







2021-10-20 发布
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住宅鸟瞰  Aerial view of KHI house

KHI住宅位于希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛南部平缓斜坡上的一片橄榄树林中,住宅由来自XX(伦敦/布鲁塞尔)的建筑师Theo Sarantoglou Lalis 和 Dora Sweijd共同设计。住宅由一堵连续不断的起伏墙面构成,每个侧翼的末端都形成了一系列私密的庭院。

KHI is located in a gently sloping olive grove in the southern Peloponnese. KHI was designed by London and Brussels based architects Theo Sarantoglou Lalis and Dora Sweijd from XX. The project is formed by a single continuous rippling wall that frames a series of protected courtyards at the extremity of each wing.

主入口侧鸟瞰 Aerial view of the entrance side

住宅主入口 Entrance of the house

X形的体量将场地划分为四个不同区域,为东面的庭院带来视觉上的亲切感及一天不同的树荫效果。建筑师Theo Sarantoglou Lalis表示,“KHI住宅涵盖了两种互补的极致氛围,庭院空间封闭,提供了沉思冥想的场所;西翼和屋顶则相反,壮阔海景一览无余。”

The X-shaped massing divides the site into four distinct areas providing the eastern gardens with visual intimacy and variable shading throughout the day. “KHI combines two extreme conditions which complement one another - the courtyards that provide meditative enclosure, and the west wing and roof that, in contrast, offer unobstructed panoramic views towards the sea" says Theo Sarantoglou Lalis.

庭院空间封闭,提供了沉思冥想的场所 Courtyards provide meditative enclosure

屋顶,壮阔海景一览无余 The roof offers unobstructed panoramic views towards the sea


The wall surface is animated by cast concrete ripples whose amplitude diminishes along the length of the facade. The course of the sun creates a play of shadows throughout the day. The rippling wall acts as a backdrop for tree shadows.

墙面细部 Details of the exterior wall

树影投映在墙面上 Tree shadows are reflected on the rippling wall

The height of the project is constrained to the peak of the surrounding olive trees, whilst maintaining panoramic views to the sea from an accessible roof terrace.

楼梯可通往屋顶 Stairs leading to the roof

屋顶平台 Accessible roof terrace


In its deployment, the wall elevation varies as it is gradually sunken into the terrain, tapering the height of the facade to 1.2m at the end of each wing. The excavated earth was recuperated to create a tapered transition enabling a softer integration of the project within the agrarian landscape.

墙体高度由中心向外逐渐降低 The wall elevation varies as it is gradually sunken into the terrain

The west wing contains the public areas as well as a large opening towards the sea and the south terrace. Internally, each room is extended by a terrace and courtyard. The room wall projects outward and folds to frame a lemon tree. The absence of corners and the continuity of the wall provide spatial expansion.

住宅西南侧 The south-west side of KHI house

开放式厨房与室外露台 Open kitchen and outdoor terrace

朝向大海的南向大露台 Large opening towards the sea and the south terrace

房间的墙壁向外延伸并环绕一棵柠檬树 The room wall projects outward and folds to frame a lemon tree


The curved walls frame the changing sky colour and light, inducing a strong presence of the sky within the interior.

弧线墙壁勾勒出不断变换的天空颜色和光照 The curved walls frame the changing sky colour and light

“KHI住宅由一对艺术收藏家夫妇委托设计建造,将画廊、修道院以及封闭花园元素融入其中,”Theo Sarantoglou Lalis介绍到。

"KHI was commissioned by an art collector couple and combines elements of a gallery typology with a monastery typology of enclosed gardens," says Theo Sarantoglou Lalis.

室内画廊元素 Interior gallery elements

从室内望向窗外Look out of the window from inside


The project was constructed by local contractors supported by LASSA’s experience with digital design and fabrication of non-standard parts. The architects collaborated with a company specializing in polystyrene products ranging from infrastructure to the fishing industry. This strategy enabled the off-site production using digital hot-wire cutting of important constructive elements such as the concrete formwork used to cast the rippling wall, bespoke lighting elements contained within the ceiling, landscape formers as well as bespoke furniture items.


The lightness of the formwork enabled ease of transport and installation in a couple of days by a reduced team. Following the casting of the concrete, all the formwork was then re-cut into sheets and reused as insulation within the wall cavity and ceiling. This strategy allowed for a minimal use of industrially produced building parts, instead favouring a local supply chain. The project made use of locally sourced materials such as concrete, and terrazzo amongst other products from the local marble industry.

施工中的KHI住宅 KHI House under construction

施工过程动态演绎 Dynamic deduction of construction process


总平图 Site plan

平面图 Floor plan

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