当代社会对于“亲密关系”的定义早已超越了血缘与法律的界限,其更多的是一种价值观认同下的归属感。 In thecontemporary society, definition of "intimate relationship". Hasalready transcended the boundaries between blood and law, It is more of a senseof belonging under the values of identity. 当美好的人、美好的信仰在美好的空间中相遇,彼此交融成长,便滋生出一种安放身体、关乎情感、抵达精神的社群关系。 Whenbeautiful person and beautiful beliefs Meet in a beautiful space, Blend witheach other, they will develop a social relationship that places the body,affects the emotions and reaches the spirit. 杨柳郡是一座地铁场站之上的“天空之城”,它将学校和幼儿园,置于社区的整体环境中。它让教学与游戏散落在每一处角落。在这里,孩子们嬉戏追逐、欢乐探险,用稚嫩的脚步丈量“天空之城”……翩翩骏马去,自是少年行。或许这是关于成长最美的注解。 Yangliu County is a "city of the sky" above the subway, It places schools and kindergartens in the overall environment of the community. It blends teaching with the game, Let the rich outdoor activities be scattered in every corner. Here, the children play, chase and enjoy the adventure, Use the tender steps to measure the "city of the sky"...Children grow and chase for their dreams. Perhaps this is the most beautiful note about growth.
“上房揭瓦” "Touch the rooftiles" 社区西幼儿园位于杨柳郡西南尽端的城市公园中央。其顺应场地成环形布局,建筑自西南至东北角,由两层的体量过渡至三层,平缓、舒展的建筑形态,使得室外台阶和室内环形走廊形成一个连续的活动平台,让孩子们一下课就能“上房揭瓦”。 The building is like a sculpture scattered in the citypark, stretching the light and soft body to bring the environment under itscontrol, arousing the desire of people to explore again and again. The uniformand delicate double skins reflect the changes of light and shadow, so that themost pure life interest flows in the learning game, and the childhood nourishesthe brightest memory of the human spiritual world in love and beauty.
与之相对的是社区东幼儿园,设计同样从空间体验出发,对动线进行了全新梳理,通过连廊将活动场地由庭院扩展到更开敞的城市公园,令孩子们在行走中不断收获惊喜,激发好奇心和创造力。 In contrast, the design of the Community East Kindergartenalso starts from the spatial experience and makes a brand new arrangement ofthe moving lines. Through the corridor, the activity space is expanded from thecourtyard to a more open urban park, so that the children can keep gainingsurprises and stimulate their curiosity and creativity while walking.
童趣在空间中穿行 Childliketravels through space 作为“绿城·杨柳郡”居住社区的核心教育配套建筑,小学是以自由无约束,互动多共享的理念,来作为设计的切入角度。以张弛有力的建筑手法营造出丰富的学习、生活空间,在密集的住宅楼间开辟一隅生机盎然、层叠错落的绿谷。 The project is located at the top of thesubway center station in Jianggan district, Hangzhou. It is the coreeducational supporting building of the residential community of “MetroGreentown·Yangliu County”. Freedom and unconstrained, interactive multi-sharingis the basic entry point for primary school design. The designer hopes tocreate a rich learning and living space with a relaxed constructive approach,opening up a green valley that is full of vitality and cascading between denseresidential buildings.
作为建筑基础的下部场站,早于本案设计开始就已施工完成。对于场地现状,设计重新梳理了标高体系,提出“多重首层”的解决方案。学校送达层与公共区如图书馆、活动中心等联接;大阶梯衔接下沉的操场区;而教学区则 “悬浮”于空中。 The lower station, which is the foundation of the building, was completed before the design began. The design makes use of the site situation, reorganizes the elevation system, and proposes the solution of "multiple first floors". The school delivery level is connected to public areas such as libraries and activity centers; the large steps connect the sinking playground area; and the teaching area is “suspended” in the air.
地景设计将充满创意的庭院空间和流动性的架空空间相融,形成了功能上互不干扰、流线上便捷联动的交通体系。围合院落里起伏的草坡、阶梯营造出生动有趣的公共空间,为各类开放性、探索性的教学提供了场地,让孩子们在自由、共融的氛围里,开启发现自然、感知世界的旅程。 The landscape design integrates the creativecourtyard space with the fluid overhead space to form a transportation systemthat does not interfere with each other in function and is convenient to linkon the streamline. The undulating grass slopes and steps of the courtyardcreate a fun and open public space, providing a venue for all kinds of open andexploratory teaching, allowing children to start the journey of discovering thenature and perceiving the world in a free and inclusive atmosphere.
小学生固然偏爱活泼多样的空间形态,但设计并没有直接使用符号化的儿童元素或具象化的建筑手法,而是于架空层注入大量廊道、平台、楼梯等非正式交流空间,令孩子们在如同时空隧道般的场景里漫步、玩耍、嬉戏、相遇,亲身体验这座“天空之城“。 Although primary school students prefer alively and diverse spatial form, the design does not directly use symbolicchildren's elements or figurative architectural techniques. Instead, it injectsa large number of informal communication spaces such as corridors, platforms,stairs, etc. in the overhead layer, so that children can walk, sport, play,meet, and experience the “city of the sky”.
为成长赋能 Empoweringgrowth 城市化进程中,人与人之间正经历从未有过的亲密与疏离,生活也正经历从未有过的丰足和贫瘠。“社区”是城镇化加速的产物,杨柳郡小学与幼儿园希望输出了一种更富有人性关怀的社群模式。三座建筑的容积率仅为常规教育建筑的二分之一,在高密度住宅区里开辟一隅自然,通过教育与居住、休闲资源的有机共生,能打破固有的空间界限,theCampus of Young City——这正是我们对于未来社区生活方式的再思考。 In the process of urbanization, People areexperiencing intimacy and alienation like never before and life is experiencingthe richness and inferiority that have never been seen before. “Community” isthe product of the acceleration of urbanization. Yangliu County Primary Schooland Kindergarten hope to export a community model with more humanity. Thevolume ratio of the three buildings is only half that of conventional educationbuildings. By opening up a corner of nature inhigh-density residential areas, they break the inherent spatial boundariesthrough the organic symbiosis of education and residential leisure resources.The Campus of Young City is just our reflection on the future communitylifestyle.
设计团队:gad Design unit: gad 项目名称:绿城杨柳郡社区小学及幼儿园 Project name: Yangliu County Community Primary School andKindergarten 详细地址:杭州市江干区九和路660号 Detail address: no. 660 , Jiuhe road , Jianggan district,Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 摄影师: gad,范翌 Photographer: Fanyi, Huangjinrong 项目类型:学校 Project type: school 建成时间:2018年 Completion date:2018 项目规模(依次为东幼儿园、西幼儿园及小学):3400㎡/3386㎡/10500㎡ Project scale(eastkindergarten, west kindergarten and primary school as follwer):3400㎡/3386㎡/10500㎡ 建筑团队 Architecturedesign group 东幼儿园:王晓夏 王磊 王岭 East kindergarten:Wangxiaoxia WangleiWangling 西幼儿园:王晓夏 王磊 吴丹 West kindergarten:Wangxiaoxia Wanglei Wudan 小学:王晓夏 张吉宇 王磊 Primaryschool:WangxiaoxiZhangjiyu Wanglei |