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2022-12-14 发布
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本帖最后由 李鸿飞 于 2022-12-14 13:29 编辑

ANOHA – 柏林犹太人博物馆的儿童世界

@kubix Berlin

虽然柏林犹太博物馆(JewishMuseum Berlin)对儿童节目很有兴趣,但博物馆展品的情感负担让年轻参观者难以驾驭。受洛杉矶Skirball文化中心诺亚方舟的开创性愿景的启发,强调多样性、社区和第二次机会的重要性,柏林犹太博物馆的儿童世界试图通过想象和玩耍的世界给博物馆最年轻的客人们带来一种希望和无限可能的感觉。在这里,孩子们被鼓励与他人建立联系,共同创造一个有同理心的未来。

Whilethere was an appetite for children’s programming at the Jewish Museum Berlin, theemotional weight of the museum’s exhibits was difficult for young visitors tonavigate. Inspired by the pioneering vision of Noah's Ark at the SkirballCultural Center in Los Angeles, which underscores the importance of diversity,community, and second chances, ANOHA—The Children’s World of the Jewish MuseumBerlin seeks to give the museum’s youngest guests a sense of hope andpossibility through a world of imagination and play. Here children areencouraged to forge connections with one another and work together to create anempathetic future.

@Hufton & Crow

When theJewish Museum Berlin hosted its design competition in 2016, Germany haddistinguished itself among European nations by accepting nearly 1 millionrefugees. This national agenda of welcoming and acceptance resonated stronglywith the Olson Kundig team, led by Design Principal Alan Maskin. Maskin and histeam envisioned the new museum as a place where children of all religious and ethnicbackgrounds, ages and physical abilities would feel welcomed and accepted. TheJewish Museum Berlin’s competition attracted more than 100 submissions, withOlson Kundig selected as the winner.

@Olson Kundig
@Yves Sucksdorff, Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Constructedas a modern structure within an historic one, ANOHA—the Children’s World of theJewish Museum Berlin is located within an existing former flower market halldirectly opposite the existing Jewish Museum Berlin. At the heart of ANOHA is acircular wooden ark, standing almost 23 feet (7 meters) tall with a 92-foot(28-meter) base diameter. The 6,300-square-foot (585-square-meter) modern arkis inspired by two seemingly disparate sources: an ancient Sumerian textdiscovered a decade ago that describes a circular ark, and Space Station V, aship from Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: ASpace Odyssey. The curvilinear ark complements the curved ribs of theBrutalist light scoops overhead, while the shift in materiality from concreteto wood offers a softening counterpoint to the existing space.

@Yves Sucksdorff, Jüdisches Museum Berlin
@Yves Sucksdorff, Jüdisches Museum Berlin
@Yves Sucksdorff, Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Interactiveexhibits placed along an intuitive visitor pathway teach children how to solveproblems independently and as a group, while explorative spaces modeled afterunique habitats allow children to experience the diverse perspectives of thevarious animals. Within ANOHA’s world of imaginative roleplay, children maypretend to feed and groom the animal sculptures, then clean up after them andcompost their waste to feed the soil, introducing a sense of stewardship in thenatural world as outlined by the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam, or“world repair.”

@kubix Berlin
@kubix Berlin

Buildingon the Skirball Cultural Center’s model, more than 150 sculptural animalspopulate ANOHA’s ark, each created from found objects by a team of 18 Germanartists. This approach encourages children to consider the importance ofrecycling and adaptive re-use, while supporting ANOHA’s core philosophy ofcreativity and imagination. The tactile nature of these sculptural objects andthe sense of playful discovery as children recognize the familiar materialsused to make them further serve to highlight the importance of respecting andtreasuring global resources.

@Hufton & Crow

Sustainablestrategies rarely seen in museum buildings are embedded in the architecturaldesign as an integral part of the user experience. Extensive mechanical systemsare eliminated thanks to the environmental buffer of the existing hall,significantly lowering energy loads. Ceiling fans and operable windows in theark allow for air exchange with the surrounding hall. Overhead, clerestorywindows in the market hall roof incorporate operable louvers to facilitatenatural ventilation, controlled by sensors that monitor temperature and airquality. The hall’s curved concrete roof forms also serve to draw daylight intothe interior. The ark’s windows support this passive daylighting approach,while visually connecting ANOHA with the existing structure of the hall.


@Olson Kundig
@Olson Kundig
@Olson Kundig
@Olson Kundig


Completed: 2020; June 2021 public opening

Size: Ark is 6,296-square-foot (585-square-meter), standing almost 23 feet(7 meters) tall with a 92-foot (28-meter) diameter

Olson Kundig Project Team: Alan Maskin, Design Principal; Stephen Yamada-Heidner, AIA, LEED®AP, Project Manager; Martina Bendel, Project Architect;Jerome Tryon and Ryan Botts, Architectural Staff

