






PEIA Associati | 卡塔尔大厅:多边主义的标志

2020-06-05 发布
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The UN, the most importantand multilateral institution of Planet Earth, lives and survives with theproportional contribution to its wealth by each of the 193 member states andwith specific donations. Thanks to the generous donation of the state of Qatar,the XIX Hall of the United Nations in Geneva has been completely renewed with theproject of the PEIA architectural firm.

The capacity of the new Hallis 800 seats, with 320 seats and desks for the delegates of the States, plussame number of assistants, as well as observers and the press, making this Hallfor Assemblies of 4000 square meters, the largest room and with the mostadvanced technology of the UN.

The architectural designreflects the ideals of the United Nations through its concentric and radialcircular design that exemplifies the concept of equality. Instead of large counters with different radius, a single and equal moduleof desk is designed for each member to be aggregated to others in accordingwith the geometry of the different radius rows, in order to promoteindividuality and identity of nations, and at the same time express thestrength of the union as one body to solve together the world problems.

The United Nations confirmsthe achievement of the goal as per initial request: to build the ideal matrixof any conference room, a model for any future project for the United Nations.

This democratic tool allowsto minimize maintenance and energy consumption and maximize sustainability andflexibility. The key features of this space are its ability to provide mostseats and wheelchair accessibility, being the first room equipped with 10simultaneous translation booths including, first in the world, a boothdedicated to the interpreters of the sign language, establishing new standardsof inclusiveness in the organization.

会议室配备高清大屏,先进的照明系统和最大的4K LED墙,以此来确保最高标准的通信技术水平。独立的400个音视频监视器皆配备最新翻译系统,为国家与国家之间的交流对话提供了最完备工具。XIX会议室又或者可以称卡塔尔大厅——一般而言由国家“捐赠”的房间按照传统会用捐赠国的名字来命名——都配备了全新的高清机动摄像机和先进的通信系统。因此UHD系统首次实现了为集会活动和大型会议提供最出色的图像质量。
The room is equipped withhigh-definition screens enhanced by a state-of-the-art lighting system and thelargest 4K LED wall, guaranteeing the highest technological levels forcommunication. The individual 400 audio and video monitors are equipped withstate-of-the-art translation systems, providing the most sophisticated tool forexchanging dialogues between all nations. The Room XIX, or Hall of Qatar, (the"donated" rooms are traditionally called even by the name of thedonor country) is equipped with new high-definition motorized cameras and a newsophisticated communication system. Thus, for the first time, a UHD systemenables the best image quality of the assemblies and conferences.

For the first time ever aninnovative and unique lighting system was installed in a conference room tomaximize comfort for United Nations delegates during long meeting sessions.Using the circadian lighting system, the room can pass through differentlighting scenarios that imitate the rising and setting of the sun thatemphasize the sculptural irregularity of the ceiling. In order to introduceanother comfortable light source, an automatic motorized opening system wasintroduced to offer a view of the park, Lake Geneva and the majestic MontBlanc. Not only to offer a pleasant view, but also to constantly remind theplanet's environmental emergencies, including the melting of glaciers, polesand Iceberg that UN is monitoring.

A further feature of thespace are its high acoustic performance: with the help of parametric software,the shape and aggregation of 7.000 thin wooden eco-panels aggregated with aparticular technology that makes them in different shape, allowing themanagement of high and low frequencies in the dynamic wooden architecture ofthe ceiling and internal walls, which covered the original wooden walls thatsurvive in the inner layers, as a respectful “archaeological stratification”for the heritage.

These sculptural componentsrepresent the natural beauty of Qatar: the geometries that represent desertdunes, the sky and the sea, break the rigorous circular symmetry of theoriginal room, giving spatial dynamism and providing a metaphoricalrepresentation. The panels form "waves" that change shape based onthe differentiation of the acoustics of the circular space, but also contain asymbolic meaning that alludes to the efforts of the United Nations to promoteand facilitate peaceful and diplomatic resolutions: stormy waters calm down asthey approach the presidential stage.

