






Local Studio | 林波波青年旅社

2020-06-12 发布
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林波波青年旅社(Limpopo Youth Hostel)是受旨在于为青年进行相关宣传培训的全球性非营利组织委托而建。 该组织买下了一个已废弃的,包括农舍及餐厅的空间在内的一处婚礼场所;最初设计概要是建两处最多可容纳120张床铺的全新的旅社用楼,同时设有公共使用区,并在旧日多功能厅的旧基础上对其进行扩建,以满足更多旅客的需求。
This project was commissioned by a global Non-Profit Organization focussedon advocacy training for youth. The organization originally purchased a defunctwedding venue, which included chalets and a dining hall. The brief was to buildtwo new hostel blocks housing 120 beds with communal spaces and to extend theold function hall to cater to the additional people.

这是Local Studio的首次尝试将城市环境理论应用于农村社区建设的试验项目,而这处乡镇背景和城市环境并非全无共同之处:共同点之一,便是此处乡村亦同城市中心一般拥有相当多的使用量,人们在积极使用目前的公共设施(在这种情况下俨然超过200位住客);因此,毫无疑问的是,可以将公共空间和场所营造的相关原理应用于此处;
This is the first project by Local Studio which attempts to applylearnings in urban environments to rural communities. The common factor is thata fair number of people are using the facilities (over 200 in this case),therefore allowing the application of principals of public space andplace-making.

The only difference is that this project is surrounded by nature ratherthan city.

The two hostel buildings are made up of 14 pods of eight students each, inbunk-beds, with each student being afforded a level of privacy by way of screenwalls and subtle lighting elements. Each bed also has its own openable windowfor improved ventilation, creating the irregular array of windows on three ofthe building facades.

Each hostel building has a communal space at ground floor, one being alibrary and the other an art centre.

在林波波青年旅社的项目中,Local Studio在处理和使用材料方面采取了和传统方式不甚相同的偏离性方法——它最初集中应用于加工工业材料,例如钢,聚碳酸酯和波纹铁;而在这个项目里,设计师以此为基开发出了一种全新的物质语言:拥有过往构筑艺术中所具备的朝生暮死一般的、无常感,须臾性,对自然更高的敏感度,同时亦拥有能够以一种自然,纯粹,优雅的姿态随岁月老去的能力。
This project also presents a departure in the way Local Studio normallyapproaches material usage, having previously focussed on industrial materialssuch as steel, polycarbonate and corrugated iron. Here, a new material languagehas been developed which has some of the ephemerality of previous work but withmore sensitivity to nature and the capacity to age more gracefully.

The building’s primary structure is a lightweight Hebel concrete block– the biggest load-bearing structure built using this material in South Africa– and the cladding is Rhinowood, a local wax treated South African pine.Working with local timbers in South Africa can be challenging as they aremostly too fast-growing to be used in primary structures.

In this case, the Rhinowood was applied to the façade of the building,spaced off the Hebel surface by 200mm. This effect shades the façade,facilitating a comfortable internal temperature for the building in the hotclimate of Limpopo, which can reach 40C.

The buildings are, for the most part, off-grid. Power is still partiallysourced from municipal supply; however plans are in place for a completeconversion to solar power.

All black water produced by the residential blocks is recycled for theirrigation of leaf vegetables. The roofs of the building are a rolling seriesof mono-pitches, which are designed to mimic and blend into the hillssurrounding the site.

Local Studio更关注于发展中地区的建筑项目的开发,设计和建造;他们的下一步计划,是于不久的将来,在这一片特定土地之上建造公用洗衣房和工厂车间。
Local Studio is steadily building a portfolio in developing areas. On thisparticular site a communal laundry and a workshop are being planned to be builtin the near future.

项目名称:林波波青年旅社 Limpopo Youth Hostel
项目位置:Plot 63, Droogekloof, Bela-Bela, South Africa
主创建筑师:Thomas Chapman
设计团队:Thomas Chapman, Crystal Waddell, Alexia Kolatsis, LizeWessels
工程团队:AMECON (Pty) Ltd

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