VG别墅是一个建于20到30年代的乡村建筑,和它两侧的,能够追溯到70年代的建筑群相比,颇为格格不入。它现存的筑体是以一个朝南立面作为主结构,筑体的其他部分则与它周围的建筑群接壤,呈现出一处完全封闭式空间。可以于自发且自然进化着的乡村建筑历史中追溯到的,筑体地连续性主题,成为VG别墅翻新设计过程中的关键元素。 Itis a project on a rural building of the ‘20s-‘30s flanked by a building datingback to the '70s, not at all consistent with the context. The existing volumeshave a facade facing south while the rest of the building borders with otherproperties and is therefore completely closed. The theme of thecontiguity of the volumes, also traceable in spontaneous ruralarchitecture, becomes key in the design process.
VG别墅本身和其周遭建筑群的“接壤”,在某种程度上,也意味着建筑会因其提供给人们的不同视野,景观和观察角度,而具备截然不同的感知风格和体验肌理。两处或几处彼此之间十分接近的筑体,能够合并成一个独立的,完整的,统一的实体,而此举的主要目的,则是尽可能少得增添繁琐和复杂的元素完成翻新的构建。 Thisproximity means that the perception of buildings is absolutely differentdepending on the point of view. Very close volumes seem to merge into a singleentity. The main intent is to build the project by adding as little as possible.
在VG别墅翻新项目的过程中,设计师着重定义了两种筑体的定义:一面是两坡屋顶的高层建筑,一面是带有屋顶露台的低层建筑;于是设计师选择新造了一面线性结构的低矮护栏,和筑体立面的矩状几何整合出四下围合的空间。在靠近入口之处、通往一楼的楼梯处作为分割线——设计师希望能够从此处清晰地划分出两个筑体的分界。护栏的位置为适应楼梯宽度而稍稍后撤,结合部分木质覆层的使用,从而创造出强烈的空间分离感。一处新空间木质盒体于二楼结构处以精妙的角度凸展出来,进一步明确界定了筑体的立面组成。 Theproject takes note of the definition of the two volumes; on the one hand, thetall building with the two-pitched roof, on the other, the low building withthe roof terrace. The project builds a linear parapet that closes therectangular geometry of the facade. Close to the opening where the accessstairs to the first floor are inserted, we worked with the desire to make clearthe slight separation between the two volumes. The retreat of the parapet forthe width of the staircase and the partial wood cladding become functional tothe perception of the measured detachment. A new wooden box protrudes to asmall extent on the second floor, clearly defining the composition of thefaçade.
VG别墅翻新项目的主题,是将在筑体质量方面一些干扰性元素通过设计,进行重塑,转型,从而焕发新的生机,价值和意义回归到社区环境之中。该项目是基于现有建筑,进行叠加,完善,革新,有限的修改打造出更新颖的,更统一的,以及更平衡的形象;可以这么说,VG别墅作为一处被遗忘之所,它的筑体,通过现代的建筑艺术和创新概念获得再生;它的景观,是通过一系列研究和测量干预,采集,整合和转化,被赋予了新的意义——总而言之,这处项目通过独特的建筑艺术手法,揭示了该镇城市环境的不足,并通过对建筑本体赋予高度的简洁性,点明了这座别墅周遭和背景之中的缺乏。 Themain theme of the project is to transform elements that are considereddisturbing in quality elements, returned to the community with new values and meanings. Theproject is superimposed on the existing building, operating a limited set ofmodifications, in such a way as to return a new, unitary and balanced image. A forgotten building isregenerated through architecture; the landscape is transformed through theacquisition of a measured intervention, charged with new meanings. Architecturedenounces the deficiency of the urban context of the town. The simplicity ofthe building highlights the lack projects in the surroundings.
