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位于埃朗根-纽伦堡大学(Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)的纽伦堡亥姆霍兹可再生能源研究所(Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy),设计团队亲切的称呼它“HI ERN”。经过三年多的建设,HI ERN于2021年3月终于完成它的全貌。
The Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), named "HI ERN" by the design team, has finally be completed in March 2021 after three years of construction.
The aim of HI ERN is to develop material- and process-based solutions for climate-neutral energy production and to link excellent research in the fields of materials, energy and process research.
新的HI ERN设计旨在建造一个紧凑功能性建筑,内部空间氛围由一个狭长的花园庭院主导,有助于空间的辨识。立面是典型的实验室建筑的横向长条形立面,并设有大量的栅格护栏。HI ERN致力于打造高技术标准、高环境质量的工作和交流空间:
The new HI ERN headquarters is grouped around a narrow but long green inner courtyard. The zoning of the building into an office and a research area is derived from this. The ribbon façade type with its massive parapets is typical of laboratory buildings. HI ERN is dedicated to creating work and communication spaces with high technical standards and best spatial quality.
Within the cube-shaped structure, an undercut on the ground floor marks the entrance area. This is followed inside the building by a foyer flooded with daylight. This reception and distribution area can be used as an exhibition area and, by connecting individual rooms or parts of the cafeteria and the inner courtyard, as a larger, multifunctional event space.
The physical and chemical laboratory areas are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Scientists’ offices are arranged in a U-shape around the landscaped inner courtyard and are directly adjacent to the laboratory areas. They are arranged in such a way which creates large-scale interconnected laboratory areas that promote interdisciplinary exchange.
The top floor houses the new ‘Helmholtz Siemens Joint Lab’ with additional work and office spaces. The technical centre is arranged above the laboratory areas and supplies them via the vertical shafts. The photovoltaic experimental area is available to visitors. An external staircase directly connected to the northeast staircase leads from the first floor to the roof, which is serves the visitors and provides direct access to the tour area, creating a separate flow from the internal experimental area.
HI ERN的景观设计独具特色,同时考虑了使用者在建筑中的室内和室外的舒适感受。狭长的花园庭院作为一个多功能活动空间,提供了特别的识别性与观赏性。围绕庭院的建筑走廊内侧全部设计为玻璃窗格,实验室和花园庭院的景观在视觉上互相渗透,为建筑提供的持续的景观可视性,帮助人们在室内确定自己的方向。于此同时,位于庭院的中心的榆树提升了HI ERN的自然触感,绿色植物有益于维持清新的空气质量与适宜的温度。
HI ERN's landscape design is unique and considers both the indoor and outdoor comfort of its users. The green courtyard provides special recognition and ornamental value as a multifunctional space. Glass panels are used for the inner corridor surrounding the courtyard. With this concept of constant visual contact with the inner courtyard, complete orientation in the building was made possible. The green courtyard with the towering elm tree illustrates the process of natural photosynthesis, also beneficial for maintaining air quality and comfortable temperature.
A technoid impression characterizes the horizontally structured aluminum façade with its tactile surface reminiscent of microscopically enlarged nanostructures. The form of the nanostructure is used as texture of metal panels, forming the rhythm of the façade. A solar protection screen prevents the sun from entering the coated sides of the façade. Its finely crafted structure symbolizes the complexity of the laboratory research conducted in the building and highlights the openness of the HI ERN as part of a complex research and scientific landscape.
总平面图 © Gerber Architekten GmbH
一层平面图 © Gerber Architekten GmbH
二层平面图 © Gerber Architekten GmbH
内庭院景观平面图 © Gerber Architekten GmbH
剖面图A-A © Gerber Architekten GmbH
剖面图B-B © Gerber Architekten GmbH
项目名称及类型:纽伦堡亥姆霍兹可再生能源研究所 Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnbergfor Renewable Energy (HI ERN)
项目位置:德国,巴伐利亚州,纽伦堡 Erlangen-Nuremberg,Bayern,Germany
项目业主:Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
设计机构:Gerber Architekten GmbH
建筑面积:6573 平方米(净面积)
用地面积:3450 平方米
建筑结构:钢筋混凝土 金属幕墙
摄影版权:Gerber Architekten
总设计师:Prof. Eckhard Gerber
项目负责人:Svea Franzke
建筑:Birthe Habdank, Dietrich Reckermann, Can Oturak
景观:Tim Kraus, Joachim Genest, Katrin Mauer, Judith Hilgers
室内负责人:Gretha Kröck
施工监理:Paul Pfeuffer
实验室规划:Carpus + Partner AG
结构设计:Wetzel & von Seht,
隔音/房间声学:Wolfgang Sorge IB für Bauphysik GmbH & Co. KG
景观设计:Gerber Architekten
室内设计:Gerber Architekten