8月下旬,位于哥本哈根的凯伦·布利肯斯广场正式开幕。它通过其独特的波浪形外形,空心山丘和低台创造出了一种独树一帜的单车停放空间,成为了哥本哈根最大的公共场所之一,最多能容纳2000多辆单车。该项目在COBE工作室主创建筑师丹•斯图姆伯加德的主导下,通过与EKJ Consulting Engineers的合作完成。 Late Augustwas the official opening of a new, major square in Copenhagen: Karen Blixens Plads. The square has a unique undulatinglandscape with hollow bicycle hills and low beds creating a new and innovativeway to park bicycles. It is one of the largest public spaces in Copenhagen andhas room for more than 2,000 parked bicycles. COBE, under Dan Stubbergaard’sleadership, created the design in close collaboration with EKJ Consulting Engineers.
凯伦·布利肯斯广场超过20000平方米,位于哥本哈根大学和丹麦大学南校区的丹麦皇家图书馆之间,是哥本哈根最大的公共广场之一。这一处开放,舒适,宜人无比的城市空间,具备高度创新性美学价值,呈现出壮观的视觉效果的同时兼具多功能的空间属性;它不仅通过其极高的单车停放容纳度,提高了人们对于节能交通的使用体验,其设计理念亦响应了当代气候变化以及物种多样性锐减所带来的环境挑战。丹麦私人基金会A.PMøllerFonden对该项目进行了慷慨的资金捐助支持。 At more than 20,000 m2 KarenBlixens Plads is one of the largest public squares in Copenhagen. Situatedbetween the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Royal Library’s buildingsat the university’s South Campus, the open and welcoming urban space is aninnovative, spectacular and multi-functional design that accommodates andpromotes green transportation, climate change adaptation and biodiversity. Theproject was supported by a generous donation from the private Danish foundationA.P Møller Fonden.
创新单车停车场Innovative bicycle parking 凯伦·布利肯斯广场将被设计成如波浪一般,连绵起伏的天然丘陵的形态将其毗邻的公共广场和大学广场连为一体;其宽阔而绵延的地毯式结构,将原本一体式环境分割成多维度的,连续且独立的功能区,为“山丘”外部和“山丘”内部的人们提供了充足的活动空间。 The combined public squareand university plaza is designed as a carpet that covers an undulate terrain ofsmall hills and breaks the large space up into smaller zones with room foractivities both on and inside the hills.
凯伦·布利肯斯广场以其三座单车山丘作为主体构筑,由浇铸的混凝土外壳为主,手工铺砌的瓷砖为辅,通体颜色与其周遭环境,如大学建筑群的外观色调遥相呼应。 The three bicycle hills werecreated as cast concrete shells clad with hand-laid tiles in colors echoing theexteriors of the surrounding university buildings.
除了作为大学的学生和教职员工、以及当地居民聚会社交的公用场所,凯伦·布利肯斯广场的另一大功能区是其大容量单车停放场——通过广场整体独树一帜的丘陵形态,自然的挑高结构余留出能够容纳超过2000辆单车的内部空间,可以供大学包括16000名学生和2000名员工在内的人员使用。 Inaddition to serving as an active meeting place for students, employees andlocals, the square also contains a high-capacity bicycle parking space for themany users of the university, including 16,000 students and 2,000 employees. The innovative and unique design has room for 2,000 bicycles.
说到这里不得不提哥本哈根作为世界领先的单车城市之一的称号——哥本哈根市40%以上的居民,每日的通勤方式都是骑单车。这就促使设计师们提出更新颖,也更灵活的单车停放方式。而在之前的项目中,COBE工作室已经开发出了单车停放的创意方案——停放空间的结构,通过仿照自然元素的形态,巧妙融于周遭环境之中。以哥本哈根的北门站为例,COBE设计并建造了一个“单车台”(Bicycle beds)。而在凯伦·布利肯斯广场的项目中,建筑师提出的全新解决方案是设计出名为“单车山丘”的停放空间。“经过重整后的丘陵景观,能够为单车创造一处具有极大容纳量的空间,其中三分之二的单车可以停放于单车山丘的内部空间之中。”COBE的建筑师和创始人丹·斯塔伯加德如是说。 ‘Copenhagen is one of theworld’s leading bicycle cities, with more than 40 per cent of the city’sinhabitants riding their bike for their daily commute. That requires a new andflexible approach to bicycle parking. In previous projects we have developedinnovative bicycle parking solutions that form a natural element in theenvironment. By Nørreport Station, for example, we created the so- calledbicycle beds, and here, at Karen Blixen Plads, the solution is bicycle hills. The integrated hillylandscape creates a space with a large capacity for bicycles, two-thirds ofthem in covered spaces inside the bicycle hills,’ says Dan Stubbergaard,architect and founder of COBE.