The dune (the vaultedceiling) and the sky (the nations) are conceptually reversed upside down. Thedune has always been seen as a unique natural phenomenon that is somehow a linewhich changes and adjusts based on the wind movement creating a meander ofeverchanging profiles of the desert terrain that has captured the fascination of mankind. Sand and water are the twogreatest natural resources, the most precious and the most dynamic materials,and commodities. Celebrating the dune is celebrating evolution, history,traditions and culture and at the same time a challenge to guide the necessarychanges to improve our future with inventions, progress of art and technology,while we realize value to preserve our environment, as our ancestors did. Thedome of the hall is an "inverted" dune with daily sunrise and sunsetof the surrounding and circadian lighting system.

The design is also a clearreference to the cultural values of Qatar: Calligraphy (traditionally calledIslamic calligraphy) is actually within contemporary visual art culture,without textual meaning and relationship with religion. The end user, theUnited Nations, by compulsory secular status, has understood the graphic designproposal by our team as a contemporary interpretation of a form of artisticexpression that no longer belongs only to the culture of the vast Arab world.

Whose formal richness is alsoin the matrices and geometric patterns (Musharabya), in particular withoriginal types from Qatar, and has been reinterpreted in different componentsof the project such as the perforated wooden acoustic panels, bronze grids,fabrics, rugs and custom-made porcelain mosaics.

最后,设计师通过对椅子的重新设计来纪念联合国大楼的过往历史,这是对60年代E楼建设项目合作的CharlottePerriand的致敬。Perriand是现代运动大师勒·柯布西耶(LeCorbusier)的助手,他与奥斯卡·尼迈耶(Oscar Niemeyer)同属于纽约联合国总部的建筑师团队(1948-1952)。
Finally, the history of theUnited Nations building was honoured through the redesign of the chairs, with atribute to the work of Charlotte Perriand who collaborated on the project ofthe Building E in the 60s. Perriand was assistant of Le Corbusier, the masterof the modern movement who was with Oscar Niemeyer in the team of architectsfor the United Nations headquarters in New York (1948- 1952).

Within the architecturalproject, the new chairs and furnishings are a very specific project of extremecomplexity due to the ergonomic requirements, saving space in accordance withthe functional planning of the entire space, in compliance with safety andevacuation rules and strategies, comfort for long sessions, flexibility andaccessibility for disabled people, even with the possibility of removing anychair in a few seconds to be replaced by a wheelchair and removing toxicmaterials from the original parts, all of which made it necessary to replacethe original furniture. However, thirty original chairs designedby Perriand, restored and reclaimed, now have a second life for visitors andschools that can participate at United Nations assemblies from the top of themezzanine with the reuse in memory of the past of the Hall.

The identity and roots of thecountry donor with the tradition of the most important institution on theplanet. Past, present and future are in a continuous and supranational andtimeless flow, as values that can be understood by the new generations, only ifwe step back from the logic of self-representation and giving explicit symbolicmeanings, not decorations, that always remind us of the emergencies we have toface, daring and winning the challenge through true progress for the peoples andthe salvation of the planet, in a common and constant commitment to immediateand tangible results.

项目位置: 联合国日内瓦总部,ONU in Geneva(UNOG)
项目类型:室内房间,The new ROOM XIX at United Nations of Geneva
项目完成: 2019
建筑团队:PEIA Associati
团队成员-Milan/Doha:GiampieroPeia, Marta Nasazzi, Ludovico Maestri, Alberto Maisano, Marta Dituri, AndreaPietro Mori, Pia Panosh, Katerina Dimova, Ilaria Baudino, Hiba Alnemer
项目主创: Giampiero Peia
合作伙伴: Marta Nasazzi
概念提出:Ibrahim Jaidah AEB
机电工程: AI Group - Enzio Bestazzi
结构工程: Studio Badolato
影频工程: Taiden / Media Vision
音响负责: AER – Francois Aballea
总承包商: CCM – 意大利
房屋面积: 4.000 sqm


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