本帖最后由 baubobby 于 2016-7-11 00:41 编辑
Linear Park Revitalization
waeving memory and green space in Xue Yuan Road
This site is surrounded by residetial buildings, commercial buildings universities and boutiques. Among them, many green spaces(Roadside Green space,Residential Affiliated Green space ,Universities Affiliated Green space and Protection Forest) ,supposed to be a systematic one to reach its maxium ecological service function and community service fucntion , are seperated by residential blocks and municipal roads. Based on current research,such seperated green spaces are detrimental for the animals living and resting in this area, primarily because it is difficulty for the animals transfering from one green space to another in purpose of communication,migration and breeding
Futhermore, it is inappropriate to ignore the history happened in this area. Dating back to 40 years ago, in the aim of developing industry and agriculture for the sake of nation prosperity,along the Xueyuan Road,8 scientific resaerch-oriented colleges were flourishing here and thus they were recognised as the Great 8 Colleges. Now the glorious years had gone by, the Great 8 Colleges have their new looks, and they are now Beijing Fprestry University, China Agricultural University,China Agricultural University,China University of Mining & Technology,China University Of Petroleum, University of Science and Technology Beijing China University of Geosciences, Beihang University and Peking University Health Science Center. The history of the greatg 8 colleges shaped the landscape of the morphology and culture of Xue Yuan Road.
This new linear park would be acting as a catalyst for rejuvenating the community nearby and weaving the nostalgic memeory of them all.