The new Zurich North America Headquarters is designed to reflect the company’s global reach and world-class stature. The formal architectural resolution strives to represent both strength and stability, which are core values of the Zurich business model. Composed of three primary “bars” that are offset and stacked, the arrangement creates unique spaces for collaboration, opens views of the surrounding landscape, optimizes solar orientation for amenities, and provides programmatic flexibility not found in typical center-core office buildings. The top “bar” of the complex soars 11 stories and cantilevers toward downtown Chicago, providing visual identity along the interstate while projecting the strength and future focus of the company.
▼ 建筑外观,external view
▼ 三个巨大的长方形体量交错堆叠,the building is composed of three primary “bars” that are offset and stacked
▼广场上的凉亭提供了一片半阴凉的交流空间,the pavilion on the plaza offers a semi-shadowed communicating space
▼ 朝南面向错落广场,三层高的双层玻璃墙,a soaring three-story double wall faces south toward the multi-level plazas
▼ 一条条水平相延伸的遮阳板镶嵌在建筑的外立面之上,a network of horizontal sunshades clads the perimeter of the complex
▼ 咖啡厅楼梯,stairs to the cafeteria
▼ 架空处独特的公共空间,the unique communicating space underneath the cantilever
Certified LEED Platinum, the 783,800-square-foot complex reinforces Zurich’s commitment to environmental stewardship. A network of horizontal sunshades clads the perimeter of the complex, with the sunshades varying in depth depending on orientation, while floor-to-ceiling glass offers extensive natural light for the shallow office plates. A soaring three-story double wall faces south toward the multi-level plazas, showcasing an architecture that responds to the changing Chicago climate. In the end, a timeless material palette married to a bold, clear form creates a unique identity for the Zurich headquarters that embodies the core values of the company.
▼ 一层平面,first floor
Architect: GP
Client: Zurich
Developer/design-build: Clayco
Client representative: JLL
Interior design and workplace strategy: CannonDesign
Structural engineer: WSP/Halvorson and Partners
Landscape architect: Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects
Civil engineer: V3 Companies