






园冶杯参赛作品 | Bak Gordon Architects:葡萄牙格兰多拉住宅

2021-09-22 发布
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本帖最后由 史如玉 于 2021-9-23 10:24 编辑

夕阳下的住宅 House at sunset ©Francisco Nogueira


Built in the vast territory of Alentejo, the house emerges from the figure of an extensive water tank attached to a wall, facing south, as if it was a resonance box of the entire landscape. On the other side of the wall the social spaces and two fresco rooms are kept, places of transition between interior and exterior, considered as foundational for the daily life of the house. It is around the small interior patio that different private areas gravitate.

建筑鸟瞰 Aerial view ©Francisco Nogueira

从远处看住宅 View the house from a distance ©Francisco Nogueira

住宅与水池相连接的墙体 The wall connecting the house to the pool ©Francisco Nogueira

建筑南立面 South elevation ©Francisco Nogueira

建筑东立面 East elevation ©Francisco Nogueira

建筑细部 Architectural details ©Francisco Nogueira


The house is totally lined with lime mortar and insulated with cork from the outside. The shape and geometry of spaces, and the insightful openings, together with the immersion in this materiality, bring a sensorial sense which is difficult to recognize from images.

建筑入口 Entrance ©Francisco Nogueira

光线氛围 The light atmosphere ©Francisco Nogueira

从走廊看外部水池 View of external pool from hallway ©Francisco Nogueira

从水池看向餐厅 View from the pool to the dining room ©Francisco Nogueira

餐厅 The dining room ©Francisco Nogueira

会客区 Drawing room ©Francisco Nogueira

会客区一角 Corner of drawing room ©Francisco Nogueira

卧室 Bedroom ©Francisco Nogueira

天井 Patio ©Francisco Nogueira

建筑位置规划图 Site plan ©Bak Gordon Architects

总平面图 Master plan ©Bak Gordon Architects

南立面 South elevation ©Bak Gordon Architects

剖面图 Section ©Bak Gordon Architects

模型01 Model 01 ©Bak Gordon Architects

模型02 Model 02 ©Bak Gordon Architects

项目名称 Project Name: CASA AZUL
建筑类型 Category: Architecture, residential
建筑位置 Project Location: Monte dos Patos, Grândola, Portugal
占地面积 Site Area: 9 ha
建筑面积 Building Area: 375㎡
地上层数 Number of ground floors: 1
地下层数 Number of underground floors  : 1
业主单位 Client: Private        
主创建筑师 Chief Designer: Ricardo Bak Gordon
合作建筑师 Other Designer(s): (collaboration) José Pedro Cano, Maria Barreiros, Tânia Correia, Maria Passos de Almeida
承包单位 Contractor: Fernando Pedreiro - Construções Civis, Lda.
咨询顾问 Consultants: – ARA - Alves Rodrigues & Associados, Lda (Foundations and Structures); CPX Consultoria e Projectos (Electrics, Telecommunications, Security and Mechanics); Acribia - Projectos e desenho técnico, Lda (Hydraulics)  
设计周期 Design period: from  2016  to 2018
施工周期 Construction period: from 2018  to 2021
项目摄影 Photographs Credits: Francisco Nogueira

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