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2020-08-26 发布
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本帖最后由 王云锦 于 2020-8-26 10:21 编辑


KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

当走进华沙的KOPI精品店时,人们会立即感觉就像在沙漠中的豪华摩洛哥帐篷中一样。 该品牌设计师和创始人纳塔利娅·科皮斯卡(Natalia Kopiszka)在前往摩洛哥和法国里维埃拉期间,发现了创造这种独特内饰的灵感。
When walking into KOPI boutique in Warsaw, one canimmediately feel like in a luxurious Moroccan tent in the middle of adesert. Natalia Kopiszka, the designer and founder of the brand, found theinspiration to create this unique interior during her travels to Morocco andFrench Riviera.

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

使纳塔利娅梦想成为现实的人是Noke Architects,他们以对细节的极致关注而闻名。设计师的目标是创造出能够为客户带来一种完全沉浸式的,身临其境体验的室内空间。Noke Architects二重唱般的两位设计师,卡罗尔·帕斯特纳克(KarolPasternak)和皮奥特·马西亚泽克(Piotr Maciaszek)说,“KOPI珠宝柔软而不规则的形状,以及设计师的假日灵感,是我们的出发点。”
The ones who made Natalia’s vision cometrue were Noke Architects, who are famous for their refined attention todetail. Our aim was to create an interior that would give clients a completelyimmersive experience. The soft, irregular shapes of KOPI jewelry and thedesigner’s holiday inspirations were our starting point – says the NokeArchitects duet: Karol Pasternak and Piotr Maciaszek.

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

The characteristic storefront wasdesigned in accordance with directives from the designs of the building fromthe 20s. Streamlined counter, dim Moroccan pink and terracotta along with awall that looks like it was made of desert sand create a perfect background forthe jewellery, making all of the KOPI collections shine. The desert-likeatmosphere was achieved mainly through the placement of the wavy wall behindthe counter which was made by artists with great attention to detail. It iscovered with a thick coat of sand and painted with matte mineral paints. Thecharacteristic recesses in the wall resemble cavities in rocks of the AtlasMountains, making a perfect background for the organic forms of vases andcandles.

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

木地板的外层涂有油饰,以此来匹配深红色天花板所投射下的阴影。天花板被莫尔托·卢斯(Molto Luce)灯照亮,营造出如同繁星点点的夜空一般的梦幻。这些灯虽然体积小,却非常明亮,也因此为珠宝展览提供了最佳条件;镜子的形状则暗示了KOPI系列最初的灵感来自于女性曼妙的体态,而这将成为该品牌作为经典作品,永久性的提供之一。设计师巧妙地使用粉红色樱花大理石制成的展示台,为室内的其他细节做了补充,譬如说柜台和托盘——它们能够用最精细的角度展现出珠宝的美。
The wooden floor is oil finished to matchthe shade of the dark red ceiling. Illuminated with Molto Luce lamps, theceiling resembles a starry night sky. The lamps, small in size but very bright,provide the best conditions for jewellery exposition. The mirrors alluding tothe first KOPI’s collections inspired by the shape of a woman’s body willbecome a part of the brand’s permanent offer. The dais made of pink Sakuramarble complements other details of the interior such as the counter and thetrays, which exhibit the smallest elements of the jewellery.

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

KOPI珠宝精品店KOPI Jewellery Boutique

Noke Architects的卡罗尔解释说,“我们想用一种同以往不同的方式来展示珠宝元素——这就是我们想要创造出一条极简主义的长丝带,让它如同飘浮在窗帘前的想法。”这种低调的金属元素,其实是非常适合展示KOPI系列的项链和围巾的材质,柔软的丝绒制成的软垫首饰托盘能够与内部的波浪形状相呼应。厚重窗帘,软垫座椅和坐垫凳,则能共同营造出一种异国情调的非凡氛围,而这对于珠宝精品店而言,则是独一无二的特质。与温暖的旅行记忆相关的调色板,能够使人联想到与KOPI品牌最紧密相关的颜色。窗帘,镶木地板和墙壁的色调彼此匹配,共同打造出一种具有神奇的如同催眠梦境一般的整体外观效果——这种效果不仅可以提供给客户以独特的购物体验,同时还能使客户暂时逃离现实,完全沉浸在KOPI的梦幻世界中。
Wewanted to take a different approach to the elements of the exposition – that ishow we came up with the idea to create a long minimalist ribbon which seems tolevitate in front of the curtain – explains Karol from Noke Architects. Theunobvious metal element is perfect for presenting necklaces and neckerchiefsfrom KOPI’s collections and the upholstered jewellery trays made of soft velourcorrespond with the wavy shapes of the interior. Heavy curtains, upholsteredseats and poufs create a remarkable, exotic atmosphere that is so unique for ajewellery boutique. The colour palette associated with warm travel memoriesbrings to mind the colours that are most associated with the brand. Thematching shades of the curtains, parquet and walls create a hypnotizing totallook effect. That effect gives not only a unique shopping experience but alsolets clients escape reality for a moment and fully immerse in the world ofKOPI.

占地面积:22 sqm
项目位置:奥林德鲁4号,00-629 华沙,波兰
主创设计师:Karol Pasternak, Piotr Maciaszek
摄影支持:NateCook; Piotr Maciaszek         
设计团队:KarolPasternak, Piotr Maciaszek, MichałNiedośpiał

ProjectNameKOPIJewellery Boutique
GrossBuilt Area:22 sqm
Projectlocation:Oleandrów4,00-629 Warsaw,Poland
LeadArchitects:KarolPasternak, Piotr Maciaszek
MediaProvider Photo credits:Nate Cook; Piotr Maciaszek        
DesignTeam:KarolPasternak, Piotr Maciaszek, MichałNiedośpiał
Clients:Natalia Kopiszka

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