栖居于此/远离喧嚣不再是久远的梦 安宁恬淡融汇在颐养时光的每刹瞬间 于北纬18° 海岸 / 筑一座室外桃源 繁华似锦安宁 / 淡云流水渡此生
项目概况 相 LOCATOON 地 以得天独厚的优质自然资源,融合海滩、礁石、椰林等地域特色及丰富的生物资源,在小尺度场地中再现澎湃辽阔自然景观,打造“山海系”雅致人居环境,定义理想栖居新范式。 It enjoys unique high-quality natural resources,integrated regional characteristics such as beaches,reefs,coconut forests andrich biological resources, and reproduces the surging vast natural landscape insmall-scale sites, to create an elegant living environment of the “mountain andsea system”,and defines a new paradigm of ideal dweling.
设计思路 溯 CONCEPT 源
以灵动的弧线构成结合植物原生形态营造沉浸式景观,促发运动、社交、休憩康养、修心养性等行为,提供富有体验感、主题化、艺术感的愉悦空间。 Creating an immersive landscape space with theoriginal form of plants combined with the function of the site, so sa topromote sports, social interaction, rest, recuperation, self-cultivation andother behaviors, providing a pleasant space full of experience. theme and art.
通过模拟天然生境、打造特色游乐场景,叠加专注于全龄生活居所的人性化设施,以沉浸式颐养实现第二人生梦想的理想栖居。 By simulating natural habitats, creatingcharacteristic amusement scenes scenes, and superimposing humanized facilitiesfocused on full age living. We can realize the ideal residence of second lifedream by immersive healing.
以尽可能接近自然演替产生的生境模型营造植物空间,使植物生长相互协调促进,减少养护成本,提高感官舒适度,打造自然、质朴、生态的特色景观。 The plant space iscreated by the habiteat model prouduced by natural succession as close aspossible so that the rrowth of plants can coordinate and promote eachother.reduce the maintenance cost and improve the sensory comfort,creating anatural,simple and ecological landscape.
行进于林间,感受光影变化的惊喜 Walking throngh the forest,feeling the surpriseof the change of lingt and shadow.
顺应海南气候,强化地域特征,从功能需求出发,将生活场景与颐养花园交互渗透,动以养身,趣以养智,静以养心。 Complied with the climateof Hainan,strengthen the regional characteristics.Starting from the functional requirements.infiltratethe life scene winh the healing garden. Movement to nonrish the body. Interestto cultivate wisdom, quiet to nourish the mind.
儿童活动场,在自然美景中肆意奔跑。 Children’splayground,running wantonly in the natural beautiful scenery.
充分利用植物对于视、听、嗅、味、触觉得康养疗愈作用,营造种植方式多元,植物品种多样,颐养功能多效,空气富氧,生态环境和谐的沉浸式颐养空间。 Making fukk use ofrecuperation and healing effect of plants on vision, hearing ,semell,taste andtouch and create an immersive space with multiple planting methods,variousplant species. Muitiple functions oxygen-rich air harmonions ecologicalenvironment.
绿景环绕,感悟理栖居,美学。 Surrounded by greenscenery. Feeling the aesthetics of ideal dweling.
森林剧场 FOREST THEATER 每逢相聚了,难得相闲时
置身椰林,与自然互动。来一场相聚吧,就在此地,与一片叶、一朵花、一阵风、一掬清泉,载歌载舞,一派欣荣。 Staying in the coconutgrove,and interacting wint nature. Coming to a gathering, right here, with aleaf ,a flower, a gust of wind, a clear spring ,singing and dancing, happy andpeaceful.
驻足森林剧场,静谧中倾听虫鸣鸟叫,熹嗅花也芬芳。此刻时间似乎与我一起停留,又好似温柔羽毛,在光影推移中,把过往尘埃轻轻掸去。 Stop at the forest theater,listen to insects andbirds in silence, and sniff the fragrance of flowers and leaves, Time seens tostay with me, like a gentle feather, gently brushing away the dust of the pastin the passage of lighr and shadow.
椰岛海湾 COCONUT LSLANDBAY 微微风簇浪,散作满河星
层波潋滟,你从光影中暖暖走来。婀娜水岸,蜿蜒成优美弧线探进梦里。风把水浪推上岸边,把忧愁一卷而去,洒下满地星河…… Layer waves you come slowly from the light andshadow. Graceful water bank,winding into a beautiful are into the dream. Thewind pushed the waves to the shore, rolled the sadness away,and sprinkled thestars all ovel the groung.
观鸟平台 BIRDING GREA 欢喜亦无忧,人手且自由
密林夹道,步履行停间感受诗意流淌。听闻枝哑循序萌发,赏枝头旋飞鸟,羽翼翻飞中追忆梦的形状。 Feeling the paetry flows when marching or stoppingin the dense forest road. Hearing the sound of buds sprouting onr byone,watching the birds hovering in branches which seems like chase their dream.
回 CONCLUSION 首 雅居山海之间,乐享自然生境。 一场归心之旅即将结束,梦渐渐稀薄,梦境中的理想栖息已成现实。 “在这清浅时光里,一手烟火一手诗意,任窗外花开花落,云来云往,自是余味无尽,万版惬意”——汪曾祺