跨领域合作Interdisciplinarycollaboration COBE通过与CN3和EKJ s construction engineers合作,计算并创建了极具标志性的混凝土穹顶建筑的三维投影。它的解决方案是基于一个薄壳结构作为承重结构。从美学角度看,这种设计让“单车山丘”内部形成了一个宽阔明亮,通风凉爽的空间。然而,薄壳结构的原型通常来讲并没有洞孔,而凯伦·布利肯斯广场项目中,衍生的圆顶模型却被设计成有较大尺寸的开口。这对于设计师而言,就成为一个需要进行额外统计分析的挑战。 In collaboration with CN3,EKJ’s construction engineers calculated and created 3D projections of theiconic concrete dome constructions. The solution is based on a shellconstruction as the load-bearing structure. Aesthetically, the design providesa large airy space underneath the bicycle hills. However, while a shell construction does notnormally have holes in it, these domes have large openings, which constituted asignificant challenge and required additional statistical analyses.
俯瞰凯伦·布利肯斯广场,以简单且柔和的过渡结构实现了此处公共空间的高度流通性和功能性 绿色节能构想Greenprofile 凯伦·布利肯斯广场,将大学校园对于城市空间的需求,同其周边公共空间的开放景观,以柔和的过渡设计结合起来。设有大学的三个主要入口的广场北侧,是一个多功能的开放式空间。而南面则是连接着校园和公共空间的,随着中心人造丘陵的结构而天然起伏着的草地。 In a soft transition, KarenBlixens Plads brings together the university’s need for urban spaces with theopen landscape of the neighboring commons. The north side of the square, wherethe three main entrances to the university are located, is an open andmulti-purpose space. To the south, hilly, undulating meadowland connects thecampus with the commons。 俯瞰凯伦·布利肯斯广场的“单车山丘”,颇为震撼的自然形态同周遭的环境融为一体
这一处景观设计,除了将自然引入校园,还通过提升本地雨水处理的能力以此来适应气候变化。它如波浪起伏的毯形结构,自然而流畅地在此处分割出了下凹的低台空间;它们充分利用雨水的娱乐价值,形成一处处既能通过收集雨水来减缓雨水流失,又充满了趣味性和交互性的生态洼地;而这些自成生境的低洼水台,同时也为这片区域的动植物群落提供了栖息之处,在面对环境污染等等全球性问题的严峻威胁下,它尽自己所能,保护了该处的物种多样性;另一方面,在极端的干燥天气里,它亦能加速雨水蒸发,进而补充水位下降的运河,为适应气候变化做出了惊人的贡献。 In addition to bringingnature into the campus the landscape also contributes to climate changeadaptation by adding a capacity to handle storm water. Delaying rainwater indepressions in the landscape utilizes the recreational values of the water andcreates small wet biotopes that support biodiversity, enable rainwaterevaporation and supplements the canal in case of extreme precipitation, thuscontributing to climate change adaptation.
夜幕降临之时,凯伦·布利肯斯广场简洁明亮的照明设计 使其“单车山丘”的内外部空间呈现出一种宁静安谧的氛围 凯伦·布利肯斯广场的整体设计,以简单、坚固和耐用的材料为主;譬如,为了打造具有真正可持续意义的城市空间,设计师在对广场照明和基础设施进行设计和建造时,摒除了繁复的设计风格和过盛的装饰数量,转而使用更简约的元素和更精良的构筑;因此广场选择并且最终呈现出来的,都是无需过多维护成本的要素,在为了实现此公共空间绿色节能构想的方面功不可没。 The design uses simple,sturdy and durable materials, just as lighting andfurnishings are kept to a few, simple elements to ensure a sustainable urbanspace. All the selected elements are low-maintenance and contribute to thesquare’s green profile.
