






园冶杯参赛作品 | 巴塞罗那蒂比达博迎宾广场 / Mias Architects

2021-10-13 发布
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蒂比达博迎宾广场 Tibidabo Welcome Square ©Gael del Rio


The Tibidabo Welcome Square is the new introduction to the core elements and philosophy of the attraction park itself. Solidarity, sustainability and education at its core, the new square opens up towards a beautiful view over the city, inviting visitors of all generations to contemplate over the panoramic view of Barcelona.

蒂比达博游乐园  Tibidabo amusement park ©Gael del Rio


This new modern, yet playful welcome square has been branded by the vertical garden mantling the welcome building itself. Hosting not only the administrative facilities, the welcome building now turns into one of Barcelona’s biggest insect Hotels turning the amusement park into an inter-species attraction. The facade makes reference to the park surrounding the Tibidabo, limiting visual pollution by blending in with the natural surroundings. The façade is a strong statement about the threats of environmental challenges faced in cities.

建筑外立面构成了一座独具特色的垂直公园 The facade of the building constitutes a unique vertical parkvertical garden ©Gael del Rio

外墙细节 Exterior wall details ©Gael del Rio

此外,MiAS Architect还设计了雏菊形的花瓣伞散布在广场上。椅子和长凳集中在一起,几何形状和颜色的组合仿若家庭氛围。这种组合也突出了乐园简单而轻快的设计。这里为未来可持续设计语言的建筑代言。

In addition to the square, MiAS Architects provided designs for Margarithe shaped parasols spread out over the square. Chairs and benches each are gathered around as if providing family portraits of geometric shapes and colors. The combination underlines the simple yet joyful design of the park. The Tibidabo turns into an architectural introduction to the sustainable design language of the future.

散布在广场的雏菊花瓣伞 Margarithe shaped parasols spread out over the square ©Gael del Rio

椅子和长凳 Chairs and benches each are gathered around ©Gael del Rio

椅子细节 Chair details ©Gael del Rio

夜景 Nignt view ©Gael del Rio


平面图 Plan ©Mias Architects

剖面 Section ©Mias Architects

项目名称 Project Name: Tibidabo Welcome Square
项目类别 Category: Urban Design / Landscape
项目位置 Project Location: Tibidabo Amusement Park, Barcelona, Spain  
建筑面积 Building Area: 950 ㎡
地上层数 Number of ground floors: 3 floors
项目业主 Client: PATSA + Barcelona Serveis Municipals SA
设计机构 Design Firm: MIAS ARCHITECTS
合作伙伴 Cooperative Partner(s): APSIS, Verdtical
主创设计 Chief Designer: Josep Miàs, Marc Subirana (Project Leader)
其他设计 Other Designer(s): Marta Cases, Maria Chiara Ziliani, Ilaria Egidi, Bernardo García
建造机构 Construction Firm: MOIX obres i serveis
设计周期 Design Period: 2017.1-2018
建设周期 Construction Period: 2018.6-2019.2

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