a clear, carvedvoid defined by the mass of cut stone – and by Meda’inSaleh’s siq there is an intriguing traditional dining hall lined bythree benches for holding annual banquets.

阿尔乌拉游客中心是在峡谷隐秘入口处,由建筑师精心设计而隔离出来的一栋结构简单,方型形态的建筑,它以开放的姿态,欢迎世界各地的来访者参加沙漠X 阿尔乌拉的首展——这里提供了基础而全面的便利设施,如咨询中心,咖啡馆,宽敞的荫蔽庭院,以及露天的户外观景台。
The Visitor Centre is a simple squarebuilding, carefully isolated at the entrance of the Hidden Canyon welcoming visitorsfor the first Desert X Al Ula exhibition: it offers basic amenities such as aninformation centre and a café as well as a generously shaded courtyard and aviewing deck outside.

It is a place to rest and find shelter inthe open desert, while its courtyard frames views into the sky and themagnificent landscape.

The few, precisely located windows createvarious focal points up and down the canyon and increase the contrast betweenthe domestic and the unlimited: an expression of our scale and our relationshipwith nature.

The circular roof opening creates aparticular atmosphere - a perfect shape framing the rocks and the sky. The twoentrances into the courtyard are viewing axis extended by the transparent doorsinto the information centre and the café: the opposing windows in each ofthose spaces giving a framed view back into the desert.

The moment one enters the apparentlyenclosed courtyard is the very moment when one sees through the building –while it’s scale and depth is made ambiguous, there is an immediate spatial andfunctional clarity.

The floorplan is symmetric andnondirectional with each of the two main public spaces accessed from the centreof each side of the courtyard; facilities such as restrooms, staff and storageare located in the corner diagonal to the courtyard.

The metric of the building is strict andreoccurring in all dimensions of its spaces and openings: its structural gridis simple, and the uniformly dimensioned spaces allow for the reorganising ofthe structure for a future change of use.

Desert X Al Ula Visitor Centre is a modeststructure, designed and rapidly built with mostly local materials, drawing fromtwo local references: an archetypal walled garden, expressed in the ruledsymmetrical geometry and enclosed appearance, and constructive clarity, withspaces appearing to be carved from a solid mass through simple subtractiveoperations.

The Visitor Centre is open: visitors to thelandscape and the art will complete the experience."

项目名称: 沙漠X阿尔乌拉游人中心Desert X AlUla Visitor Centre
项目位置: 沙漠X谷,阿尔乌拉,沙特阿拉伯;Desert X Valley, AlUla, 43552,Saudi Arabia
项目客户:Royal Commission forAIUla
建筑主创: KWY.studio
设计团队: KWY.studio
设计负责: Ricardo Gomes, LuiseMarter and Rebecca Billi;
发展协调: Filipa Crujo andSara Cálem;
设计助理: Fergus Laidlaw, AliTalaat and Allegra Zanirato
承包商: Nesma
项目面积: Total area:792m2  (室内: 256m2, 露台:196m2, 外部甲板:340m2)
完成年份: 2020
摄影提供:Colin Robertson (邮件:colinjr@gmail.com;网站:www.colin-robertson.com‘’Instagram @colinjr)

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