户外礼堂Outdoor auditorium 而毯形结构的上凸空间——人造山丘的中央,被设计成为一个能容纳多达1000人的露天礼堂。人造山丘的丘顶,则为此处举办音乐会,或其他大型公共活动,提供了更多可供选择的使用空间。 A central feature is anoutdoor auditorium with seating for up to 1,000 people on the manmade hills.The hilltops offer additional standing room for concerts or other large publicevents.
“总而言之,我们基于三个主要原则,创建了一个独特的空间:它改善了景观和城市空间之间的联结关系,将绿色空间和具有大容量的单车停放空间进行整合,同时创造一个提供良好的社交场所和学习环境的公共区域。”COBE的创始人丹•斯图姆伯加德如此说:“这座几乎如大教堂一样的单车山丘,本身就提供了一种审美体验——无论是人们在停放他们的单车的时候,还是在这座山丘上听课、小组工作、听音乐会,或者在每周周五下午进行惯例的社交活动的时候。” All in all, we have createda unique space based on three main principles: improving the connection betweenlandscape and urban space, integrating optimal green spaces with a largecapacity for bicycle parking and creating a space that offers good social meetingplaces and learning environments. The almost cathedral-like form of the bicyclehills further offers an aesthetic experience in its own right, both when peoplepark their bikes and when they meet at the hills for lectures, group work,concerts or Friday afternoon socializing,’ says COBE’s founder, Dan Stubbergaard.
项目名称: 哥本哈根大学的城市空间Urban space by the University of Copenhagen. 项目地点:哥本哈根,丹麦Copenhagen, Denmark. 项目面积: 21,415 m2. 项目客户: 丹麦建筑与房地产公司Danish Building and Property Agency. 私人捐赠: Grant from the private foundation A.P. Møller og HustruChastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal. 建筑设计: COBE. 全服务咨询顾问: EKJ Consulting Engineers. 结构咨询顾问: CN3, Vind-Vind. 承包商: M. J. Eriksson (construction contract), NCC Denmark (concretecontract). 摄影:asmus Hjortshøj – COAST
COBE是一家由建筑师丹•斯图姆-伯加德于2006年创立的建筑公司。在短短13年的时间里,COBE已经因为其对于建筑作为一个社会引擎的功能的深刻理解而发展成为一流的设计工作室。COBE每一个项目理念的成型,都基于对各个特定地点的具体的潜力分析,以及坚持为未来的用户和周围环境产生附加价值的设计原则。而COBE的另一个设计和研究重点,是可持续性和绿色建筑方案。 公司最独特的项目是哥本哈根最繁忙的车站——北门站;斯堪的纳维亚半岛迄今为止最大的城市发展项目——著名的“筒仓”(Silo)呵呵哥本哈根的北哈芬(北港)区规划设计;阿迪达斯德国总部的新标志性建筑“中场休息”(halftime); 罗斯基勒的丹麦摇滚音乐博物馆“诸神黄昏”(Ragnarock)”;以及哥本哈根纸岛(Paper Island)。 想要了解更多关于COBE工作室,
COBE is an architectural firmfounded in 2006 by architect Dan Stubbergaard. In just thirteen years, COBE hasbecome a leading office with a profound understanding of the function ofarchitecture as a social engine. The firm’s projects are shaped by the specificpotentials of each given site and insist on generating added value for thefuture users and the surrounding environment. Another key priority for COBEis sustainability and green solutions. Among the firm’s most distinctiveprojects are Nørreport Station – Copenhagen’s busiest station; The Silo and theplanning of Copenhagen’s Nordhavn (North Harbor) district – Scandinavia’sbiggest urban development to date; Halftime – a new iconic building for adidas’headquarters in Germany; Ragnarock-– Denmark’s museum for rock music inRoskilde; and the development of Papirøen (Paper Island) in Copenhagen. |