这一项目的本质,是为坐落于以多层公寓为主要建筑特征的环境中的别墅的翻新设计,这是一座与70年代的建筑群们相邻的,建于20年代至30年代的与周遭凿枘不入的非城市性建筑。也正是由于它看上去“不完整”,因此一直被视作异类,遗憾,眼泪,亦或是,伤口。 Theproject deals with the renovation of a building that is located in a contextcharacterised by the presence of residential multi-storey condominium. It is anon-urban building from the 20s-30s completely out of context, adjacent to abuilding from the 70s. Due to being incomplete, it has always been considered atear, a cut.
该建筑由两个不同高度的主要筑体组成。第一个主筑体被认为是由地面层,双高层和一个阁楼所组成的原始建筑。它的大部分边缘与其周遭建筑接壤。而在这种情况下,它仍旧保持了开阔且灵活的L形结构:一面墙体稍短,西朝向开窗,一面墙体稍长,一系列南朝向开窗;而它的第二主筑体,则比起第一主筑体少一层的设计,仅有由地面层和单高层组成。即便它呈现出十分完美的结构体积,却依旧处于未完成的状态。 Thebuilding is composed of two main bodies of different heights. The first body isto be considered the original building and composed by a ground floor, twoupper floors and an attic. It has the majority of its perimeter bordering otherbuildings; despite this it has an L-shape that allows it to have part of itsfaçade with windows to the west and the whole façade to the south composed by aseries of different sized openings. The second body is composed of a groundfloor and a first floor. It does not seem to be completed even though perfectlydefined in its volume.
设计师打算在不进行任何幕墙拆除并且取而代之的情况下翻新整个建筑。而于当地乡村建筑中也可以追溯到的,关于“接壤”的主题,由此成为此翻新项目过程中的设计核心。这种“接壤”理念的贯彻,使建筑物所呈现出同以往截然不同的感受力。彼此紧密相连的筑体仿佛被合并于一个唯一的实体之中,旨在尽可能简化增添之物的同时完成构筑计划。 Theproject intends to renovate the whole building without proceeding to anydemolition of curtain walls, but substituting their covering. The themeof proximity of the buildings, traceable also in the local rural architecture,becomes central in the project process. This proximity makes the perception ofthe buildings completely different depending on the point of view. Very closevolumes seem to merge in one unique entity. The main intent is that of buildingthe project while adding as little as possible.
设计师对两处建筑物进行了再定义:一处是带双斜屋顶的高层筑体,另一处是带顶棚的低层筑体,这个翻新计划撤除了低层筑体的悬臂楼板的同时,建造起能同筑体的立面形成封闭的矩形空间的线性护栏。而在靠近二层楼梯间的位置,设计师插嵌亦或可以说整修出使两个空间分隔更加明显的界限区——此处有两点特别的细节设计,为增强建筑整体的感受力起到了十分重要的作用:譬如将栏杆向后移一段楼梯的宽度,以及选用部分石材进行悬空遮盖。 Theproject acknowledges the definition of the two buildings; on one side, the tallbuilding with double pitched roof, on the other, the low building with thecovered terrace. The project eliminates the cantilever slab in the low buildingand creates a linear railing that closes the rectangular geometry of thefaçade. Close to the stairwell to the first floor, the renovation intentionallytried to make the separation between the two spaces more evident. For thisreason, moving back the railing for the width of the stairs and the partialstone covering are functional to the perception of the two elements.