Key Consultants:
Labs von Helmolt,Local Site Manager; Architekturbüro Engelbrecht, Local Architect; IGLHAUT + vonGROTE, Local Exhibit Designer; IBPM GmbH - Projektsteuerung, Owner’sRepresentative; EiSat GmbH, Structural Engineer; Rentschler und Riedesser GmbH,Mechanical and Plumbing Engineer; Ingenieurbüro für Elektrotechnik (IfE) GrotheGmbH, Electrical Engineer; Blieske Architects Lighting Designers, LightingDesign; Transsolar KlimaEngineering, Natural Ventilation Concept / ClimateEngineer; Kubix GmbH, Animal Construction

·       Arievan Riet (artistic x-ray images of various animals in the security area)
·       DieterBraun (large illustrations throughout the museum)
·       AndreaÜbelacker (“world puzzle” art project, produced in collaboration withelementary school children grades 1-3)
·       GunillaJähnichen and Tine Steen (collaborative Noah’s Ark film project in the foyer)
·       WolframSpyra (sound artist for installations in the foyer and Rain Room, sound artistand developer of the sound islands in the Flood Room)
·       MartinBöttger (water animation in the Flood Room)
·       AnneMetzen, Annika Statkowski, Armin Benz, Beate Kelm, Conny Helm, Falk Starke,Frants Rodvalt, Gisbert Barmann, Gunnar Zimmer, Heiko Helm, Jan Schroeder, JensProckat, Jochen Müller, Jörg Hilbert, Maria Bahra, Matthias Garff, MyriellKohrs, Nina Schrader and Thomas Raditschnig (animals)


从设计竞赛的早期开始,我们就受到了柏林犹太博物馆的启发,该博物馆的扩建将服务来自各种信仰和背景的儿童和家庭。ANOHA融合了历史和现代建筑,表达了对未来的愿景,并体现了可持续性和公平性。设计负责人Alan Maskin
“Fromthe early days of the design competition, we were inspired by the Jewish MuseumBerlin’s brief that the expansion would be inclusive of children and familiesfrom all beliefs and backgrounds.  ANOHAmerges historic and modern architecture to express a vision for the futuredeliberately informed by sustainability and equity.” –AlanMaskin, Design Principal

传统的方舟是有方向性的,前后分明,还有一个舵来引导探索。圆形的现代方舟没有前后;相反,它是民主和公正的。设计负责人Alan Maskin
“A traditional ark is directional, with a distinctfront and back and a rudder to guide exploration. The circular modern ark hasno back or front; instead it is democratic and unbiased.” –Alan Maskin, DesignPrincipal

世界各地有数百个关于洪水的神话,其中大多数比《旧约》还要早几千年。这个关于破坏和创造的故事——适应快速变化的气候状况——是普遍存在的。任何地方的每个人都可以关注这些问题,就像每个人都可以受到鼓舞,成为解决方案的一部分一样。——设计负责人Alan Maskin
“There are hundreds of flood myths from cultures allover the world, and most predate the Old Testament by thousands of years. Thisstory of destruction and creation—of adaptation to a rapidly changing climatesituation—is universal. Everyone, everywhere, can relate to those concerns,just as everyone can be inspired to be part of the solution.” –Alan Maskin,Design Principal“
柏林犹太博物馆与ANOHA合作,为积极参与气候变化问题的儿童创造了为数不多的互动体验。洪水和方舟的故事对儿童来说是熟悉易懂的,一个当代的视角来看,每个人都应该参与其中设计负责人Alan Maskin
“With ANOHA, the Jewish Museum Berlin has created oneof the few interactive experiences for children that actively engages issues ofclimate change. The story of the flood and the ark is accessible and familiarfor children, viewed through a contemporary lens where everyone is expected toparticipate as stewards.” –Alan Maskin, Design Principal

我将永远感激斯科波文化中心,他们教会了我几乎所有关于儿童和博物馆设计的知识,他们非常慷慨地与柏林犹太博物馆分享他们的想法和价值观。源于Skirball的想法现在传递给世界各地的儿童,包括参观柏林犹太博物馆的来自不同社区和最近移民的家庭。——设计负责人Alan Maskin
“I willalways be grateful to the Skirball Cultural Center – who taught me almosteverything I know about designing for children and museums – for their extremegenerosity of spirit in sharing their ideas and their values with the JewishMuseum Berlin. The ideas that originated at the Skirball are now being extendedto children around the world, including the diverse communities and recentlyimmigrated families that visit Jewish Museum Berlin.” –Alan Maskin, DesignPrincipal

“ANOHA被设想为来自克罗伊茨贝格、柏林和其他地方的人们在不同世代、宗教和文化之间相遇的地方。随着儿童世界的开幕,我们现在为我们当中最小的孩子提供了一个玩耍和学习的新地方,同时进一步加强了我们与社区的联系。这是一个关于影响每个人的问题的有趣对话的地方。”——柏林犹太博物馆馆长Hetty Berg
“ANOHA is envisioned as a place of encounter betweengenerations, religions, and cultures, for people from Kreuzberg, Berlin, andbeyond. With the opening of the Children’s World, we are now offering a newplace for even the youngest among us to play and learn while furtherstrengthening our ties in our own neighborhood. This is somewhere to enter intoa playful conversation about questions that affect everyone.” –Hetty Berg,Director of the Jewish Museum Berlin

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