“文明世界”教堂的最初建立,是响应种植园的员工,以及附近的本地居民对基督教礼拜场所的迫切需要。可以说,它的初始灵感是来源于实际功能和现代意义。该项目是从事种植业的公司PT. KMS所开展的企业社会责任计划(简称CSR计划)的一部分。教堂东西朝向,坐落于该区域海拔最高之处,以此可以俯瞰整座城镇文明和自然风光。 The establishment of Oikumene Church was due to theurgency to accommodate the needs of Christian worship place for the plantationemployees and locals nearby.This project is a part of the CSR Programme (Corporate Social Responsibility) from PT. KMS, a company that work in plantation field. The Church is located in the highest altitude and East-West orientation.
“仅使用单一材质类型构建建筑空间”的设计方法,被命名为“单物质性”,并于“文明世界”教堂项目中,被体现地淋漓尽致——基于整个团队提出的,以选取使用当地传统材料作为主要的建造理念和设计构想,教堂空间构建的“单物质”被选为木材。 The design is an approach of Single Materiality, which is using one material as a whole space creator,and in this project, wood, is chosen as the material. This approach is a teamidea to design by using local material.
教堂的建筑概念受到当地传统建筑坤甸(Rumah Betang)的启发——这是本地居民迪雅克人的传统住宅类型,通常以长屋的结构呈现。而在此教堂项目中,设计师巧妙地对坤甸这一传统建筑风格和经典构筑形态进行加工和变形,以此更好地适应新时代的住宅需求和文化革新。 The architectural concept inspired by Rumah Betang, atraditional dwelling in a form of long house that used by the locals, TheDayaks.
设计师通过将教堂的主要结构设计成以墙壁支撑着倾斜屋顶的形态,以此从哲学方面隐喻上帝如何将人类从自身的罪恶与业障之中拯救出来;这是对人们精神性力量的具象化呈现,表达崇敬,表达虔诚,表达信仰,以一种谦卑而内敛的姿态。 Philosophically this church designed by reflectingon how God save human race from sin, which depicted by the architecture on howthe slanted roof sustained by the church’s wall.
教堂使用的主要木材类型为娑罗双木,卡普尔木和柳桉木——而这三种主要木质作为木材工业繁盛时代之后残余的留证,在气候变暖等环境污染问题的严峻挑战面前,给出“为环境赋权”的回复和应答。 The main type of wood that being used are Bengkiraiwood, Kapur wood, and Meranti Wood. These woods are residue from wood industryas our response to environmental empowerment.
建筑外部立墙的主要木质是混合型林巴木,而内部则选择柳桉木——不同木质的分别使用和构筑对应外内部不同的小环境需求,譬如说后者的柳桉木可更好地融于周遭自然元素并完成一种“天然性”的流通交互。 Facade of the Church using mixed of Rimba wood,while Meranti wood is used as an interior material to create a harmonizationwith the environment.
教堂室内设计的概念,重新回归到强调空间本身功能上,以此满足在此间所进行得各类日常琐事,譬如与音乐有关的各色社区活动。基于增强功能性的考量,平台作为室内空间的一部分被建造出来;这一处小型空间的构筑,提供给人们更丰富且多元的使用方式的可能性。 The interior concept is coming back to the functionof its space, accommodate the church’s chore which including lots activityrelated to music. A platform provided as part of the interior.
由于加里曼丹的恶劣天气,譬如说白天户外的高温——因此保持室内的温度恒定凉爽,让人们在进行各类无空调活动的同时依旧感到足够舒适,便成为设计师面对的一项重要标准。 Due to the rough weather in Kalimantan (high heattemperature during the day), it is very crucial to keep the space insidecomfortable enough to carry on the activity without air conditioner.
教堂通过屋顶千斤顶结构,从而成功实现了内部自然降温的空间特性,室内的交叉通风系统能够充分应对户外高温时的气候状况。 The design adapts the situation by using jack roof to enable cross ventilationsystem.
而在整个教堂的设计和建筑过程中,最有趣也是诱人的阶段,是细节建造和木材加工的部分——由于娑罗双木的供不应求,其原料运输和制造过程花费了相当长的时间。 The enticing phase from thedesign process is the detail making and wood fabrication process. Theseprocesses are taking a quite long time because of the difficulty to supplyBengkirai wood.
而另一方面,娑罗双木还需要同钢筋混凝土木材进行混合加工制作,设计师便需要根据其质量差异和使用可能提前进行精细的分类。 The wood also mixed with RC type wood, that need tobe sorted out based on the quality and usage possibility.
由于建筑的材料使用得是天然材料,因此加工过程主要取决于木材本身的状况:譬如说它们的尺寸的精准度和内部的含水量。 Because we work withnatural material, size precision and MC (moisture content) is very important,the process is going back and forth depending on the wood condition.
在保留地方性建筑特色和传统历史文化价值的同时,“文明世界”教堂以一种柔和而谦逊地姿态,融于当地的建筑群和社区环境。 With keeping the localityand traditional value, the form of Oikumene Church, humbly blend as a spacewith the local architecture and the community.
项目名称: “文明世界”教堂OikumeneChurch 项目位置: 萨贾乌,东加里曼丹省Sajau, East Kalimantan 建筑公司: TSDS Interior Architect 主创设计: Tony Sofian ( 室内设计) 设计团队:室内设计Eric Ekaputra;建筑设计Lilis Royani,Shendy Setiawan 施工公司: Emuna Design 项目面积: 277 m2 完成时间:2018年8月 摄影支持: Mario Wibowo