墙壁饰面选用色调质朴,肌理自然的灰泥,并且同时应用于两座筑体之上。一种材料的选择,取决于是否想要在两个筑体之间划分或清楚或模糊的分界的意愿。一系列的光线变幻,阴影消显,使得这两处空间如此地引人注目——带屋顶的高层构筑,以及附露台的低层空间。位于立墙上的烟囱被移开的同时檐槽依旧保持沿壁架的位置不变;如此一来,建筑之中的既存覆盖物,皆能够以初态得以延续下去。在建筑的高层空间,立面通过使用几何形设计元素,忠实地还原了这座建筑曾经的模样——唯一不同的是窗户尺寸和对齐方式,它们不得不被重新考量并作出相应调整。可以说这个项目,是将变革和创意的新,与遗迹和弥留的旧进行重叠,通过有限的增减后,实现一种更新颖的,更完整的,更统一和平衡的呈现。而那些一系列精妙而微小的细节调整,譬如位置的变化,作为一项突破,被引入整个设计过程中,进一步成就了整座建筑的旧中生新和与众不同。 Thewalls’ finish is in rustic plaster and it is present on both bodies. Thedecision of one material is connected to the desire to not make a cleardistinction between the two blocks. A series of light and shadows help to makethe two figures noticeable (tall house with roof/low volume with terrace). Thechimney on the façade will be moved and the gutter will maintain its ledge;this way, the design of the original covering will remain unvaried. On the tallhouse, the façade geometry retraces the original one faithfully. However,dimension and alignment of the windows are going to be revisited. The project overlaps the existingbuilding, working on a limited number of changes, so as to offer a new, unitedand balanced image. The introduction of these small variations is abreakthrough and it transforms the location.
整个建筑的外部墙面使用抹泥刀进行灰泥铺砌。着色颜料的适当添缀,通过近乎不可能的,完美时间控制和创新铺设方法的双重结合,呈现出差别精妙而感受甚远的色调;事实上,这种差异早在最初的建筑墙面中就已经存在,根据设计的不同,呈现出从白色到灰色的不同色调;而整座建筑中唯一被重新粉刷过的便是它的南侧立面——面向街道和公众,翻新项目尊重了这一既存特点,保留,强化,将其转化为新构筑中的附加值。 Thewhole wall surface has been treated with rustic plaster laid with trowel. The addition of coloured pigments and the impossibility ofperfectly managing times and laying methods have created different tones.This difference was already present in the original walls that varied,depending on the design, from white to hues of grey. The only painted façadewas the one to the south, facing the street and the public. The project respects this ruleand turns it into an added value.
最初的外部楼梯相对于一楼而言,是一个较为陡峭的斜坡;通过使用抹泥刀铺设灰泥于其上从而呈现的质朴感,突出强调了这一处返璞空间;它仿佛是天然峡谷的隐喻,静候客人以虔诚之心攀登至顶。 门窗、百叶窗和建筑二楼砌层的材料主要选用杉木;立面墙体的层次,由两种主要的几何定义类元素构成:紧密型的凸形木质模块和围合起楼梯入口的大门。 后者被设计师有意地增加了尺寸:它变得巨大,大到从屋中走出来的第一步,你必须将其打开然后将其靠在墙上——将大门打开的动作,成为了一种精确性和必要性兼具的仪式;而这扇大门本身,也毫无疑问地成为了能够引起人们对于这所房屋全部期许和希望的标志物。 The external original staircase is a steep incline to thefirst floor that through the rusticity of the material (the same plaster laidwith trowel) emphasizes the archaic space; a gorge, a rift to climb reverently. Fir woodis the material used for doors and windows, shutters and for the block on thesecond floor. Twogeometrically defined elements constitute the façade hierarchy: the protruding wood block in itscompact shape and the large door that closes the entrance of the stairs. Intentionally, the latter changesits dimensions: it becomes huge and to open it and lean it against wall oneneeds to use the first steps coming out of the building. Opening this door becomes aritual with precise and essential gestures. Opening a door this big inevitably raises expectations.
从檐槽向外探出头的结构紧凑的木质空间带有一个小型遮棚露台,这里可以让人们充分享受户外的大自然,同时也兼具防雪和防雨的功能。从另一方面而言,这一处构体刻意越过遮蔽物的边缘,为整座建筑平添几分灵动;从外部看来,雪花飘落,缓缓堆积,以自然的方式凸显了这一处小小空间的存在,这是大自然的语言为它进行宣告和昭示;而建筑的其他木制部件,则尽忠职守地,以更为纯粹和直接的方式展示着简洁精准的几何形态。 Thecompact wood space protruding from the gutters includes a small coveredterrace. It allows you to stay outdoors, but protected from snow and rain. The volume intentionallyprotrudes out of the edge of the covering; on the outer part, snow falls,mounds and highlights this small space, it claims its presence. Other wooden parts are faithfulto the need to show their simple and rigorous geometry.
