






Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura | Águas Claras Residence

2021-01-31 发布
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图1: 建筑外观图© Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

A house conceived as a contemplation platform, wide open to the views and to maximize sunlight, so vital in a mountain climate.

The whole house develops in one level, suspended from the ground, protected by a generous overhanging roof, accessed through a stone floor forecourt, avoiding rain water, so intense in the region, keeping the house free from moisture.

图2: 起居室© Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

The steel structure made possible spans such as 8,40m, allowing wide opening windows (up to 60% of the span), creating open spaces in dialogue with the garden and the beautiful landscape of the region.


In the same way, living room and kitchen are integrated with the wood oven contributing to the thermal functionality of the house and the big refectory table extending the pleasure of cooking and being at the table to the rest of the house.

图3: 外立面© Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

大多数房屋的地板都是从楼板本身抛光的混凝土。 以混凝土浇筑的方式进行抛光-通常用于工业和加油站,因为它具有很高的抗冲击性和耐磨性,并且表面光洁卫生。

The flooring in most of the house is polished concrete, from the slab itself. Polished in the act of concreting - usually used in industries and gas stations because of its high impact and abrasion resistance, has smooth and hygienic finish.


This option results in a huge economy of construction phases and materials, besides being an extremely perennial low cost solution.


Built through a CEF (Caixa Econômica Federal) financing program, by a couple who personally managed the construction process, hiring an architect, an engineer and a construction firm.


Optimization and feasibility where a central focus of the design, without compromising the quality of the finishings and perenniality.


The concepts of an open space, the use of materials in their natural form and integration with nature seek to inspire in the family simplicity and a functional and integrated lifestyle


Economy and optimization of construction phases:



Deploying laminated steel structure reduced finishings to painting. Deploying 40mm thermo-acoustic Masterboard panels(Brasilit) as a surface for the shingle roof- eliminated many construction services like ceillig recess, scaffolding rental, ceiling finishings, getting practically done when put in place, receiving just  a second resin layer in the internal part when put in place.

This compact 40mm solution is also very efficient against animals that usually settle in roof’s empty spaces, like ants, raccons, birds, spiders, etc.

The dining table top, measuring 3,05x1,20x0,04m,  is also made from a single board of this material that compound the roof.

The masonry finishings is a result of a thin single layer of acryilic plaster over a thick ready to use cement mass, that is sanded and sealed, creating a smooth texture but with nuances of sanding.This handmade finishing subtly echoes rustic countryside houses, contributing to the humanization of the space where there is a lot of presence of  industrial materials like concrete, alumminum, steel.The exposed concrete thick wall in the living room revealing the wood formwork, eliminates finishings, and even being a cold material, it humanizes the space with its handcrafted aspect, resembling wood.

图4: 外部空间结构© Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura


大玻璃开口朝向风景,向北和向东北方向最大化,从而增加了热舒适度,并为更健康的呼吸环境做出了贡献。 在房间中,铝制框架和6mm的普通玻璃可向视野敞开,并具有很高的成本/永久性/性能比。
瓦兰达在客厅中使屋顶形状变高,当瓦兰达门打开时,屋顶会促进热对流。 如果有必要保持温暖(经常如此),则仅需保持这些门关闭即可。

Efficient Design / Sustainability

Large glass openings, turned towards the landscape, to north and  northeast maximize direct, that contributes to thermal comfort and to a healthier environment to breathe. In the rooms, alumminum frames with 6mm common glass are wide opened to the views and have a great cost/perreniality/performance ratio.
Thermo-acoustic Masterboard panels used in the ceiling and natural crossed ventilation reduce future cost with heating or air-conditiong.
The shape of the roof gets higher in the living room, by the varanda, promoting thermal convection when the varanda doors are opened. If it is necessary to keep the warmth(frequently it is), it is just necessary to keep these doors closed.




The whole house develops in one single level, as a platform, with low thresholds and no stairs

图5 前视图 © Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

图6 后视图 © Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

图7 手绘草图 © Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

图8 设计图纸 © Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

项目名称:Águas Claras Residence
项目地址:Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,  Brazil
设计单位:Rodrigo Simão Arquitetura

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