该建筑位于雄伟的泰格图斯山(Mount Taygetus)东部斜坡上的一个拜占庭式定居区,将这座小建筑紧密围绕地,是该地区别具一格的风景线。这也因此使得它自然而然融化于这片大自然之中,成为其中浑然天成的一部分。 The buildingis located in a Byzantine settlement on the eastern slopes of the majesticMount Taygetus. The surrounding area is one of outstanding natural beauty andforms part of the Natural Network.
而建筑师本人在开始这个项目之前,就对这个地区相当的了解。居民们热爱音乐,曾多次邀请本地的打击乐团进行相关音乐活动、主题演出,又或者是传统嘉年华化装庆典。 I knew thearea well, even before undertaking the project. The inhabitants, love music andhad hosted our percussion group on many occasions, for musical activities,seminars and traditional carnival disguises.
这种文化背景的连接,赋予了这所房子新名字:泰格图斯尤克。“尤克”实指北欧萨米人的一种音乐表演的艺术形式;而“泰格图斯尤克”,则是一种隐喻。就像萨米人通过“尤克”,将人类及世界上的其他存在,他们所具有的最绚烂或者最闪耀的部分,以音乐的方式表达,呈现,记录,永远地留印于非实体的世界之中,这座建筑亦是通过利用本地独特的艺术语系,选取最自然的建造材质,将那些藏于这群山连绵的村落中的灵魂之物,带入能够触碰的当代世界里。 This link iswhat gave the house its name, Yoik of Taygetus, which refers to a verydistinctive musical form performed by the Sami people in the Sapmi region ofNorthern Europe. Just as a yoik imprints the aura of humans and things onto theimmaterial world of music, so this house transports something of the soul ofthis mountain region into the material, contemporary world, utilizingvernacular forms and natural materials.
它所坐落之处有一座曾作饲养动物之用的废弃石屋。于是泰格图斯尤克的整体解决方案,便是基于这一既存的废墟层,在其上构筑出新的居住层——不仅象征着时间的发展,文化的进步,更意味着,于村落时间和空间层层演替,连续变化的过程中,创造出这一时代所特有的历史肌层。 The plotcontained a ruined stone building used to house animals. The overall solutionfor the residence proposes a new layer of habitation above the level of theruin, symbolizing progress and creating new historical stratification in thesuccession of the village’s temporal and spatial layers of existence.
新构筑肌层,被设计成高度位于道路水平面之下,由此将其对自然环境的影响,降到了=最温和的程度。若是当步行者在经过房子前面的小路时,他们向远方眺望的视野,也并不会受到任何局限和阻隔——起伏的地形,连绵的山脉,这里的自然风光将随着他们的前行,一直相伴左右。 Constructedbelow road level, the building’s lower height makes a more gentle impact on theenvironment. A walker, crossing the path before the house does not lose sightof the overall view of the landscape and the mountain range.
房子的主人想要一处大小可以“调整”的冬日庇护所,不仅能够满足偶尔独自起居的空间需求,又希望能够满足在其他情况下,亲友相伴共享时光的空间需求。于是模块式建筑结构应运而生;建筑由三个不同空间构成,它们之间可以任意组合,拆分或整合。其一,是房子的入口处被称作“利亚克托”的太阳能门廊;其二,是被以“远方(makrynari)”命名的,作为建筑内部主体空间的长型房;其三,是包含两间卧室和浴室的“多玛蒂亚”活动区。 The houseowner sought a winter sanctuary, whose size could be “modified”, so he coulduse it either alone or, in other instances, accompanied by family and friends.This gave rise to a modular construction with three distinct segments, whichcan be isolated or unified at will: the “liakoto” sunporch or solar: the entrance to the house; the “makrynari” or long room, whichis the main space in the building; and the “domatia”, thespace for the two bedrooms and the bathrooms.
原始的建筑结构和设计元素,被视为一种来自过去的趣味元素,抑或说是一种难以泯灭的,挥之不去的记忆痕迹,而被保留下来。设计师秉持“重塑”的建筑精神,以“供家庭使用”为核心需求,除去进行必要的支持辅助工作,没有加入任何多余的干预。 The originalbuilding is maintained and viewed as an interesting element from the past, alingering memory imprint. There are no interventions besides the requisitesupport work in the spirit of restoration rather than domestic use.
室内色调简洁明快,窗明几净,日光温暖;从开阔的飘窗望出去,能够俯瞰整座山谷风光 通过室外楼梯以此进入房屋的入口,而这一设计,从建筑功能方面而言,有意地隔离开新筑物和旧有的建筑体,刻意避免了它们形成连接的可能性;设计师想要通过这种方法,来暗示它们彼此之间,截然不同的时代特性和铸造之源。 Access isthrough an outdoor staircase, as the building does not join the remainingresidence functionally, implying its different identity and origins.
在建筑材质方面,设计师选择将传统和现代材料相结合。一层的承重结构部分由石头组成,一部分是蒸压加气混凝土,另一部分则是金属框架,由同样金属架构支撑的聚氨酯面板覆盖其上。地板是自流平单色材质,建筑内部的主要材质,使用的是山毛榉木贴面的海洋级胶合板,而建筑外部则由落叶松木进行墙面覆饰。 We chose acombination of traditional and contemporary materials. The weight-bearingconstruction of the ground floor is partly stone, partly ytong blocks(autoclaved aerated concrete) and partly metal frame, covered by polyurethanepanels supported by a metal frame.The floors are self-levelling monochromes, the interior wood is marine-grade plywood with beech veneers, while the exterior is clad in larch wood.
因为使用了适当的隔热材料,加热水泵,自动化技术和被动式太阳能系统,整座建筑的能源消耗极低;其次,基于它的地理朝向和地板高度,从而于地形面和构筑面之间,形成了一个利于空气流通的封闭空间——这一特点极大程度上改善了整体房屋的热能特性。泰格图斯尤克交由当地的小承包商建造完工。 The buildinghas a small energy footprint, as appropriate heat insulation materials wereutilized throughout, as well as heat pumps, automation and passive solarsystems. Its orientation on the plot, and the raised floor level, that createsa closed air zone between the natural ground and the residence, improved itsthermal characteristics considerably.Yoik of Taygetus was built by small local contractors.
项目名称:Yoik of Taygetus 项目类型:住宅Residence 住宅面积: 88sq.m. 辅助空间: 38 sq.m. 区域大小: 418 sq.m. 完成年份: 2020 总建筑面积: 122 sq.m. 项目位置: 希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛Greece,Peloponnese, Koumousta 主创团队:Z-Level Architecture 主创设计师: ElenaZervoudakis 摄影:Viceversa,Angela Varveri & George Hatzakos 设计团队: AnnitaKrokou, Daphne Arnellou 工程团队: Dimitris Arnellos, Mary Kazakou