建筑的内部色调是明亮的白色。兴趣集中在将不同的外部照明灯带入内部。在冬天,雪中散发出来的光线使室内充满了惊人的耀眼的明亮的白光。而浅色灰泥,杉木材质和硬质地板,彼此呼应,亦为建筑室内的整体质感实现了舒适和功能兼具的平衡。小天窗的设计将充足的光线引入屋内,穿过地板,十分意外地,正中小厨房的空间——这并不总是发生,因为在冬天积雪往往会将从外部将窗户覆盖,而等到冬去春来,积雪融化,在某个明媚的日子,温暖的阳光会再次穿过窗棂,抵达屋内,那便是另一个惊喜,另一个仪式,另一个故事了。 Theinteriors are bright and white. The interest was focused on bringing thedifferent exterior lights inside. In winter, with the light diffused from thesnow, the interiors are filled by an amazing white light. The light plasters,the fir wood and the durmast flooring are functional to the pursuit of ageneral balance. A small skylight allows the light to go through a floor andarrive unexpectedly in the small kitchen and this doesn’t always happen sincein winter snow covers this little window. However, in spring the snow melts andlets the light through the building. A surprise, another ritual with differenttime and methods.
纯白饰面的金属楼梯,会在那个二层入口的尽头戛然而止,随着这个入口,人们会被带到更高的那处露台。而这一处刻意的留白,会给予光线机会,根据一天中不同的时间,以不同的强度洒满亦或是浸透楼梯。纯白金属和木质表面融于一体,实现了一种几乎完美的共生感。不同于普通木质楼梯上下踩踏会发出恼人的噪音,这里只会隐隐听到它低沉地呢喃,温柔的提醒着,有人刚刚到达了上层楼,有人稍后便能出现在了下层楼——另一个有趣的新仪式就这样诞生; 另一方面,内部的起居区房间,像是整座房屋的连接不同部分的汩汩流动的血管:人们的视线可以越过它,越过房屋,越过对面对齐的窗户,将视野扩大到更开阔的程度。总而言之,这一处项目的诞生,得益于对现有结构及其内在规则的潜心钻研,从这既存的构筑之中,挖掘出其更深远的含义,探索那些未被表达出来的可能性——与此同时,依旧拥有选择权和极简力。它仿佛是一种信号,一个标志,一种现象的开始:在现有的城市化背景下,一切存在都会以一种更简单,同时却也更强烈的方式进化。 Thestairs in white metal end in front of an opening that takes you to the highestterrace. Through this opening, the light fills the stair with a differentintensity depending on the time of the day. The white metal and the woodencover merge in a sensation of perfect symbiosis. The sound of going up and down the stairs is muffled; the stairsannounce that someone is arriving on the upper floor or will appear in a momentin the lower floor. By using it, we can create a new ritual. The rooms of theliving area are like communicating vessels, it is possible to cross thebuilding with a glance and, through the alignment of the windows on theopposite sides, to extend the vision to the outside. The project was born thanks to an attentive reading of theexisting structure and its intrinsic rules. It’s already part of the project todiscover the meaning or the unexpressed possibilities. This allows for theselection and reduction of renovations. Everything changes within the existingurbanized context in a simple and very strong acute.
建筑总平面图 建筑一楼平面图
建筑剖面图 AA’
建筑剖面图 BB’
建筑剖面图 CC’
项目地点: Madesimo (Sondrio) 完成年份: 2017年12月 项目客户:私人 项目大小: 243 m2 项目预算: 1.200 €/m2 建筑团队:ES arch - enricoscaramelliniarchitetto 项目主创: Enrico Scaramellini 项目合作: Francesco Manzoni 顾问公司: Studio associato Bianco & Mastai,studio H2o, Francesco Manzoni 摄影: marcello mariana fotografia